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61. Ionising Radiation And Health - Risk Analysis Simple to understand and user-friendly introduction to basic radiation concepts and health risk assessments. http://www.abelard.org/briefings/ionising-radiation.asp | |
62. Radioactive Materials - Licensing And Inspection : Radiological Health : NYC DOH Radiological Health Radioactive Materials Licensing and Inspection. The Radioactive Materials Division is one of the jurisdictions which implement the agreement to regulate byproduct http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/radioh/radioh3.shtml |
63. MARSSIM Read or download this US government comprehensive resource on conducting radiation surveys and investigations at potentially contaminated sites. http://www.marssim.com/ | |
64. Radiological Health Science Undergraduate Major About. Radiological Health Science (RHS) is the field of study concerned with science and engineering practices that form the basis for the efficacious and safe use of radiation in http://www.healthsciences.purdue.edu/academics/undergraduate/rhs/ | |
65. Neighborhood Environmental Watch Network: Air: Environment: LANL Access radiological and meteorological data from monitoring sites in New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Alaska, and Mississippi. http://newnet.lanl.gov/ | |
66. Think Big - Texas A&M Engineering Radiological Health Engineering Radiological health engineering. Radiological health engineering encompasses many activities concerned with the use of radiation both industrial and medical applications. http://thinkbig.tamu.edu/majors/RHEN.php |
67. NRC: Radiation Protection Nuclear Regulatory Commission information on health physics topics, dose standards and emergency response. http://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/radiation.html | |
68. Radres Redirect Encourages advancement of radiation research in all areas of the natural sciences. Offers publications, membership information, jobs, funding and fellowship, newsletters, and graduate education information. http://www.radres.org/ |
69. National Council On Radiation Protection & Measurements (NCRP) - Radiation Expos NCRP is a U.S. organization that seeks to formulate and disseminate information, guidance and recommendations on radiation protection and measurements which represent the consensus of leading scientific thinking. http://www.ncrponline.org | |
70. Radiological Health Engineering/Health Physics Health Physics and Radiation Safety is that area of environmental health engineering that deals with the protection of the individual and population groups against the harmful http://www.safetyengineers.com/health_phy.htm | |
71. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) :: Safeguards The IAEA is the world s central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. Provides news and resources. http://www.iaea.org/ | |
72. American Academy Of Health Physics Home Page Provides standards of communication, ethics, work practices, and knowledge for health physicists, and provides recognition as a Certified Health Physicist (CHP). http://www.hps1.org/aahp/ | |
73. Radiological Health Radiological Health . Attention Radioactive Materials Licensee The Westchester County Department of Health requests your assistance with efforts to reduce the http://www.westchestergov.com/health/Rad.htm | |
74. RADSAFE - Home Page RADSAFE is a UK consortium of organisations that have come together to offer mutual assistance in the event of a transport accident involving radioactive materials belonging to a RADSAFE member. http://www.radsafe.org.uk | |
75. Hawaiâi State Department Of Health The Indoor and Radiological Health (IRH) Branch consists of the following programs Community Noise; Radiation Control; AirConditioning/Ventilation http://hawaii.gov/health/environmental/noise/index.html | |
76. AllmÀnhet - StrÄlsÀkerhetsmyndigheten Government authority with the task of protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation. News and information on public and worker radiation exposure. http://www.ssi.se/english/lank_symbol_Eng.html | |
77. CRPA / ACRP The CRPA is a professional society that supports the development and implementation of radiation safety programs in all areas of industry, medicine, research and the environment. http://www.crpa-acrp.ca/ |
78. San Diego State University - Radiological Health Physics - 187025 | GradSchools. Research Radiological Health Physics at College of Sciences of San Diego State University on the leading graduate school website http://www.gradschools.com/program-details/san-diego-state-university/college-of | |
79. EFOMP - European Federation Of Organisations For Medical Physics The EFOMP represents more than 5000 physicists and engineers in the field of Medical Physics. http://www.efomp.org/ |
80. The Health Physics And Radiological Health Handbook ExPoSURE AND SmELDING FROM EXTERNAL RADIATION 165 Table 6.1 Specific Gamma Ray Dose Constants for Selected Nuclides Important to Radiological Assessment and Protection (After http://www.epa.gov/rpdweb00/docs/wipp/08-0442 attach 3.pdf |
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