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21. References For Apastamba References for the biography of apastamba Books G G Joseph, The crest of the peacock (London, 1991). Articles R P Kulkarni, The value of π known to Sulbasutrakaras http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Apastamba.html |
22. The Hindu Book Review Ritual Text Of The Vedic Tradition Besides apastamba, Bharadvaja and SatyashadhaHiranyakesin also wrote Srautasutras. The two volumes under review provide the full text of apastamba Srauta sutra with a good http://www.hindu.com/br/2005/03/22/stories/2005032200241700.htm |
23. The Dharmasutras The Law Codes Of Apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana The Dharmasutras The Law Codes of apastamba, Gautama, Baudhayana, and Vasistha Book by Patrick Olivelle, Patrick Olivelle; 1999. Read The Dharmasutras The Law Codes of http://www.questia.com/read/88231873?title=Bibliography |
24. Br Ahman A Passages In Br ahman. a passages in apastamba Srautas utra Makoto Fushimi From the beginning of modern vedic studies, it has been important to study vedic texts in their http://www.ejvs.laurasianacademy.com/ejvs0401/ejvs0401article.pdf |
25. Sutra Some of the important Grihyasutras are the apastamba Grihyasutra, the Baudhayana Grihyasutra, the Ashvalayana Grihyasutra, the Sankhayana Grihyasutra, and the Gobhila http://www.gurjari.net/ico/Mystica/html/sutra.htm |
26. The Dharma Sutras Apastamba Prasna I, Patala 9, Khanda 27 The Dharma Sutras , author of apastamba Prasna I, Patala 9, Khanda 27 http://bahairesearch.com/English/Hindu/The_Dharma_Sutras/Apastamba_Prasna_I,_Pat |
27. Vedic Maths Forum India Blog Great Indian Mathematicians 2 Apastamba Learn how to do Math Calculations with the World's Fastest Mental Math System,Learn High Speed Vedic Maths.Videos,Slide Shows Articles,News on Vedic Maths. http://vedicmathsindia.blogspot.com/2006/10/great-indian-mathematicians-apastamb |
28. TITUS Texts Black Yajur-Veda Apastamba-Sulba-Sutra Frame TITUS Texts Black YajurVeda apastamba-Sulba-Sutra Frame Index http://titus.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/etcs/ind/aind/ved/yvs/apsbs/apsbs.htm |
29. [Samhitas] Original Text With A Literal English Translation Gautama samhita.apastamba samhita.Vasishtha samhita Ebook and Texts Archive Canadian Libraries Samhitas original text with a literal English translation http://www.archive.org/details/samhitasoriginal00duttuoft |
30. TripAtlas.com - About Apastamba apastamba (fl. ca. 5th century BCE), was an Indian priest/scholar associated with Krishna (black) Yajur Veda (the others being Baudhayana, Vaikhanasa, Satyasadha, Bharadhvaja http://tripatlas.com/Apastamba |
31. Dharmasutra Parallels, Containing The Dharmasutras Of Apastamba Dharmasutra Parallels by Olivelle, Patrick at Wisdom Books Synopsis The Dharmasutras are the four surviving works of the ancient Indian tradition on the subject of dharma http://www.wisdom-books.com/ProductDetail.asp?PID=18381 |
32. Dharma Sutra dharma sutra . the sacred laws of the aryas as taught in the schools of apastamba, guatama, vasishtha, and baudhayana . translated by georg buler. http://krishnascience.com/Vaisnava Library/Devotion - shastras/Dharma sutras/Dha |
33. Famous Mathematicians With An A apastamba Petrus Apianus Apollonius Paul Appell Fran ois Arago Louis Arbogast John Arbuthnot Archimedes Archytas Jean Argand Aristarchus Aristotle http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_A.htm |
34. VI Indian Mathematics The work of apastamba (around 600 B. C. E. ) contains the approximation to! 2which is given by 1 + 1/3 + 1/12 + 1/ ( (12) (34) ) = 1.4142156, which is correct to 5 decimal places. http://www.math.neu.edu/~gilmore/U201sp08files/India.pdf |
35. Telugu Brahmins - Telugupedia Download Telugu Calendar 2010, Ugadi The Smarta Brahmins follow apastamba Smriti or apastamba Sutra not the Manusmriti. apastamba was one of the earliest lawmakers of south India who lived on the banks of the River http://www.telugupedia.com/wiki/index.php?title=Telugu_Brahmins |
36. Antiquity Of Tantricism The apastamba Grhya Sutra (ix. 58, 9) in explaining the application of these hymns has also made this quite clear. Another hymn (Rg. http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-ENG/chak.htm |
37. A;pStMbIy' ≈*tsU]m ( apastamba Shrauta Sutra.qxd. a;pStMbIy' ≈*tsUm (≈Ig, ex;y nm aq;to dxRpU, Rm;s* Vy;y;Sy;m 1 p;tr… ho http://is1.mum.edu/vedicreserve/kalpa/shrauta/apastamba_shrauta_sutra.pdf |
38. The Thirty Greatest Mathematicians (But apastamba proved it in India at about the same time, and some historians believe Pythagoras journeyed to India and learned of the proof there.) http://james.fabpedigree.com/mathmen.htm |
39. THE POWER OF PRIDE the Dharmasutra of apastamba 1.13.4 Our founders were intellectuals who drew moral and political lessons from Greek and Roman philosophy. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/ngier/Pride.htm |
40. Is1.mum.edu The sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the school of apastamba, Gautama, V sishtha, and Baudh yana. pt. I. apastamba and Gautama. (The Dharma Sutras). http://is1.mum.edu/vedicreserve/smriti/smriti_complete.pdf |
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