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41. JUNIOR MATHEMATICAL CONFERENCE Bolyai Farkas Theoretical High school Transilvania Economic College 10.00 Opening . Welcome addresses Officials mayor of the city, dr. Dorin Florea http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/uni/dept/gepesz/matematika/junior/doc/program.htm |
42. Biografie Bolyai Farkas Cultura In Mures Biografie Bolyai Farkas. Bolyai Farkas. Personalitati culturale din judetul Mures http://cultura.inmures.ro/biografie-bolyai-farkas.html |
43. Panoramio - Photo Of Bolyai Farkas Elm Leti L Ceum Photosharing community. Discover the world through photos. http://www.panoramio.com/photo/1979779 |
44. Bolyai, Wolfgang - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Bolyai Bolyai, (Farkas) Wolfgang (1775–1856) Bolyai was born in Nagyszeben, Hungary (now Sibiu, Romania), and studied http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Bolyai, Wolfgang |
45. Bolyai, Farkas (Hung. Math. And Writ.) Bolyai, Farkas (Hung. math. and writ.) contribution to nonEuclidean geometry ; influence on Janos Bolyai http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/index/index_bo_lya.html |
46. Bolyai.ro Bolyai Farkas Elm Leti L Ceum - Nyit Lap school, bolyai, farkas, elm leti, l ceum, iskola, erd ly, marosv s rhely http://dawhois.com/site/bolyai.ro.html |
47. Barna Szabo - LinkedIn Education Bolyai Farkas http://www.linkedin.com/pub/barna-szabo/5/202/651 |
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