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Carlitz Leonard: more detail | ||
1. Leonard Carlitz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Carlitz, Leonard Alternative names Short description Mathematician Date of birth December 26, 1907 Place of birth Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Date of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Carlitz |
2. Hallyburton - Personen / Infos Zu Name Hallyburton - Personen ALAN GLYNNE BRILLHART, JOHN D. BLECKSMITH, RICHARD Carlitz, Leonard Filaseta, Michael Gerst, Irving Hallyburton, John C., Jr. Johnson, … http://www.yasni.de/hallyburton/person information |
3. Duke Mathematics Department Provides details of the undergraduate and graduate programs, a directory of personnel, upcoming seminars and colloquia, publications, and research opportunities. http://www.math.duke.edu/ |
4. Carlitz Biography Biography of Leonard Carlitz' (BB^Y1999) Born 26 Dec 1907 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , USA Died 17 Sept 1999 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , USA http://turnbull.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Biographies/Carlitz.html |
5. Www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de Carlitz, Leonard. Filaseta, Michael. Gerst, Irving. Hallyburton, John C., Jr. Johnson, G. D. Lehmer, Derrick Henry. Lehmer, Emma http://www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/sai/ss04/cpp/uebungen/blatt9/data/erdoes.txt |
6. Www.math.uaa.alaska.edu Κίνδυνοι Χρήσης; των Εξωτερικών Συνδέσμων Οι διάφοροι Εξωτερικοί Σύνδεσμοι (Links) (όχι μόνον, της http://www.math.uaa.alaska.edu/~smiley/cscarx.pdf |
7. List Of Mathematicians (C) - Wikipedia@pedia Carlitz, Leonard (USA, ? ) Carlson, Fritz (Sweden, 1888 - 1952) Carlyle, Thomas (Scotland, 1795 - 1881) Carmichael, Robert Daniel (USA, 1879 - 1967) http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/l/i/s/List_of_mathematicians_(C)_4d70.h |
8. Http//www.math. Duke.edu/undergraduate/ http//www.math. duke.edu/undergraduate/ http//forum.swarthmore. edu/students/college/urp/ http//www.nsf. gov/mps/dms/reulist.htm http// www.admin.ias.edu/ma/SummerSession2000.htm http://www.math.duke.edu/math_news/Winter-00.pdf |
9. Bonaventura Cavalieri - Universit Montpellier II D Partement De Leonard Carlitz’ Leonard E Dickson; Leonard J Savage; Leonard Rogers; Leonard Roth; Leonardo da Vinci; Leone Alberti; Leonhard Euler; Leonid Vital’evich Kantorovich http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/-Bonaventura-Cavalieri- |
10. Bessel Polynomials - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Carlitz, Leonard (1957). A Note on the Bessel Polynomials . Duke Math. J. 24 151–162. doi 10.1215/S00127094-57-02421-3. MR 0085360. Krall, H. L.; Fink, O. (1948). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessel_polynomials |
11. Cronologie Di Psicopolis Carlitz, Leonard (720*) Carlyle, Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare (597*) Carnot, Sadi (1607*) Carroll, Lewis ((2839*) http://www.psicopolis.com/timeline/alfabmatem.htm |
12. King Saud University Murad Distinguished Scientist Waleed AlSalam, Ph. D. 1958, Advisor Leonard Carlitz. Leonard Carlitz, Ph. D. 1930, Advisor Howard Mitchell. Howard Mitchell, Ph. D. 1910, Advisor Oswald Veblen. http://www.ksu.edu.sa/AboutKSU/HighlycitedResearchers/Pages/murad.aspx |
13. Www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu Carlitz, Leonard, 96, 499, 506. % 6th. Case Institute of Technology, i. % 6th. Cassini, Gian (= Giovanni = Jean) Domenico (= Dominique), 81. % 6th http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/err1.textxt |
14. ENGAGEMENTS; Allison Weinberger, Jeffrey Berman - New York Times Aug 09, 1992 Joseph Spengler, 88, Economics Professor At Duke University; WEDDINGS; Betsy Evans, Christopher Hunt; Paid Notice Deaths CARLITZ, LEONARD http://www.nytimes.com/1992/08/09/style/engagements-allison-weinberger-jeffrey-b |
15. Full Alphabetical Index Carlitz, Leonard (720*) Carlyle, Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare (597*) Carnot, Sadi (1607*) Carroll, Lewis (266*) Carslaw, Horatio (525*) Cartan, Elie (406*) http://freecomputerbooks.com/boat/mathematicians.html |
16. C Index Carlitz, Leonard (720*) Carlson, Fritz (1021*) Carlyle, Thomas (2257*) Carmeli, Moshe (1489*) Carmichael, Robert (2280*) Carnot, Lazare (597*) Carnot, Sadi (1607*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/C.html |
17. CURRICULUM VITA Waleed AlSalam, Ph. D. 1958, Advisor Leonard Carlitz. Leonard Carlitz, Ph. D. 1930, Advisor Howard Mitchell. Howard Mitchell, Ph. D. 1910, Advisor Oswald Veblen. http://math.ucf.edu/~ismail/ismail_files/cv7.pdf |
18. Robert Pohrer - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything The Mathematics Genealogy Project Leonard Carlitz Leonard Carlitz. Biography MathSciNet. Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania 1930. Dissertation http://www.123people.com/s/robert pohrer |
19. Past Members Alphabetical C School Of Mathematics CARLITZ, Leonard 193536 CARNAP, Rudolf 1952-54 CARNEIRO, Emanuel 2009-10 CARR, Danielle 1997-98 CARTAN, Henri 1966-67 CARTER, Roger William 1968-69 CARTIER, Pierre http://www.math.ias.edu/people/past-alpha?letter=C |
20. A Guide To The H. S. Vandiver Papers, 1889-1977 Carlitz, Leonard 28 letters, see also box 4RM162, folder 175, 1949-1961 Carmichael, Robert Daniel two letters, 1931-1932 Cauer, W. two letters, 1928 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00303/cah-00303.html |
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