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Albategnius: more detail |
21. Albategnius (cratera) - Wikip Dia, A…Translate This PageAlbategnius Uma Antiga Texte en ligne de Henry Smith Williams (en Anglais / in English). Williams Perhaps the greatest of the Arabian astronomers was Mohammed ben Jabir albategnius, or Elbatani http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albategnius_(cratera) |
22. Al-Battani - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia…Translate This PageSu Nombre Se Latini Brugg (ch), 27.01.96 / 1758 (UT) Exposure Time 1 sec Focal Length 14000 mm Source di31 Film Type Kodak Gold 200 ASA Device Meade LX200/10 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Battani |
23. Albategnius (krater Księżycowy) –…Translate This PageAlbategnius To Krater Astronomy Arabian astronomer albategnius (Abu'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Jabir Al-Battani) b. Haran (Turkey), 858, d. Samarra (Iraq), 929 refines Ptolemy's work by making more http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albategnius_(krater_księżycowy) |
24. Chesley Bonestell Trip To The Moon 1946. Φrbit Circling the Moon, the rocket passes 200 miles above the crater albategnius. Seen from the earth, albategnius is in the center of the moon's visible disk. http://mobile.orbit.zkm.de/?q=node/93 |
25. Battani Alternate name. albategnius Albatenius Born Harran, (Turkey), before 858. Died near Samarra, (Iraq), 929 http://islamsci.mcgill.ca/RASI/BEA/Battani_BEA.htm |
26. Ptolemy's Neighborhood albategnius and Laser Beams. albategnius is of note for another bit of history. It was here that two MIT researchers in 1962 became the very first to successfully fire a laser beam http://www.cityastronomy.com/ptolemy-article.htm |
27. Translations Of Famous Scientific Books Written During 750-1500 C.E. AlBattani (albategnius) De Scienta Stellarum - De Numeris Stellarum et motibus (12th cent.), Al-Zij (Rome, 1899). Al-Farghani (Al-Fraganus) Scientia Stellarum, Jawami The Elements http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/latintr1.html |
28. Astronomie Arabe Al-Battani (Albategnius)…Translate This PageAstronomie Arabe (There is currently no text in this page) Articles in category AABA There are 0 articles in this category. http://lacitoyennete.com/perso/sciences/albattanialbategnius.php |
29. 1911 Encyclop Dia Britannica/Albatross - Wikisource ←albategnius 1911 Encyclop dia Britannica Albatross Albay → ALBATROSS (from the Port. Alcatraz, a pelican), the name of a genus of aquatic birds http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclopædia_Britannica/Albatross |
30. Lunar albategnius 22 August 2008 2h35 mn UT - Grand Colombier. Celestron 14 (extender QX1.6 Takahashi) Skynyx 2.1M video camera - exposure time 20 ms http://astrosurf.com/viladrich/astro/moon/closeup/closeup.html |
31. Afocal CCD Images Through A Galilean Telescope Only a small area, centered on the deeply shadowed crater albategnius, is visible. Among Galileo scholars, albategnius seems to be the favorite candidate for the crater that http://www.pacifier.com/~tpope/index.htm |
32. Muslim Scientists And Islamic Civilization AlBattani (albategnius) Astronomy, mathematics, Trigonometry. 858 - 929 Al-Farghani (Al-Fraganus) Astronomy, Civil Engineering. C. 860 Al-Razi (Rhazes) http://www.cyberistan.org/islamic/index.htm |
33. Al-Battani Summary AlBattani (about 868-929) Al-Battani or albategnius was an Islamic astronomer and mathematician. He made important accurate measurements of the stars, moon and planets. http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Battani.html |
34. Who Was Abu Abdullah Al-Battani? Mathematics Question Who Was Abu Abdullah AlBattani? Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Jabar Ibn Sinan Al-Battani, known in the West as albategnius, was born at or near Battan, which http://www.blurtit.com/q921178.html |
35. The Moon - Lunar Images By Philipp Salzgeber hipparchus_delambre.jpg Craters Hipparchus, albategnius, Delambre and Abulfeda hipparchus.jpg Craters Hipparchus and albategnius http://www.salzgeber.at/astro/moon/index.html |
36. THE FIRMAMENT Moon - Craters, Mountains, Mares, Rilles Ptolemaeus Alphonsus - Arzachel - albategnius - Catena Davy. February 15, 2008 1950 UT. Imaging LX200, 10 inch, f/10 focal length 2500 mm, Trust WB-5400 Megapixel webcam http://www.thefirmament.nl/images/moon/moon_details/moon_details.html |
37. Albedo Define Albedo At Dictionary.com albategnius –noun, pluraldos. 1. Astronomy. the ratio of the light reflected by a planet or http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/albedo |
38. Dibujo Del Cr Ter Hipparchus Y Albategnius…Translate This PagePara Hacer Este I was inspired to do the animation partly by the great animation fest just experienced, and partly because the Virtual Moon Atlas showed the terminator between craters albategnius http://observandoeluniverso.blogspot.com/2009/06/dibujo-del-crater-hipparchus-y. |
39. Table Of Lunar Features albategnius. Central. Alphonsus. Central. Aristarchus. West ` Archimedes. In Rains. Aristoteles. Eyebrow. Atlas. With Hercules. Clavius. South Pole. Cleomedes. Crisises. Copernicus http://www.mariannedyson.com/lunarfeaturestable.htm |
40. Visual Back 1.25 (item 93653-A) / Optical Accessories Celestron Telescopes Manufactures Celestron Telescopes, telescope accessories, optics, computerized telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes and microscopes for serious and amateur http://www.celestron.com/c3/product.php?ProdID=313 |
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