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Burchnall Joseph: more detail |
1. Jacob Amsler - Universit Montpellier II D Partement De Joseph Burchnall; Joseph Doob; Joseph Fourier; Joseph Larmor; Joseph Liouville; Joseph Plateau; Joseph Wedderburn; JosephLouis Lagrange; Josif Shtokalo; Josip Plemelj http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/-Jacob-Amsler- |
2. William Brouncker - Universit Montpellier II D Partement De Joseph Burchnall; Joseph Doob; Joseph Fourier; Joseph Larmor; Joseph Liouville; Joseph Plateau; Joseph Wedderburn; JosephLouis Lagrange; Josif Shtokalo; Josip Plemelj http://erathostene.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/-William-Brouncker- |
3. Storia Delle ScienzeTranslate This PageBurchnall, Joseph B Rgi, Joost Burkhardt, Burchnall Joseph Langley. Burge W.H. Burger's Equation . Burkhardt Heinrich Friedrich Karl Ludwig. Burlisch and Stoer Algorithm . Burnside Problem . Burnside William http://math.unipa.it/~brig/sds/mat_bio_all_alfabetic.html |
4. Math Maticiens - Universit Montpellier II D Partement De Joseph Burchnall; Joseph Doob; Joseph Fourier; Joseph Larmor; Joseph Liouville; Joseph Plateau; Joseph Wedderburn; JosephLouis Lagrange; Josif Shtokalo; Josip Plemelj http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/koi29.php3?id_rubrique=227 |
5. WikipediaMacTutor Archive - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This list was generated from the biography list at the MacTutor archive which may not have direct equivalents in Wikipedia. It was generated as part of the Missing encyclopedic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:MacTutor_archive |
6. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures BUR BURCHNALL (Joseph) 1 BURCHULADZE (Paata)(1951-) - 1 http://www.onlipix.com/personages/bur.htm |
7. Biography-center - Letter B Burbank Daniel C. • Burbank Luther • Burbidge Eleanor Margaret Peachey • Burbidge Geoffroy Ronald • Burbridge Margaret • Burch Valentine Ignatius • Burchnall Joseph http://www.biography-center.com/b-17.html |
8. Arcite 1985 Featured Artists Gari Bernardi, Evelyn Broy, Christine Burchnall, Joseph DeAngelis, Clarke Ellis, Suzanne Konyha, Susan O'Neil, Christopher McNamara, Mark Sikich, Wayne http://www.artcite.ca/history_p folder/1985.html |
9. B Index Burchnall, Joseph (373*) Burgess, Alexander (616*) B rgi, Joost (1508*) Burkhardt, Heinrich (1241) Burkill, John (1421*) Burnside, William (1588*) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/B.html |
10. Artcite 1988 Featured Artists Stephen Andrews, AnneMarie Beneteau, Karl Beveridge/Carole Conde, Christine Burchnall, Joseph DeAngelis, Stan Denniston, Robbert Fortin, Michele Goulette http://www.artcite.ca/history_p folder/1988.html |
11. [MATHEMATICIANS]Authors Oliver Knill 2000 Literature Started Bukreev BukreevBukreev Boris (18591962) Bunyakovsky BunyakovskyBun yakovsky Viktor (1804-1889) Burchnall BurchnallBurchnall Joseph (1892-1975) Burkhardt BurkhardtBurkhardt http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.pdf |
12. Hammond Cemetery Hampton CT Burchnall, Joseph, born Dec. 25, 1857, died Feb. 23, 1922 Burdick, Abel, born Aug. 1, 1836, died July 21, 1926, G.A.R. marker Burdick, Delia E., born June 5, 1843, died March 19, 1909 http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cowindham/records/cemetery/hampton/hamptonhammond |
13. Personnages Historiques BURTranslate This PageBURCHNALL (Joseph) - 1 BURCHULADZE The Brick Walls Message Board Welcome to The Brick Walls Message Board. Please BURCHNALL, Joseph Leicestershire 1820s Mary Hodges, 095433 09/09/01 Sun http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/bur.htm |
14. Full Alphabetical Index Burchnall, Joseph (373*) Burgess, Alexander (616*) B rgi, Joost (1508*) Burkhardt, Heinrich (1241) Burkill, John (1421*) Burnside, William (1588*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
15. B Index BuraliForti, Cesare (530) Burchnall, Joseph (326*) B rgi, Joost (166*) Burkhardt, Heinrich (213) Burkill, John (411*) Burnside, William (711*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/B.html |
16. Www.cecm.sfu.ca Burchnall Joseph Langley. Bⁿrgi Joost. Burkhardt Heinrich Friedrich Karl Ludwig. Burnside William. Cajori Florian. Callippus. Campanus of Novara. Campbell John Edward http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/bailey/paper/html/listematheux |
17. History Of U.S. Table Tennis Vol VI E’s Clyde Vincent over John Burchnall. (Joseph C. H. Lee complained that, though the Class E draw posted on the wall showed the pairings of the 70+ entries, nothing http://www.usatt.org/articles/history08/history08_18.shtml |
18. Mallakai The latest breaking news and information on famous people in art, entertainment, mathematics, politics, science and more. http://www.spacerad.com/mallakai/index.html |
19. Www.math.harvard.edu Burchnall Burchnall Joseph (18921975) +- Burkhardt +- http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.txt |
20. Lebensdaten Von MathematikernTranslate This PageBurchnall, Joseph (1892 - 1975) Burchnall, Joseph (326*) B rgi, Joost (166*) Burkhardt, Heinrich (213) Burkill, John (411*) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html |
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