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21. Aleksandrov, Anatol Nikolaevich - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Petrovich Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Vasilevich Aleksandrov, Anatol Nikolaevich http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Aleksandrov, Anatol Nikolaevich |
22. Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Pavlovich Manned (piloted) astronautics. Figures and facts. Ord. num. Startup spacecraft Date and time of launch (UT) Status while launch Spacecraft http://space.kursknet.ru/cosmos/english/peoples/alexan_r.sht |
23. POBEDITELI — Soldiers Of The Great War Russia / Volga District A Surviving veterans in Bashkiria, listed by surname Aleksandrov Aleksandr Savel'evich, b. 09.03.1927 http://english.pobediteli.ru/russia/povolzhye/bashkortostan/a/ala-alm/index.html |
24. Aleksandropol - Definition Of Aleksandropol By The Free Online Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Petrovich Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Vasilevich Aleksandrov, Anatol Nikolaevich http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Aleksandropol |
25. Grigori Aleksandrov - Pipl Profiles Grigori Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Antonov, Mikhail Gomorov, Dvd, Strike, Maksim Shtraukh http://pipl.com/directory/tags/Grigori%20Aleksandrov |
26. Differential Geometry From Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia Of Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia of Scientific Books see also Differential Geometry, Geometry. Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich and Zalgaller, Viktor A. Intrinsic Geometry of http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/DifferentialGeometry.html |
27. Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Panayotov Manned (piloted) astronautics. Figures and facts. Ord. num. Startup spacecraft Date and time of launch (UT) Status while launch Spacecraft http://space.kursknet.ru/cosmos/english/peoples/alexan_b.sht |
28. Aleksandrov Aleksandr Pavlovich Space Flights; No. Launch Spacehip. Start Date Time. Landing Spacehip. Landing Date Time. Flight Hours. Total Hours in Space. 1. SoyuzT 9 . 09h.12m. 27.06.1983 http://www.sadcom.com/pins/space/people/alexan_r.htm |
29. World War 2 Awards.com - ALEKSANDROV, Aleksandr Petrovich World War Two Awards description Aleksandrov Aleksandr Petrovich http://www.ww2awards.com/person/41172 |
30. Scores2010.crossfit.com CrossFit.com . WOD, videos more. Affiliates . Affiliate gym listing, support news Athlete Profile Aleksandrov, Aleksandr http://scores2010.crossfit.com/scoring/athlete/aleksandr-aleksandrov,3515/ |
31. Aleksandrov, Aleksandr V. Aleksandrov, Aleksandr V. http://www.naxoslicensing.com/performer/116691/ |
32. Aleksandrov A.D. Biography of Aleksandr Aleksandrov (1912) Alexandr Danilovich Alexandrov (Aleksandrov) Born 4 Aug. 1912 in Volyn, Ryazan, Russia http://www.mathsoc.spb.ru/pantheon/aleksand/ |
33. Mir EP-2 Mir EP2 manned space flight mission Crew Aleksandrov Aleksandr, Savinykh, Solovyov. First successful space station flight of Bulgarian cosmonaut. http://www.astronautix.com/flights/mirep2.htm |
34. Aleksandr Pavlovich Aleksandrov Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Pavlovich Aleksandrov Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Canadian Gateway, Business Guides, Entertainment, Travel. Listing and reviews of Canadian Web sites. http://www.masterliness.com/a/Aleksandr.Pavlovich.Aleksandrov.htm |
35. World Rowing - Official Website //.. Class Boat Race Position Final time view detail http://www.rowingone.com/n_bio_rower.fwx?no_id=23400 |
36. Soyuz TM-3 Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Mir was a Soviet and later Russian space station. It was the world's first consistently inhabited longterm research station in space, and the first of the third generation type http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Soyuz_TM-3 |
37. Strike (Stachka) — Infoplease.com Starring Grigori Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Antonov, Yudif Glizer, Mikhail Gomorov, I. Ivanov http://www.infoplease.com/movies/strike-stachka/11793 |
38. Powertabs.net - Your Friendly Guitar, Bass, And Other Instrument Download powertabs.net tabs legally for free from the Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Tablature Filters http://www.powertabs.net/artist.php?param=pattern,3992,100;page,0 |
39. Soyuz-T 9 (Aleksandrov Aleksandr Pavlovich) Mission highlights 4 -7 . http://www.sadcom.com/pins/space/machines/st9.htm |
40. Chronology Of Manned Space Flight 1981-1989 Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Pav. Mission to Salyut 7; crew spent 149 days in space Challenger (STS8) Aug 30, 1983 Truly, Richard H. Brandenstein, Daniel C. http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/CosmosNotes/manchr2.htm |
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