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61. CNN How Much Did Afghan Leader Know? Assassinated Afghan opposition leader Ahmed Shah Massoud had limited knowledge of a planned attack against the United States and was warning the West of the threat, according to the Pentagon s Defense Intelligence Agency. http://cnn.com/2003/US/11/06/massoud.cable/ |
62. CNN Massoud Is Alive, Says Brother Reports conflicting stories about the death or injury of Ahmed Shah Massoud, leader of the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, and whether the suicide bombers were connected with the Taliban or with Osama bin Laden. Includes video clip. http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/09/10/afghanistan.masood/ |
63. BBC News Europe Fetes Anti-Taleban Leader Justin Webb in Strasbourg reports on Ahmed Shah Masood s meetings with key members representing all the main political groups in the European Union. The visit is a major propaganda coup for the Afghan opposition and has infuriated the ruling Taleban militia. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1261535.stm |
64. BBC News Afghan Rebel Visit Sparks French Row General Ahmed Masood s visit to France causes an angry reaction from the Taleban for encouraging the opposition, and criticism from French MPs that the visit isn t being held on a high enough level. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1258821.stm |
65. Viceland Death Of Masoud Interview with New York photojournalist Jason Florio about Ahmed Massoud, the Taliban, 9/11 and America s connections with both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Includes link to his Life in Afghanistan photos. http://www.viceland.com/issues/v8n8/htdocs/afghanistan.php |
66. TIME.com Could 9/11 Have Been Prevented? Connects the assassination of Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Shah Massoud, two days before 9/11, with an immediate Taliban offensive and the al-Qaeda attack. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,333835,00.html |
67. IWPR - Northern Alliance Faces Uncertain Future Vladimir Davlatov in Dushanbe reports on the severe blow Afghanistan s anti-Taleban forces suffered on the death of their leader. He describes Ahmed Shah Massoud s career, including the peace initiatives he led this year in Europe, backed by all EU leaders. http://www.iwpr.net/?p=rca&s=f&o=175047&apc_state=henirca2001 |
68. Telegraph Afghan Resistance Chief Hurt By Camera Bomb A source in the Afghan embassy in neighbouring Tajikistan reported that Ahmad Shah Massoud, the leader of the anti-Taliban resistance in Afghanistan, was injured when a bomb concealed in the video camera of an Arab journalist went off. From Ahmed Rashid in Lahore. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/1340131/Afghan-resist |
69. AsiaSource Interview With Ahmed Rashid By Nermeen Shaikh. Discussion of the current situation in the area, including the role of Pakistan and the impact of the US war in Afghanistan. http://www.asiasource.org/news/special_reports/rashid.cfm |
70. Association For Hospital Medical Education A national nonprofit professional organization involved in the continuum of medical education. http://www.ahme.org/ |
71. Ahmed, Sally Includes papers and essays, scripts and software, and graphics for download. http://www.sallyahmed.com/ |
72. Durgun, Ahmed Mahi Amateur composer fugues. http://home.wanadoo.nl/ahmedmahi.durgun |
73. Ben Bella, Ahmed Biographie. http://www.archipress.org/bb/ |
74. Ahmed Elman Storia del gruppo e presentazione dei suoi componenti. http://www.firenze-italia.com/ahmedelman/ |
75. Saeed, Ahmed Offers personal information, poems and clubs. http://egyptgarden.8m.com |
76. Rashid, Ahmed Pakistani journalist based in Lahore writing for magazines and academic journals. http://www.ahmedrashid.com/ |
77. Les Amis Du Cheikh Ahmed Al-Alawi R pertoire historique et scientifique sur le saint Homme le Cheikh Ahmed al-Alawi (1869 / 1934) http://al.alawi.1934.free.fr/ |
78. T Moignage Le cin aste et journaliste Christophe de Ponfilly s exprime sur Massoud dans une interview. http://ahmadshahmassoud.free.fr/massoud/temoignages_fichiers/deponfillytemoignag |
79. Wikip Dia Massoud, L Afghan Pr sentation du film documentaire r alis par Christophe de Ponfilly en 1998. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massoud,_l’Afghan |
80. Le Lion Du Panjshir, Le Commandant Massoud Site officiel de l association Les Amis du Commandant Massoud. Portrait, hommage, t moignages et album de photos. http://www.ahmadshahmassoud.fr/ |
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