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81. Rocklyn Self-catering fisherman s cottage. Describes its facilities and the village and its history. http://www.rocklyn-stabbs.co.uk/ |
82. Number Four Contemporary art and craft gallery exhibiting paintings, glass, ceramics, sculpture and jewellery. Includes directions and photographs. http://www.numberfourgallery.co.uk/ |
83. Dive Stay Information about Westhaven Guest House and Wavedancer Dive Charters. Includes details of the facilities, prices and special packages. http://www.divestay.co.uk/ |
84. ABB Espa A Fabricaci n de peque o material el ctrico para equipamiento de viviendas, oficinas e industrias. http://www.abb.es/ |
85. ABB Bolivia Productos y servicios en tecnolog as electrot cnicas y de automatizaci n. http://www.abb.com.bo/ |
86. ABB Soluciones de tecnolog a e ingenier a el ctrica, investigaci n, desarrollo y suministro de productos, sistemas y plantas para la amplia gama del mercado y la protecci n del Medio Ambiente. http://www.abb.cl |
87. ABB S.p.A. Sesto S. Giovanni, MI Produce materiali per impianti elettrici civili, industriali e del terziario, automazione e controllo, domotica e strumenti da lavoro. http://www.abb.it/ |
88. Title ABB http://www.abb-jchr.com/ |
89. ABBE Corrugated Pty Ltd A manufacturer and converter of corrugated cardboard, and cardboard boxes and packaging. On-line quotes and contact details. http://www.abbe.com.au/ |
90. ABB AG Ausr ster f r Elektrotechnik und Automatisierung in der Fertigungs-, Verfahrens- und Konsumg terindustrie, bei Versorgungsunternehmen, dem l- und Gassektor sowie dem Infrastrukturbereich. Ch-8050 Z rich http://www.abb.de |
91. Sustainable Beekeeping With Warr Hives Article describing the construction, modification, and use of the hive designed by Abb Warr in the early twentieth century. Includes download of his original book, Beekeeping For All. http://mygarden.uphero.com/ModifiedAbbeWarreHive.htm |
92. ABB Robotik Deutschland Berichtet ber den Zweig f r robotergest tzte Automation. http://www.abb.de/roboter/ |
93. ABB Stotz-Kontakt GmbH Die Firma bietet Installationsger te, Verbindungstechnik, Energiez hler, Leistungsschalter, Reihenklemmen, Relais und Weichenheizungen. D-69123 Heidelberg http://www.abb.de/stotzkontakt |
94. Abb Franz Stock Gemeinsame Internetplattform der drei Franz-Stock-Komitees in Paris, Chartres und Deutschland. Informationen ber das Leben und Wirken von Abb Franz Stock. http://www.franz-stock.org/ |
95. ABB Canada Distribution control, protective relay and monitoring systems, and power transmission. http://www.abb.com/ca |
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