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Bachet Claude: more detail | |||||||
1. Bachet, Claude-Gaspar (1581-1638) From Eric Weisstein's World French mathematician who was one of the pioneers of Recreational Mathematics. His book on the subject, the first edition of which was issues in 1612, was the first of its kind. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Bachet.html |
2. Winner 5 Stuff White People Like Bachet, ClaudeGaspar, de Meziriac 1581-1638 Mersenne, Marin 1588-1648 Girard, Albert c.1590-c.1633 Desargues, Girard 1591-1661 Descartes, Rene 1596-1650 http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/06/25/winner-5/?cp=9 |
3. The Galileo Project Bachet de Meziriac, ClaudeGaspar 1. Dates Born Bourg-en-Bresse, 9 Oct.1581 Died Bourg-en-Bresse, 26 Feb. 1638 Dateinfo Dates Certain http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/bachet.html |
4. AATS Wednesday Morning, May 13, 1981 JEAN E. BACHET*, CLAUDE LAURIAN*, OLIVIER BICAL*, BERTRAND GOUDOT* and. DANIEL GUILMET*, Suresnes, France. Sponsored by Charles DuBost, Paris, France http://www.aats.org/annualmeeting/Program-Books/1981/Wednesday-Morning.html |
5. Bachet Claude - France - Email, Adresse,…Translate This PageTout Ce Que Vous D Bachet. Claude Gaspard Bachet de M ziriac was born at Bourg in 1581, and died in 1638. He wrote the Probl mes plaisants, of which the first edition was issued in 1612, a second and http://www.123people.fr/s/bachet claude |
6. JCall BACHET CLAUDE Retrait FONDETTES France 22 April BACZYNSKY Mich le artiste Bruxelles Belgique 4 May Baczynsky Alain Artiste JerusalemParis Israel Il tait temps.On se sent bien seul en Isra l http://www.jcall.eu/?lettre=B |
7. Famous Mathematicians. Simon 15481620 Napier, John 1550-1617 Cataldi, Pietro Antonio 1552-1626 Briggs, Henry 1561-1630 Kepler, Johannes 1571-1630 Oughtred, William c.1574-1660 Bachet, Claude http://home.egge.net/~savory/maths6.htm |
8. Index B Bachet, Claude. Bachini. Bachmann, Paul. Backhouse's constant. B cklund, J ns Oskar. B cklund Transformations * Backus, John. Backus effect. Bacon, Francis http://www.scientific-web.com/Index/IndexB.html |
9. Buy.com - Select Fables Of ESOP And Other Fabulists Aesop Find, shop, and buy computers, laptops, books, dvd, videos, games, video games, music, sporting goods, software, electronics, digital cameras, camcorders, toys, luggage, and dvd http://www.buy.com/prod/select-fables-of-esop-and-other-fabulists/q/loc/106/2144 |
10. Watch New Movies With Olga Bisera Paul Bachet http://www.watchthisfree.com/actors/olga-bisera-610399/ |
11. Ozanam, Jacques (1640-1717) Based on earlier works by Claude Bachet, Claude Mydorge, Leurechon, and Schwenter, it was later revised and enlarged by Jean Montucla, then translated into English by Charles http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/O/Ozanam.html |
12. Claude-Gaspard Bachet De M Ziriac -…Translate This PageBiographie Œuvres Note Aybar, S. II42 Ayber, Nihat I-56-57, II-63-64 Ayd›nlar Dilek esi III-59 Aylan, Deniz I-37 ayr›k k me I-19 ayr›t ( izgede) III-11 Aytuna, Ayd›n I-39 Babil III-74, IV-73 Bachet, Claude http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude-Gaspard_Bachet_de_Méziriac |
13. List Of Famous Mathematicians Bachet, ClaudeGaspar, de Meziriac Mersenne, Marin Ptolemy Nicomachus of Gerasa Theon of Smyrna Diophantus I Pappus Iamblichus Girard, Albert Desargues, Girard http://mathfail.com/2009/10/list-of-famous-mathematicians.html |
14. Www.math.harvard.edu Bachet Bachet Claude (15811638) +- Bachmann +- Bachmann http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.txt |
15. Select Fables Of Esop And Other Fabulists @ U.Va. Library Related Name(s) Dodsley, Robert, 17031764. Aesop; Bachet, Claude-Gaspard, 1581-1638. http://blacklight.betech.virginia.edu/catalog/u60620 |
16. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive Bachet, Claude; Barozzi, Francesco; Barrow, Isaac; Bartholin, Erasmus; Beaugrand, Jean; Benedetti, Giovanni; Bernoulli, Jacob; Bernoulli, Johann; Billy, Jacques de http://www.gap-system.org/~history/External/Westfall_list.html |
17. B Index Bachet, Claude (1203*) Bachmann, Friedrich (1214*) Bachmann, Paul (386*) Backus, John (542*) Bacon, Roger (2356*) Baer, Reinhold (596*) Baghdadi, Abu al (947) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/B.html |
18. Some Contemporaries Of Descartes, Fermat, Pascal And Huygens Bachet. Claude Gaspard Bachet de M ziriac was born at Bourg in 1581, and died in 1638. He wrote the Probl mes plaisants, of which the first edition was http://www.meta-religion.com/Mathematics/Biography/contemporaries_of_descartes.h |
19. Claude G Bachet De Meziriac, French Mathematician/theologist October 9, 1581 in History Born Claude G Bachet de Meziriac, French mathematician/theologist Related Topics Bachet Claude French mathematician Meziriac http://www.brainyhistory.com/events/1581/october_9_1581_35082.html |
20. Renaissance - Historical Studies, History, Medieval History You can search the whole archive in several ways or can click on a name below. Angeli, Stephano Arbuthnot, John Arnauld, Antoine Bachet, Claude Barozzi, Francesco Barrow http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_476.html |
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