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21. 1930 Sardis ED 34 Census Index, Harrison Co, WV Bramer, Benjamin S Linville, T Tomas? Bramer, Henry Swiger, Tillman Hardman, Arthur Bennly?, John E Cunningham, Robert McQuaid, Thurman Page 14A (Wallace) http://www.wvgenweb.org/harrison/18302.htm |
22. Martayan Lan Rare Books Instruments BRAMER, Benjamin. Instrumentum Conicum Universale. Kassel, 1627. Very rare first and only edition of this separately published broadside, describing an instrument for http://www.martayanlan.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi/Books/all/28/24 |
23. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Bramer, Benjamin Brashman, Nikolai Dmitrievich Brauer, Richard Dagobert Bredon, Simon Bret, Jean Jacques Brianchon, CharlesJulien Briggs, Henry Brill, Alexander Wilhelm von http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html |
24. KMODDL - Kinematic Models For Design Digital Library Bramer, Benjamin Denison, Edmund Beckett (Lord Grimthorpe) http://kmoddl.library.cornell.edu/resources.php?t=2 |
25. Renaissance - Education Resource - StudySphere Isaac Bartholin, Erasmus Beaugrand, Jean Benedetti, Giovanni Bernoulli, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Billy, Jacques de Bombelli, Rafael Boulliau, Ismael Brahe, Tycho Bramer, Benjamin http://www.studysphere.com/education/Medieval-History-Renaissance-476.html |
26. The Geometry Of War Indexes Bramer, Benjamin 51 B rgi, Joost 52 Burucker, W. 30 Butterfield, Michael 26 Carr , Paul 63 Clerget 34 Cole, Humphrey 46 D., I. 38 Danfrie, Philippe http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/geometry/indexes.htm |
27. Benjamin Gerritsz Cuyp (1612 - Dordrecht - 1652 - Dordrecht The influence of Adrian Brouwer and Adrian van Ostade is added to that of Rembrandt and Bramer. Benjamin’s achievement was the marriage of a sketchy brush technique with an http://www.sphinxfineart.com/Cuyp-Benjamin-Gerritsz-DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=45 |
28. B Index Bramer, Benjamin (1172) Branges, Louis de(3200*) Brash, William (371) Brashman, Nikolai (276*) Brauer, Alfred (1412*) Brauer, Richard (2242*) Bremermann, HansJoachim (1177*) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/B.html |
29. Biography-center - Letter B Braille Louis • Brailsford James Frederick • Brainard Edward Henry • Bralley Francis Marion • Braman Don Egbert Erastus • Brambilla Vittorio • Bramer Benjamin http://www.biography-center.com/b-13.html |
30. Henry Bramer EBook Downloads Henry C. Bramer. Benjamin F. Willey. Louis F. Wirth, Jr. Francis L. Estes. DIVISION OF 1939 Town of Palmyra Minutes; Henry E. Mitchell. 42.75. http://www.pdfgeni.com/book/Henry-Bramer-pdf.html |
31. Benjamin Bramer – WikipediaTranslate This PageMoritz Cantor Bramer, Benjamin. Pleasant Valley HS Commencement 2008 Sunday, May 25, 2008 - Pleasant Valley, IA To find your photo, simply use the drop-down menus below and click the find http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Bramer |
32. Erwin Tomash Library Erwin Tomash Library 1408 Adenda (Bramer) Addenda (Chapuis) 1408 ADD 9 Bramer, Benjamin (15881650) Beschreibunge und Underricht, Wie allerey Theylungen zu den Mathematischen Instrumenten http://www.cbi.umn.edu/hostedpublications/Tomash/pdf/27 Addenda.pdf |
33. Ben Bramer - Ozark, MO MyLife 8482 Ben Bramer (Decatur, IL) Ben Bramer (Marysville, CA) Benita Bramer Benjamin Bramer (La Mesa, CA) Benjamin Bramer (Marysville, CA) http://www.mylife.com/ben-bramer |
34. Dale Bramer - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Last Names Ranging From Bramer, Benjamin… Clifford Bramer Clifton Bramer Clyde Bramer Connie Bramer Constance Bramer Corey Bramer Courtney Bramer Craig Bramer Cron Bramer http://www.123people.com/s/dale bramer |
35. BLAINE COUNTY NEBRASKA Bramer, Benjamin D. b 28 Jan 1902. 87. Brewer, Robert . d 1968 1983. 15. Bridgeman, Ty A. b 4 Jan. 97. Brinson, Cora M. (Wing) b 29 Aug 1903, MO. 26. Brinson, Cora M. Rem. Card http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~neblaine/ObitsBlaineCollier.htm |
36. Lowell Bramer - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything Last Names Ranging From Bramer, Benjamin… Linda Bramer Lindsey Bramer Lisa Bramer Lisan Bramer Lloyd Bramer Lois Bramer Lora Bramer Loreen Bramer Lorene Bramer Loretta Bramer http://www.123people.com/s/lowell bramer |
37. Tyler Abbott FacebookPrivate ProfileSign Up Sign Up For Facebook To Connect With Jan 01, 2008; Bramer, Benjamin(b. Felsberg, Germany, ca. February 1588; d. Ziegenhain, Germany, 17 March 1652)mathematics.After the death of http://www.facebook.com/people/Tyler-Abbott/100000294237328 |
38. Distinguished Service Award Henry C. Bramer Benjamin F. Willey Louis F. Wirth, Jr. Francis L. Estes . 1977 Alvin P. Black John J. Dwyer J. Carrell Morris http://www.envirofacs.org/Officer Information/awards6/Distinguished Service Awar |
39. Navy News News From Afghanistan Iraq - Navy Times Bramer Benjamin. Brandares Jerry. Breau Kevin Jam. Brindley Nathan. Brinson Michael. Brockmeier Brya. Broemeling Matt. Broughton Chris. Brown Christoph. Brown David Ori http://www.navytimes.com/legacy/new/1-292925-2396287.php |
40. [MATHEMATICIANS]Authors Oliver Knill 2000 Literature Started Brahmagupta BrahmaguptaBrahmagupta (598670) Braikenridge BraikenridgeBraikenridge William (1700-1762) Bramer BramerBramer Benjamin (1588-1652) Brashman BrashmanBrashman Nikolai http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.pdf |
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