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21. Jean Bourgain Theory Number Analysis Partial Notably Home Jean Bourgain Jean Bourgain (born February 28, 1954, Ostende, Belgium), is a professor of mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study. http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Jean:Bourgain.htm |
22. Bourgain Biography Biography of Jean Bourgain (BB^Y) Born 28 Feb 1954 in Ostende, Belgium. Click the picture above to see two larger pictures http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Bourgain.html |
23. Welcome To Adobe GoLive 5 Sumproduct phenomena and applications Bourgain, Jean IAS. ABSTRACT Exponential sums,expander graphs,spectral gaps,prime sieving,invariant measures. http://www.math.rutgers.edu/seminars/abstracts/120106.html |
24. On The Singularity Probability Of Discrete Random Matrices Title On the singularity probability of discrete random matrices Authors Bourgain, Jean; Vu, Van; Matchett Wood, Philip Publication eprint arXiv0905.0461 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009arXiv0905.0461B |
25. Sudden Death After Major Head And Neck Surgery Current Opinion Sudden death after major head and neck surgery Gueret, Gildas; Bourgain, JeanLouis; Luboinski, Bernard http://journals.lww.com/co-otolaryngology/Fulltext/2006/04000/Sudden_death_after |
26. Cupboard Forming A Display Cabinet With Locking For At Least One Patent application title Cupboard Forming A Display Cabinet With Locking For At Least One Sliding Pane Inventors Eric Michel BOURGAIN JeanJacques Claude Roger Masson http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20090151405 |
27. Clinical Case Volume 18 Number 5. Myomatous erythrocytosis syndrome CHRISTOPHE BLOCKEEL, BART OP DE BEECK, CLAIRE BOURGAIN, JEANJACQUES AMY. http://nmji.in/archives/Volume_18_5_September_october2005/Clinical_Case_Report/M |
28. Jean Bourgain - ENotes.com Reference Bourgain, Jean ALTERNATIVE NAMES SHORT DESCRIPTION Belgian mathematician and Fields Medalist DATE OF BIRTH February 28, 1954 PLACE OF BIRTH Ostend, Belgium http://www.enotes.com/topic/Jean_Bourgain |
29. BOURGAIN JEAN (1954- ) - Encyclop Die…Translate This PageMath Maticien Belge, Bourgain, Jean Surge 270 8273122 Visiting Scholar-bourgain@math.ucr.edu Bueti, John Surge 224 827-3506 M011-001 MWF 310 - 400pm SPR 2340 http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/jean-bourgain/ |
30. Mathematician - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gerd Faltings / Michael Freedman (1986) Vladimir Drinfel'd / Vaughan Jones / Shigefumi Mori / Edward Witten (1990) Efim Zelmanov / PierreLouis Lions / Jean Bourgain / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematician |
31. Jean Bourgain Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article - }Ostend is a Belgian city and municipality located in the Flemish province of West in Mathematics. External links. MathSciNet Items authored by Bourgain, Jean. .. http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Jean_Bourgain |
32. CiteULike On The Construction Of Affine Extractors Bourgain, Jean. Geometric Functional Analysis GAFA, Vol. 17, No. 1. (April 2007), pp. 3357. http://www.citeulike.org/article/1401888 |
33. MR Matches For MR=1949165 MathSciNet bibliographic data MR1949165 (2004d35032) 35F05 (35B10 35F15 42B05 47N20) Bourgain, Jean; Brezis, Ha m On the equation ${\rm div}\, Y=f$ and application to http://ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=1949165 |
34. Scientific Commons Quasi-periodic Solutions Of Nonlinear Random Bourgain, Jean, Wang, Wei; Abstract In this paper, let $\Sigma\subset\R^{6}$ be a compact convex hypersurface. We prove that if $\Sigma$ carries only finitely many geometrically http://en.scientificcommons.org/34622771 |
35. A Proof Of The Positive Density Conjecture For Integer Apollonian Title A proof of the positive density conjecture for integer Apollonian circle packings Authors Bourgain, Jean; Fuchs, Elena Publication eprint arXiv1001.3894 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010arXiv1001.3894B |
36. MR Matches For MR=1655515 MathSciNet bibliographic data MR1655515 (99m35219) 35Q55 (35B99 35C99) Bourgain, Jean; Wang, W. Construction of blowup solutions for the nonlinear Schr dinger equation with http://ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=1655515 |
37. Jean-Yves BourgainTranslate This PageJean-Yves Bourgain. Artiste Peintrejeanyves Bourgain, Jean, H lder regularity of integrated density of states for the almost Mathieu operator in a perturbative regime. Bourgain, Jean (with F. Golse and B. Wennberg), On the http://jeanyvesbourgain-art.com/ |
38. Jean Bourgain Ask.com Encyclopedia Bourgain, Jean ALTERNATIVE NAMES SHORT DESCRIPTION Belgian mathematician and Fields Medalist DATE OF BIRTH February 28, 1954 PLACE OF BIRTH Ostend, Belgium http://www.ask.com/wiki/Jean_Bourgain?qsrc=3044 |
39. Jean Bourgain Institute For Advanced Study Jean Bourgain Professor School of Mathematics. Jean Bourgain’s work touches on many central topics of mathematical analysis the geometry of Banach spaces, harmonic analysis, ergodic http://www.ias.edu/people/faculty-and-emeriti/bourgain |
40. UC Berkeley Department Of Mathematics Vershik, A. M. and Bourgain, Jean and Kesten, Harry and Reshetikhin, Nicolai (2007). The mathematical work of the 2006 Fields medalists. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 54 No.3, 388404.MR http://math.berkeley.edu/index.php?module=mathfacultyman&MATHFACULTY_MAN_op= |
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