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Bohl Piers: more detail |
1. Biographies Of Piers Bohl Biographies of Bohl Piers and more Bohl Piers biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/341-Bohl_Piers.html |
2. Bohl, Piers Definition Of Bohl, Piers In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Bohl, Piers Georgievich . Born Oct. 11 (23), 1865, in Valka; died Dec. 25, 1921, in Riga. Latvian mathematician. Bohl’s master’s dissertation (1893) laid the foundation for http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Bohl, Piers |
3. Binnig, Gerd (*1947) 1982 P Biondo, Flavio (1392-1463) 1451 G Biot 1954 P , 1955 P , 1957 P , 1964 P Bogomolny, E. B. 1975 M Boguslawski, Georg Heinrichvon (18271884) 1884G Boguslawski, Palon Heinrich Ludwig von (1789-1851) 1839 A Bohl, Piers (1865 http://www.harri-deutsch.de/verlag/titel/schlote/k05_1610.pdf |
4. Bohl, Piers Definition Of Bohl, Piers HighBeam.com Online Find out what Bohl, Piers means Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography has the definition of Bohl, Piers. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-2830900502.html |
5. Minerva. Datario Biografico Di Scienziati, Tecnici, Studiosi Bohl, Piers (18651921) Bohlin, Karl P. T. (1860-1939) Bohlmann, Georg (1869-1928) Bohm, David Joseph (1917-1992) B hm, Johann (1895-1952) B hm, Johannes (c. 1485-1535) http://www.minerva.unito.it/Clio/Dat/B.htm |
6. Bohl, Piers Georgievich Definition Of Bohl, Piers Georgievich In Bohl, Piers Georgievich . Born Oct. 11 (23), 1865, in Valka; died Dec. 25, 1921, in Riga. Latvian mathematician. Bohl’s master’s dissertation (1893) laid the foundation for http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Bohl, Piers Georgievich |
7. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of BO Bohl, Piers Tartu University 1893 Bohle, Christoph Technische Universit t Berlin 2003 B hlen, Boris RheinischWestf lische Technische Hochschule Aachen http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/letter.php?letter=BO&fShow=1 |
8. Piers Bohl - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Piers Bohl (October 23, 1865 – December 25, 1921) was a Latvian mathematician, who worked in differential equations, topology and quasiperiodic functions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Bohl |
9. Full Alphabetical Index Bohl, Piers (442) Bohr, Harald (616*) Bohr, Niels (680*) BoisReymond, Paul du (137*) Boislaurent, Budan de (171) Boltzmann, Ludwig (1135*) Bolyai, Farkas (160*) http://freecomputerbooks.com/boat/mathematicians.html |
10. Bohl Summary Piers Bohl (18651921) JOC/EFR February 1997. The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Bohl.html http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Bohl.html |
11. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'Bohl, Piers' 'Bohr, Harald' 'Bohr, Niels' 'BoisReymond, Paul du' 'Boislaurent, Budan de' 'Boltzmann, Ludwig' 'Bolyai, Farkas' 'Bolyai, J nos' 'Bolza, Oskar' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
12. List Of Mathematicians (B) - Wikipedia@pedia Bohl, Piers (Latvia, ? ) von Bohnenberger, Johann Gottlieb Friedrich (Germany, 1765 - 1831) Bohr, Harald (Denmark, 1887 - 1951) du Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav (Germany, 1831 - 1889 http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/l/i/s/List_of_mathematicians_(B)_06d1.h |
13. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Piers Bohl Dissertation ber die Darstellung von Funktionen einer Variabeln durch trigonometrische Reihen mit mehreren einer Variabeln proportionalen Argumenten http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=46085 |
14. Piers Bohl – WikipediaTranslate This PageLeben Und Wirken Schriften Literatur Bohl, Piers (18651921) (GER p ritolu l ti matemaatik) Bohr, Aage (1922-) (DEN f sik) Bohr, Harald August (1887-1951) (DEN matemaatik) Bohr, Niels Henrik David (1885-1962) (DEN http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Bohl |
15. Bohl Biography Biography of Piers Bohl (BB^Y1921) Born 23 Oct 1865 in Walka, Livonia (now Valka, Latvia) Died 25 Dec 1921 in Riga, Latvia http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Bohl.html |
16. BOHIC - What Does BOHIC Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By B hl de Faber, Cecilia Bohl, Piers Bohl, Piers Georgievich B hlen Lan Bohlen, Charles ‘Chip’ Bohlen, Charles E. Bohlen, Charles Eustis http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/BOHIC |
17. Bohl - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Bohl is a surname and may refer to Craig Bohl; Otto Bohl; Piers Bohl; Steffen Bohl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohl |
18. Piers Bengough - Pipl Profile Piers Bohl. Piers Brendon. Piers Butler encyclopedia.farlex.com Topgear loans for firms hit by Rover for Col Sir Piers Bengough, a former High Sheriff of Worcestershire http://pipl.com/directory/people/Piers/Bengough |
19. Bohlen, Charles ‘Chip’ - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Bohl, Piers Bohl, Piers Georgievich B hlen Lan Bohlen, Charles ‘Chip’ Bohlen, Charles E. Bohlen, Charles Eustis B hler Schmiedetechnik GmbH KG http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Bohlen, Charles ‘Chip’ |
20. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Bohl, Piers Bohr, Harald Bolyai, Farkas Bolyai, J nos Bolza, Oskar Bolzano, Bernard Bombelli, Rafael Bonnet, PierreOssian Boole, George Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html |
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