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21. Index B Bougainville, Louis de Boyle, Robert Brahe, Tycho Broglie, Louis duc de Buffon, Georges Louis Buicliu, Gheorghe http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/~bui/Collection/Mathematics/B/B.htm |
22. The Rhetoric Of Suffering Reading The Book Of Job In The Bougainville, Louis de 157 Bourdieu, Pierre on practice and learned ignorance 11 ; Outline of a Theory of Practice 11 ; language of familiarity 11, 38 http://www.questia.com/read/59534908?title=Index |
23. CCSU - Known Twentieth Century Books Bougainville, Louis de Voyage Round the World. Performed in the Years 1766, 1767, A Translated from the French by John Reinhold Forster, 1772. http://www.captaincooksociety.com/ccsu23.htm |
24. Sotheby's - Explore Auctions - Auction Results - THE JAMES S bougainville, louis de (john reinhold forster, trans.) 2,000 276 brahms, johannes 1,625 278 bront , charlotte 68,500 281 browning, elizabeth barrett http://www.sothebys.com/app/live/lot/LotResultsDetailList.jsp?event_id=30210& |
25. Sheet1 Bougainville, Louis de x p.95 x x x 163 x 109 x x 283 x x 47 38 Bougainville, Louis de x not x x x not x 117 x x 290 x x 48 39 Bougainville, Louis de x p. 96 x x x 165 http://www.hordern.com/hh/pdf/reviews/parsons/ParsonsBiblioConcordance.xls |
26. Sotheby's - Auctions - Results - Printer Friendly Version bougainville, louis de (john reinhold forster, trans.) 2,000 276 brahms, johannes 1,625 278 bront , charlotte 68,500 281 browning, elizabeth barrett 2,125 http://www.sothebys.com/app/live/lot/LotResultsListPrint.jsp?sale_number=N08698& |
27. Bibliography For Visit To BYU-Hawai'I, 3-31-2000 Bougainville, Louis De. A Voyage Round The World. Trans. John Reinhold Forster. London Nourse Davies, 1772. Rpt. Ridgewood The Gregg Press, 1967. http://public.csusm.edu/oberghof/www/presentations/byubibl.html |
28. Louis Castel - Pipl Profile Arbogast, Louis Bachelier, Louis Baire, Ren ƒ Louis Castel, Louis Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Cholesky, Andre-Louis Couturat, Louis de Bougainville, Louis de Broglie, http://pipl.com/directory/people/Louis/Castel |
29. Index B Bourgain Jean * Bougainville, Louis de. Bougainvilliidae * Bouguer, Pierre. Bouguer correction Bouguer–Lambert law. Boulangerite. Boulaya. Boulengerina http://www.scientific-web.com/Index/IndexB15.html |
30. References Bougainville, Louis de. 1967 1772 A Voyage Round the World, trans. from the French by John Reinhold Forster. London Fascimile eds in http://epress.anu.edu.au/oceanic_encounters/mobile_devices/ch03s11.html |
31. Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80042-6 - Geographies Of Boer, South African) War, 22, 76, 16970 Bombay, 315 B ne, 9-10, 510 Boomgaard, P., 179-80 Borneo, 70, 458 Bose, S., 396, 457, 544 Bosma, U., 137 Botany Bay, 74 Bougainville, Louis de, 233 http://assets.cambridge.org/97805218/00426/index/9780521800426_index.pdf |
32. Antoine Joseph Jean Solier Latest News, Photos And Videos Siebenjahriger Krieg (Person, Frankreich) Louis Antoine de Kapitel Louis Antoine de Bougainville, Louis de BourbonCond , Comte de Clermont, Louis-Joseph de http://connect.in.com/antoine-joseph-jean-solier/profile-23719.html |
33. B Index Bougainville, Louis de (1054*) Bouguer, Pierre (688) Boulliau, Ismael (269) Bouquet, Jean Claude (264*) Bour, Edmond (490) Bourgain, Jean (728*) Boutroux, Pierre L on (617*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/B.html |
34. Full Alphabetical Index Bougainville, Louis de (1054*) Bouguer, Pierre (688*) Boulliau, Ismael (1370*) Bouquet, Jean Claude (798*) Bour, Edmond (490*) Bourbaki, Nicolas (38) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
35. Aquila Books - Nico Israel Publications Available From Aquila Books BOUGAINVILLE, Louis de BA, vol. 12 - 100 - 068 A Voyage round the World. Performed by Order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the Years 1766-9. http://www.aquilabooks.com/nico/nico.htm |
36. 無標題文件 Bougainville, Louis de 1736 1813 Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 1743 - 1794 Condorcet, Marie Jean 1746 - 1818 Monge, Gaspard 1749 - 1827 http://elearning.yenching.edu.hk/~hu/mathematicians/mathematicians.htm |
37. Literature Of Travel And Exploration T Entries Bougainville, Louis de, Voyage autour du monde, 1771; as A Voyage round the World, translated by John Reinhold Forster, 1772, reprinted, 1967 http://cw.routledge.com/ref/travellit/azentriest.html |
38. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'de Bougainville, Louis' 'de Broglie, Louis duc' 'de Bruin, Gerrit' 'de Carcavi, Pierre' 'de Coriolis, Gustave' 'de Coulomb, Charles' 'de Fermat, Pierre' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
39. Register For Artalerts And Newsletter Art Network Australia Art.net.au is a showcase for Australian art online and a comprehensive directory to commercial galleries in Australia and the Pacific. View 1000s of contemporary, aboriginal and http://www.art.net.au/register.asp |
40. Bloomsbury Auctions International auctioneers with houses in London, New York and Rome. Dealing in rare books, manuscripts, fine art and other collectables. http://www.bloomsburyauctions.com/auction/716&printable |
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