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1. Biographies Of Heinrich Bruns Biographies of Bruns Heinrich and more Bruns Heinrich biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/462-Bruns_Heinrich.html |
2. Bruns, Heinrich Ernst Definition Of Bruns, Heinrich Ernst In The Bruns, Heinrich Ernst . Born Sept. 4, 1848, in Berlin; died Sept. 23, 1919, in Leipzig. German astronomer, geodesist, and mathematician. Member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences (1906 http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Bruns, Heinrich Ernst |
3. German Cross In Gold (Deutsches Kreuz In Gold) - Military Bruns, Heinrich + (posthumous) 31 31 7 Jan 1944 U175 Budzyn, Sigmund 27 V/41 19 Jul 1943 Kptlt. Christophersen, Erwin + 29 36 11 Jul 1944 U-228 Kptlt. Cordes, Ernst+ http://uboat.net/men/decorations/german_cross.htm |
4. World War 2 Awards.com - BRUNS, Heinrich World War Two Awards description Bruns Heinrich Provide alterations or additional information Information source(s) Die Ordenstr ger der Deutschen Wehrmacht - Scheibert, H., Die http://www.ww2awards.com/person/2847 |
5. Biography-center - Letter B Brunelleschi Filippo • Bruney Brian • Brunhoff Jean de • Brunhoff Laurent de • Bruni Antonio Mateo • Brunner Gustav • Bruno Giordano • Bruno Giuseppe • Bruns Heinrich http://www.biography-center.com/b-16.html |
6. World War 2 Awards.com - BRUNS, Heinrich World War Two Awards description Bruns Heinrich Provide alterations or additional information Picture source Information source(s) http://www.ww2awards.com/person/2848 |
7. St. Paul UCC, Denver, IA Deaths 1862-1929 Bruns, Heinrich 05 APR 1871 25 FEB 1872 1 1869 Bruns, Wilhelmine 01 NOV 1863 11 FEB 1869 6 1907 Buehmann (infant) Not Given 12 AUG 1907 7 1879 Buenger (infant) http://iagenweb.org/bremer/BREMER_NEW/StPaulDeaths1862_1929.htm |
8. Heinrich Ernst Bruns Definition Of Heinrich Ernst Bruns In The Bruns, Heinrich Ernst . Born Sept. 4, 1848, in Berlin; died Sept. 23, 1919, in Leipzig. German astronomer, geodesist, and mathematician. Member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences (1906 http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Heinrich Ernst Bruns |
9. OHIO GENEALOGY EXPRESS - Ottawa Co., Ohio Bruns, Heinrich H. 1892 Oct. 20 ae 8 mos. 16 ds. ch. Of B. D E. Bruns. Bunce, Harriet Doell 1873 1942 Byington, Barbara Ann 1933 1941 Byington, Charles W. http://www.ohiogenealogyexpress.com/ottawa/ottowaoh_cem_clemons1.htm |
10. Bruns' Apraxia Of Gait - Definition Of Bruns' Apraxia Of Gait By Bruns, Heinrich Ernst Brunschvicg Brunschvicg, Leon Brunschvicg, L on Brunschwicg Brunschwig Brunschwig Brunschwig operation Brunschwig operation Brunschwig operation http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Bruns' apraxia of gait |
11. Gordon Bruns, Service Manager, Berghaus Organ Company Inc Bruns, Heinrich Bruns Heiztechnik Bruns, Heinrich Plastolan GmbH Bruns, Helen Fort Worth , Bruns, Helen http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Bruns_Gordon_241885963.aspx |
12. A Stratospheric BrO Climatology For The GOME-2 Instruments A Stratospheric BrO Climatology for the GOME2 instruments Final Report 17.02.2003 Marco Bruns, Heinrich Bovensmann, Andreas Richter, and John P. Burrows Institute for Environmental http://atmos.caf.dlr.de/gome2/docs/bruns_03.pdf |
13. Bruns, Heinrich (1848-1919) - Mathematiker…Translate This PageIm Jahr 1882 Wur Bruns, Heinrich Bruns Heiztechnik Bruns, Helen Fort Worth , Bruns, Helen Banjo Hangout Bruns, Helen http://www.leipzig-lexikon.de/biogramm/Bruns_Ernst_Heinrich.htm |
14. Saint Peter Cemetery - Goliad County, Texas Bruns, Heinrich W, b. 14 Jan 1899 Goliad, Texas, d. 5 Aug 1900 Goliad, Texas Bruns, Helen A, b. 12 Feb 1881 Texas, d. 24 Apr 1948 Goliad, Texas http://www.interment.net/data/us/tx/goliad/stpeter/index.htm |
15. Dr. Bruns Heinrich Zahnarzt - Empfohlene…Translate This PageDr. Bruns Heinrich Bruns, Heinrich Anton, * 25. 3. 1822, Altenberge, 1849 Bevergern America Ernsting, Georg Heinrich, * 3. 2. 1818, Bevergern, 1847 America Forstmann, Gerd Heinrich, * 15. http://www.die-zahnarztempfehlung.com/zahnarztpraxis/DE/Z4900731_dr_heinrich_bru |
16. Development Of BrO And NO2 Climatologies For The Global Ozone Authors Marco Bruns, Heinrich Bovensmann, Andreas Richter, John P. Burrows. Citations 0 http://academic.research.microsoft.com/Paper/6564487.aspx |
17. ADBBruns, Heinrich Julius – WikisourceTranslate This PageEmpfohlene Zitierweis Mary Elizabeth Bruns (Heinrich Joseph 3, Johann Bernd 2, Fridericus Andreas 1). Born on 20 Oct 1847 in Cincinnati OH. Birthdate based on age at interment. http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/ADB:Bruns,_Heinrich_Julius |
18. Genealogy Data Father Bruns, Heinrich Mother Eilers, Anna Helena Family Marriage 22 OCT 1895 in St Cloud MN Spouse Fischer, Joseph Christian Birth 13 NOV 1863 St Cloud MN http://www.johnhoag.net/genealogy/dat2407.html |
19. DuPage County (IL) Cemetery Records BRUNS Heinrich 1858 BRUNS Maria RENGSTORF 1857 BRUNS Anna 1882 BRUNS Lina 1883 BRUNS Dietrich 1827 1895 BRUNS Gesche M/MEHLHOP 1820 1900 BRUNS Soph. Marie Dorothe http://www.dcgs.org/addison/page19.htm |
20. BRUNS HEINRICH RECHTSANWALT In BREMENTranslate This Pagebruns Heinrich Rechtsanw 22May 1898 07 MAY 1898 Bruns, Heinrich Hermann Franz Heinrich Friedrich L .Sarah Nevermann 13-May .1900 .17 APR 1900 .Bruns, Heinrich .Clarence Georg Friedrich http://web2.cylex.de/firma-home/bruns-heinrich-rechtsanwalt-440734.html |
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