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21. Renaissance - Education Resource - StudySphere Angeli, Stephano Arbuthnot, John Arnauld, Antoine Bachet, Claude Barozzi, Francesco Barrow, Isaac Bartholin, Erasmus Beaugrand, Jean Benedetti, Giovanni Bernoulli, Jacob Bernoulli http://www.studysphere.com/education/Medieval-History-Renaissance-476.html |
22. Recreational Mathematics From Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia Of Bachet, Claude Gaspar. Probl mes plaisans et d lectables, 2nd ed. 1624. Bakst, Aaron. Mathematical Puzzles and Pastimes. New York Van Nostrand, 1954. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/RecreationalMathematics.html |
23. Early Printed Books - Digitized Materials (Rare Book And Special Bachet, ClaudeGaspard, 1581-1638. Problemes Plaisans et Delectables, qui se Font par les Nombres Parties Recueillis de Diuers Autheurs, Iuentez de Nouueau auec leur http://www.loc.gov/rr/rarebook/digitalcoll/digitalcoll-earlybooks.html |
24. Staff IRAM Institut De Radioastronomie Millim Trique PALARIC Laurent 047682 4909 palaric@iram.fr SIMONE Jeannine 047682 4905 simone@iram.fr VIANEYBACHET Claude 047682 4963 vianey@iram.fr http://iram-institute.org/EN/staff.php?ContentID=21&rub=1&srub=13&ss |
25. Claude G Bachet De Meziriac, French Mathematician/poet, Dies At 56 Claude G Bachet de Meziriac, French mathematician/poet, dies at 56 Related Topics Bachet Claude French mathematician Meziriac poet Related Year 1638 http://www.brainyhistory.com/events/1638/february_28_1638_36808.html |
26. Claude Bachet A selection of articles related to Claude Bachet Claude Bachet Encyclopedia 1581. 1581 - Events. January 16 - English Parliament outlaws Roman Catholicism April 4 http://www.experiencefestival.com/claude_bachet |
27. The Book Collector - Alphabetical Index To Volume 2 (1953) Bachet, ClaudeGaspar 206 Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University 171 Baring, Maurice 242, Pl., 246 Barrois, Pierre-Theophile 222-3 q Baskerville, John http://www.thebookcollector.co.uk/annualindices/bcindex1953.html |
28. Teacher Resources On Line 287 212 B.C. ARCHYTAS of Tarentum 428 - 350 B.C. ARGAND Jean Robert 1768 - 1822 ARISTOTLE 384 - 322 B.C. ARYABHATA c.475 - c.550 BABBAGE Charles 1792 - 1871 BACHET Claude Gaspar http://www.cleavebooks.co.uk/trol/trolff.pdf |
29. Staff IRAM Grenoble 047682 4910 PALARIC Laurent 047682 4909 SIMONE Jeannine 047682 4905 VIANEYBACHET Claude 047682 4963 VIANEY-LIAUD Claude 047682 4963 http://iram.fr/IRAMFR/staff_fr.htm |
30. Holdings Commentaires Sur Les Epistres D'Ovide, Bachet, Claude Gaspard, sieur de Méziriac, 15811638. Format Books/Pamphlets Language French Published A La Haye, Chez Henri du Sauzet. http://yufind.library.yale.edu/yufind/Record/5615714 |
31. MathDL Portrait Gallery Bachet, Claude (1581 1638) Banach, Stefan (1892 - 1945) Barrow, Isaac (1630 - 1677)* Bede the Venerable (c. 673-735) Behnke Heinrich (1898 - 1979) http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/46/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=1371& |
32. Fractals, Carl Sagan, Greg Egan, Stephen Baxter, Timothy Leary Arrhenius, Svante (18591927) Asclepius (ca. 1200 BC) Astbury, William (1898-1961) Avicenna (980-1037) Avogadro, Amedeo (1776-1856) Baade, Walter (1893-1960) Bachet, Claude http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/launcher.html |
33. [MATHEMATICIANS]Authors Oliver Knill 2000 Literature Started Burgi BurgiB urgi Joost (15521632) Babbage BabbageBabbage Charles (1791-1871) Bachet BachetBachet Claude (1581-1638) Bachmann BachmannBachmann Paul (1837-1920) Backus Backus http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.pdf |
34. Recherche Bachet Claude Translate This Page1 2010 Escapades Arithm Tiques. 2 200 Bachet, ClaudeGaspard, 170 Bacon, Francis, 4, 20, 250, 253, 254, 352 (n44) Bailly, Jean Sylvain, 145 Balzac, J. L. Guez de, 57 Beeckman, Isaac, 56, 58 http://publimath.irem.univ-mrs.fr/publimath.php?r=Bachet Claude |
35. Paul Bachet - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Christa, folle de son sexe (1980) With Jane Rome, Paul Bachet, Claude Rio. Directed by Michel Berkowitch. imdb.com http://www.123people.com/s/paul bachet |
36. Loci Convergence Portrait Gallery Bachet, Claude (1581 1638) Bacon, Roger (1214 – 1292) Baker, Henry (1866 – 1956) Banach, Stefan (1892 - 1945) Barrow, Isaac (1630 - 1677)* http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/46/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=2437& |
37. OnTab Online Tabel 51 Bachet, ClaudeCasper, de Mezirac 1581 - 1638 Mersenne, Marin 1588 - 1648 Girard, Albert ca. 1590 - ca. 1633 http://www.ontab.nl/tabel51.html |
38. Cambridge University Press 0521850142 - Elementary Number Theory Emil, 210,218 conjecture, 218 Aryabhata, 12,22,42,77,283 Asadulla, Syed, 146 asymptotically equivalent, 117 Avicenna, 171 Ay rton, Hertha, 192193 Babbage, Charles, 242 Bachet, Claude http://assets.cambridge.org/97805218/50148/index/9780521850148_index.pdf |
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