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Albategnius: more detail |
1. Albategnius (crater) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia albategnius is an ancient lunar impact crater located in the central highlands. It is named after the Muslim astronomer and scientist AlBattani. The level interior forms a walled http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albategnius_(crater) |
2. Al-Marja.com Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography. (Algorithm AlBattani (albategnius) http://www.muslimtents.com/almarja/scholars.html |
3. Albategnius (9th Century A.D.) A biography of the ancient Arabian scientist albategnius or Albatani. In the ninth century begins the fertile period of Arabian science, protected and encouraged by the Khalifs of http://www.usefultrivia.com/biographies/albategnius_001.html |
4. Astro Images Heavily cratered southcentral region, craters Ptolemaeus, albategnius, Alphonsus, Arzachel, Purbach, and Regiomontanus on 4/11/00 Heavily cratered southern region http://www.nwgis.com/greg/astimage.htm |
5. Muhammad Ibn Jābir Al-Harrānī Al-Battānī - Wikipedia, The The crater albategnius on the Moon is named after him. In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Excelsiorclass starship USS Al-Batani sic NCC-42995, mentioned on Star Trek Voyager as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albategnius |
6. Greg Coley - ZoomInfo Business Information albategnius Coley, Henry JustUs Associates Coley, Hillary Casting for Recovery Coley, Holly http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Coley_Greg_46983044.aspx |
7. Albategnius - Arab Prince And Astronomer albategnius compiled new tables of the sun and moon and discovered the movement of the sun's apogee. http://historymedren.about.com/od/aentries/a/11_albategnius.htm |
8. Lunar Images albategnius An 82 mile diameter crater with a central mountain. Located next to the well known trio of Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, and Arzachel. http://edwardroach.com/Moon.html |
9. Albategnius (Al-Battani, Muhammad Ibn-Jabir) (c.858-929) An Arab prince, born in Batan, Mesopotamia, who was the leading astronomer and mathematician of his time. He drew up improved tables of the Sun and Moon, measured the http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/A/Albategnius.html |
10. Moon South of it is albategnius, with 30 mile diameter Klein within it (lowerleft). The area on the moon measures 445 x 534 miles. The angular size of this image is 6.1 x 7.4 'arc. http://reductionism.net.seanic.net/brucelgary/AstroPhotos/MOON/moon2120.html |
11. Albategnius / CelestronImages.com - Astrophotography With Optics Albatenius is easily confused with Alphonsus, farther to the west. It is flooded with lava, that have buried internal craterlets leaving only cuplike depressions and it's central http://www.celestronimages.com/details.php?image_id=3297 |
12. Chesely Bonestell The Art Of Chesley Bonestell His depiction of albategnius Crater in 1949 (p.140) almost appears to have been painted by someone who had seen photographs of the region. http://www.sfsite.com/~silverag/bonestell.html |
13. Al-Battani Biography AlBattani is sometimes known by a latinised version of his name, variants being albategnius, Albategni or Albatenius. His full name was Abu Abdallah Mohammad ibn Jabir ibn Sinan al http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Al-Battani.html |
14. ICOP Arabic Islamic Crater-Names On The Moon albategnius AlBattani 12 S 4 E 114 08 Alfraganus Al-Farghani 5 S 19 E 20 09 Alhazen Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham 16 N 72 E 32 10 Almanon Al-Ma'mun 17 S 15 E 49 11 Alpetragius http://www.icoproject.org/cra.html |
15. Albategnius / CelestronImages.com - Astrophotography With Optics CelestronImages.com is a thriving online community dedicated to the hobby of astrophotography with Celestron Telescopes and Optics. http://www.celestronimages.com/details.php?image_id=6571 |
16. Wonders Of Astronomy albategnius Endymoin Eratostenes Archimedes Hell Clavius Arzachel Petavius Burg Aristarchus Sinus Iridum Ptolemaeus Aristoteles Maskelyne Posidonius Plinius http://www.wondersofastronomy.com/Lunargallery.html |
17. Galileo's Moon Drawings Could Galileo's Bohemialike crater near the Moon's center be albategnius? If albategnius is correct, it does not appear Galileo could have observed the sunrise http://www.pacifier.com/~tpope/Moon_Page.htm |
18. Earth's Moon - Ranger 9 Earth's Moon Ranger 9. Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, and albategnius craters on the Moon Ranger 9 B-camera image from 2500 km showing Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, and albategnius craters. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/imgcat/html/object_page/ra9_b001.html |
19. Al Batani Biography Al Batani biography and related resources. AlBatani, also know as albategnius (circa 850 - 929), was an Arab prince and astronomer. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Al_Batani.html |
20. Craters- The Moon Ptolemaeus is the large (diameter=164 km ) flatfloored crater at the top. Alphonsus (diameter = 108 km) is at the lower left and albategnius crater (diameter = 114 km) is at lower http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/moon/Craters.shtml |
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