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Carcavi Pierre De: more detail |
1. The Galileo Project Carcavi Carcavy, Pierre de 1. Dates Born Lyon, c. 1600 (Index says c. 1603) Died Paris, April 1684 Dateinfo Birth Uncertain http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/carcavi.html |
2. Introduction To Surface Loci Introduction to Surface Loci To my FriendM. de Carcavi Pierre de Fermat Translated from French by Jason Ross To complete the Introduction to Plane and Solid Loci, 1 there http://wlym.com/~animations/fermat/introduction to surface loci.pdf |
3. Portraits Of Statisticians CARCAVI, Pierre de 16001684 CARDANO, Girolamo 1501-1576 CARLYLE, Thomas 1795-1881 CASELLA, George. CAUCHY, Augustin-Louis 1789-1857 When older http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/welcome.htm |
4. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive Carcavi, Pierre de; Cardano, Girolamo; Cassini, Giovanni; Cataldi, Pietro; Cavalieri, Bonaventura; Ceva, Giovanni; Ceva, Tommaso; Clarke, Samuel; Clavius, Christopher http://www.gap-system.org/~history/External/Westfall_list.html |
5. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Carcavi, Pierre de Cardano, Girolamo Carnot, LazareNicolas- Marguerite Cartan, lie Castel, Louis-Bertrand Castelnuovo, Guido Castillon, Johann Cataldi, Pietro Antonio http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html |
6. Renaissance - Education Resource - StudySphere Bernoulli, Johann Billy, Jacques de Bombelli, Rafael Boulliau, Ismael Brahe, Tycho Bramer, Benjamin Briggs, Henry Brouncker, William B rgi, Joost Caramuel, Juan Carcavi, Pierre de http://www.studysphere.com/education/Medieval-History-Renaissance-476.html |
7. C Index Carcavi, Pierre de (2257) Cardan, Jerome (2818*) Cardano, Girolamo (2818*) Carleman, Tage (2006*) Carleson, Lennart (1909*) Carlitz, Leonard (720*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/C.html |
8. Biography-center - Letter D Beaune Florimond • De Berry Alfred Wesley • de Bessy Bernard • de Billy Jacques • de Boislaurent Budan • de Bourgainville Louis • de Broglie Louis duc • de Carcavi Pierre http://www.biography-center.com/d-2.html |
9. List Of Scientists By Field Carcavi, Pierre de. Cardano, Girolamo. Cardano, Girolamo. Cardano, Girolamo. Cardano, Girolamo. Carlisle, Anthony. Carlisle, Anthony. Carlson, Anton Julius http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/c.html |
10. Descartes A Biography - Cambridge University Press Carcavi, Pierre de, 399. Caterus, Johannes, 202, 259. Caus, Salomon de, 92–3, 121, 333. Caussin, Nicolas, 27. Cavendish, Charles, 276, 282, 302, 321 http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780511166488&ss=ind |
11. Issue No. 4, Fall 2004. JeanBap-tiste Morin, Pierre Vernier, Etienne Pascal, Marin Mersenne, Girard Desargues, Pierre Gassendi, Jean Beaugrand, Albert Girard, Claude Hardy, Pierre de Carcavi, Pierre de http://www.meteoritejournal.com/pdfs/Meteorite4-03-SalvagingDescartes.pdf |
12. Isis Current Bibliography Bibliographic Resources Carcavi, Pierre de (c. 16001684) Cardano, Girolamo (1501-1576) Cardwell, Donald (1919-1998) Carhart, Arthur Hawthorne (1892- ) Carion, Johann (1499-1537) http://www.ou.edu/cas/hsci/isis/website/thesaurus/IsisCB.Personalnames.C-E.html |
13. Sources Of Portraits Of Statisticians CARCAVI, Pierre de 16001684 DSB 3, 63-64. CANTELLI, Francesco Paolo 1875-1966 From p.228 in. N L Johnson and S Kotz (ed.), Leading personalities in Statistical http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/people/sources.htm |
14. C Index Carcavi, Pierre de (439) Cardano, Girolamo (2818*) Carlitz, Leonard (720*) Carlyle, Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare (597*) Carnot, Sadi (1607*) Carroll, Lewis (266*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/C.html |
15. Complete Dictionary Of Scientific Biography, Page 17 HighBeam Carcavi, Pierre De. Cardano, Girolamo. Cardano, Girolamo. Carey, Samuel Warren. Carlisle, Anthony. Carlson, Anton Julius. Carnall, Rudolf von. Carnap, Paul Rudolf http://www.highbeam.com/Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography/publications |
16. Www.cecm.sfu.ca Carcavi Pierre de. Cardan Girolamo. Carlyle Thomas. Carnot Lazare Nicolas Marguerite. Carnot Sadi Nicolas Leonard. Cartan Elie Joseph. Cartan Henri Paul. Cartwright Dame Mary Lucy http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/bailey/paper/html/listematheux |
17. Scientists Of The Christian Faith Alphabetical Index (C) Pierre de Carcavi / Pierre de Carcavy *** Not in Gale (c. 16001684). French cartographer, mathematician. Catholic. The Galileo Project, http//galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles http://www.tektonics.org/scim/scientistc.html |
18. Sources Of Portraits Of Statisticians CARCAVI, Pierre de 16001684 DSB 3, 63-64. CARDANO, Girolamo 1501-1576 From facing p.52 in. A Wykes, Doctor Cardano Physician Extraordinary, London Frederick Muller 1969. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/sources.htm |
19. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'de Carcavi, Pierre' 'de Coriolis, Gustave' 'de Coulomb, Charles' 'de Fermat, Pierre' 'de Finetti, Bruno' 'de Fontenelle, Bernard' 'De, Gan' 'de Giorgi, Ennio' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
20. 1600 1700 - Chronologie Des Math MatiquesTranslate This Page1600-1684 Carcavi Pi Carcavi, Pierre de (439) Cardano, Girolamo (2818*) Carlitz, Leonard (720*) Carlyle, Thomas (372*) http://villemin.gerard.free.fr/Esprit/Date1600.htm |
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