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21. Ptolemy's Centiloquium - Transcribed And Annotated By Deborah Houlding See 'Ahmed ibn Yusuf alMisri' by J. J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson at the University of St. Andrews website Back to text 3 In other words, for a well considered question, the http://www.skyscript.co.uk/centiloquium1.html |
22. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Biography of Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835912) Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and proportion and it was translated into Latin by Gherard of Cremona. http://sfabel.tripod.com/mathematik/database/Ahmed.html |
23. Egyptian Mathematicians Egyptian mathematicians . Ahmed ibn Yusuf alMisri ( 835 - 912) was a mathematician, like his father Yusuf ibn Ibrahim. more on Wikipedia about Ahmed ibn Yusuf http://www.shortopedia.com/E/G/Egyptian_mathematicians |
24. Campanus Biography Campanus shows that he is familiar with the work of Arab mathematicians and, in Book V, he quotes from Gherard of Cremona 's Latin translation of Ahmed ibn Yusuf 's treatise on ratio http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Campanus.html |
25. TemplateIslamic Mathematics - Wikipedia@pedia 160; AlAbbās ibn Said al-Jawharī 'Abd al-Hamīd ibn Turk Al-Kindi Hunayn ibn Ishaq Banū Mūsā Al-Mahani Ahmed ibn Yusuf 160 http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/i/s/l/Template~Islamic_mathematics_ef6d |
26. Kushyar Ibn Labban - ENotes.com Reference Abū Kāmil Shujā ibn Aslam Abu'lHasan al-Uqlidisi Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi Abu Nasr Mansur Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī Abū Sahl al-Qūhī Ahmed ibn Yusuf Al http://www.enotes.com/topic/Kushyar_ibn_Labban |
27. Al-nayrizi Ask.com Encyclopedia Shujā ibn Aslam Sind ibn Ali Abu'lHasan al-Uqlidisi Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi Abu Nasr Mansur Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī Abū Sahl al-Qūhī Ahmed ibn Yusuf http://www.ask.com/wiki/Al-Nayrizi?qsrc=3044 |
28. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Al-Misri Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835912) Ahmed ibn Yusuf was an Islamic mathematician who wrote a commentary on Euclid's Elements which influenced later European mathematicians. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Ahmed.html |
29. Apronyms Category Listing - ScienceMathematicsMathematicians AHMED IBN YUSUF ArabHatched Mathematician, Expanded Discussed Important Book. Nodoubt, Yusuf's Usual Studies Used Fractions. Angela Brett (Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and http://apronyms.com/category.php?ID=1984293 |
30. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Al-Misri Ahmed ibn Yusuf 's father Yusuf ibn Ibrahim was also a mathematician. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim lived in Baghdad but moved to Damascus in about 839. After a little while he moved again http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Printonly/Ahmed.html |
31. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf - An Arab Mathematician Famous Scientists Ahmed ibn Yusuf ibn Ibrahim ibn Tammam alsiddiq Al-Baghdadi also known as Ahmed ibn Yusuf al-misri (835 - 912) was an Arab mathematician, like his father Yusuf http://scientists.penyet.net/ahmed-ibn-yusuf-an-arab-mathematician.html |
32. Ibn Yunus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Shujā ibn Aslam Sind ibn Ali Abu'lHasan al-Uqlidisi Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi Abu Nasr Mansur Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī Abū Sahl al-Qūhī Ahmed ibn Yusuf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_Yunus |
33. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Al-Misri Biography of Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835912) Ahmed ibn Yusuf 's father Yusuf ibn Ibrahim was also a mathematician. Yusuf ibn Ibrahim lived in Baghdad but moved to Damascus in about 839. http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Mathematicians/Ahmed.html |
34. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Ahmed ibn Yusuf, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Ahmed ibn Yusuf. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ahmed-ibn-Yusuf/133543810018771 |
35. References For Ahmed Ibn Yusuf References for the biography of Ahmed ibn Yusuf D V Schrader, Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Ahmed.html |
36. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Information about Ahmed Ibn Yusuf. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf couldn't find http://english.turkcebilgi.com/Ahmed ibn Yusuf |
37. Basic Sunnah For The Blessed Ummah Hasib Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Basic Sunnah For the Blessed Ummah 'By Hasib Ahmed Ibn Yusuf Summarised and Notes Hardback 111 Pages Published by Darul Kutub Basic http://kitaabun.com/shopping3/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=51&products_ |
38. Ahmed Ibn Yusuf - Content Browser track stocks on the NYSE @ stockNALYSIS.com. produced by merkl productions, LLC 2009 http://ml.wikibrowser.net/dt/en/Ahmed ibn Yusuf |
39. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics Ahmed ibn Yusuf ibn Ibrahim ibn AlDaya Al-Misr (d. 912) Ahmed al-Misr set up some of the earliest foundations of modern mathematics and in medieval Europe he was known as http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=749 |
40. Famous Mathematicians With An A Ahmed ibn Yusuf Yasuaki Aida Howard Aiken George Airy Alec Aitken Abu alBaghdadi Giacomo Albanese Abu Allah al-Battani Adrian A. Albert Abu Arrayhan al-Biruni http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_A.htm |
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