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1. Janos Bolyai Biography Janos Bolyai biography and related resources. Janos Bolyai (December 15, 1802–January 27, 1860) was a Hungarian mathematician. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Bolyai_Janos.html |
2. J Nos Bolyai - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Bolyai, Janos Alternative names Short description Date of birth December 15, 1802 Place of birth Kolozsv r, Transylvania, Habsburg Empire Date of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/János_Bolyai |
3. Bolyai, J Nos (1802-1860) Bolyai, J nos (18021860) Bolyai, J nos (1802-1860) Mathematician, born in Cluj, Romania. After attempting to prove Euclid 's parallel postulate, he realized that it was http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~rob/Bolyai.html |
4. Bolyai, Janos Biograf a del matem tico h ngaro. http://almez.pntic.mec.es/~agos0000/Bolyai.html |
5. Bolyai, Janos - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Bolyai, Janos Hungarian mathematician, one of the founders of nonEuclidean geometry. He was the son of Wolfgang Bolyai. He was one of the first to see Euclidean geometry as only one case http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Bolyai, Janos |
6. PlanetMath J Nos Bolyai J nos Bolyai (1802 1860) Hungarian mathematician, son of Farkas Bolyai. Other names Janos Bolyai, Bolyai J nos, Bolyai Janos http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/JanosBolyai.html |
7. Bolyai, J Nos Bolyai, J nos (Kolozsv r, December 15th, 1802 – Marosv s rhely, January 27th, 1860) Up to the present day, he is the greatest Hungarian mathematician, the creator of http://www.omikk.bme.hu/archivum/angol/htm/bolyai_j.htm |
8. Bolyai, Janos (Hung. Math.) Britannica CD http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/index/index_bo_lya_0.html |
9. Bolyai, Janos Definition Of Bolyai, Janos In The Free Online Bolyai, J nos . Born Dec. 15, 1802, in Kolozsv r (Cluj); died Jan. 27, 1860, in Marosv s rhely (TirguMureş). Hungarian mathematician. With N. I. Lobachevskii, Bolyai is one of http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Bolyai, Janos |
10. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE - Swimming Diving Kecskemet, Hungary High School Bolyai Janos 20062007 Mago finished third in the 200 fly at the Big East Championships after http://www.pittsburghpanthers.com/sports/c-swim/mtt/mago_agnes00.html |
11. Bolyai, Janos - Cosmeo Hungarian mathematician who was one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry independently of Nikolay Lobachevsky and Carl Friedrich Gauss. http://www.cosmeo.com/viewArticle.cfm?guidAssetId=C82767DA-0709-4EA9-AA25-E68B4B |
12. Bolyai J Nos - Wikip Dia Bolyai J nos (Kolozsv r, 1802. december 15. – Marosv s rhely, 1860. janu r 27.) az egyik legh resebb magyar matematikus, a „geometria Kopernikusza,” „az erd lyi http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolyai_János |
13. BOLYAI, JANOS Or JOHANN (1802-1860) And LOBACHEVSKY, N.I(1793-1856) Bolyai published his findings in 1832 in an appendix to a mathematical work of his father. Later it was learned that Lobachevsky had published similar findings as early as 1829 http://library.thinkquest.org/22584/temh3019.htm |
14. (C) BOLYAI JANOS MATEMATIKAI TARSULAT Contents 3 Preface 7 P. Andrzejewski The Equivariant Siebenmann Boundary Theorem for Semifree Actions 9 M. Bognar i-categories, Free Groups, Fundamental http://www.bolyai.hu/en/volumes/volume4.html |
15. Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860) From Eric Weisstein's World Of Hungarian mathematician who was the son of Farkas Bolyai. When Bolyai began puzzling over Euclid's fifth postulate, his father wrote him For God's Sake, I beseech you, give it up http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/BolyaiJanos.html |
16. 044485407X Numerical Methods By P. Rozsa, Bolyai Janos Find the best deals on Numerical Methods by P. Rozsa, Bolyai Janos Matematikai Tarsulat (044485407X) http://www.justbooks.co.uk/dir/i/Numerical_Methods/044485407X/ |
17. Bolyai, J Nos Bolyai, J nos (b. Dec. 15, 1802, Kolozsv r, Hung. now Cluj, Rom.d. Jan. 27, 1860, Marosv s rhely, Hung. now T rgu Mure s, Rom.), Hungarian mathematician and one of http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/micro/micro_76_99.html |
18. Bolyai J Nos Gimn Zium - LinPHA LinPHA Photo Gallery LinPHA Version 1.3.2 Have fun - 2002-2007 The LinPHA developers http://www.bolyai-kkt.sulinet.hu/galeria/viewer.php?albid=603&stage=2&im |
19. Bolyai Summary J nos Bolyai (18021860) Between 1820 and 1823 Bolyai prepared a treatise on a complete system of non-Euclidean geometry. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bolyai.html |
20. Salg Tarj Ni Bolyai J Nos Gimn Zium S Szakk Z Piskola Tel.32410-414 Fax32-410-659 OM azonos t 032286 E-mail iskola@bolyai-starjan.sulinet.hu http://www.bolyai-starjan.sulinet.hu/ |
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