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21. A Community Of Scholars Institute For Advanced Study This project is an ongoing effort to record the scope and depth of the Institute Carlitz, Leonard http://www.ias.edu/people/cos/affiliation/math?page=7 |
22. Leonard Carlitz – WikipediaTranslate This PageCarlitz, Leonard KURZBESCHREIBUN Carlitz, Leonard, dec. 735 1939 Durham, NC Shelah, Saharon 596 1969 Harary, Frank 550 1949 New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces Fishburn, Peter C. 343 1965 AT T http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Carlitz |
23. Leonard Carlitz - Wikipedia@pedia Persondata NAME Carlitz, Leonard ALTERNATIVE NAMES SHORT DESCRIPTION Mathematician DATE OF BIRTH December 26, 1907 PLACE OF BIRTH Philadelphia, Pennsylvania DATE OF DEATH September 17 http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/l/e/o/Leonard_Carlitz_6239.html |
24. Honorary Members Of The AMS; Statistics On Women Mathematicians Robert Goodell Brunk, Hugh D. Brunschwig, Mildred C. Brunswick, Natascha A. Buck, Ellen F. Buehler, Royce E. Burroughs, Winifred K. Butchart, John H. Butler, John B. Jr. Carlitz, Leonard http://www.ams.org/notices/199811/from.pdf |
25. Ph.d’s Carlitz, Leonard 1930 (H. H. Mitchell) Galois fields of certain types; Zippin, Leo 1929 (J. R. Kline) A study of continuous curves and their relation to the JaniszewskiMullikin http://www.math.upenn.edu/History/math-phds1.html |
26. Citation And Recognition Committee, Records Honorary Degree Nominee Carlitz, Leonard, 1977 and no date Honorary Degree Nominee Carter, Jimmy, 1996; Honorary Degree Nominee Clark, Ramsey, 1971 http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/uarchives/citation.html |
27. Robert Carlitz - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything Search Results for Leonard Carlitz Leonard Carlitz' father was a Ukrainian while his mother was a Latvian. would have two sons Michael Carlitz, born in 1939, and Robert Carlitz http://www.123people.com/s/robert carlitz |
28. Kurt O. Friedrichs Facts - Freebase Facts and figures about Kurt O. Friedrichs, taken from Freebase, the world's database. http://www.freebase.com/view/en/kurt_o_friedrichs |
29. Katherine Carlitz - Pittsburgh, PA MyLife 8482 Kathleen Carlitz Leonard Carlitz Michael Carlitz Mildred Carlitz Natasha Carlitz http://www.mylife.com/c-377398718 |
30. Subject Index For The Archives Of American Mathematics Papers, 19371975 Caratheodory, Constantin, 1873-1950 Dehn (Max) Papers, 1899-1954, 1975-1979 Carnegie Institute of Technology Schild (Alfred) Papers, 1944-1977 Carlitz, Leonard Vandiver http://www.cah.utexas.edu/documents/collections/math/subjects.pdf |
31. Carlitz Ebook Download Using generating functions and limit theorems, we obtain a stochastic description of Carlitz compositions of large present an algorithm for efficient large Carlitz composition http://www.toodoc.com/carlitz-ebook.html |
32. Inventory Of The University Archives Photograph Collection, 1861 The University Archives Photograph Collection was compiled by University Archives Carlitz, Leonard Mathematics, J.B. Duke Professor http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/rbmscl/uaphoto/inv/ |
33. [MATHEMATICIANS]Authors Oliver Knill 2000 Literature Started Carlitz CarlitzCarlitz Leonard (19071999) Carlyle CarlyleCarlyle Thomas (1795-1881) Carnot CarnotCarnot Lazare (1753-1823) French mathematician and politicanbest known for his http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/mathematicians.pdf |
34. List Of Mathematicians (C) Summary BookRags.com Carlitz, Leonard (USA, ? ) Carlson, Fritz (Sweden, 1888 - 1952) Carlyle, Thomas (Scotland, 1795 - 1881) Carmichael, Robert Daniel (USA, 1879 - 1967) http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/List_of_mathematicians_(C) |
35. C Index Carlitz, Leonard (720*) Carlyle, Thomas (372*) Carnot, Lazare (597*) Carnot, Sadi (1607*) Carroll, Lewis (266*) Carslaw, Horatio (525*) Cartan, Elie (406*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/C.html |
36. INDEX OF VOLUME XLI Carlitz, Leonard. A theorem on higher congruences, 844. On certain higher congruences, 907. Church, Alonzo. See Reviews, under Dingier, Heyting, Quine. http://www.ams.org/bull/1936-42-01/S0002-9904-1936-06204-X/S0002-9904-1936-06204 |
37. Ph.d’s Carlitz, Leonard 1930 (H. H. Mitchell) Galois fields of certain types McDonough, Donald L. 1931 (H. H. Mitchell) On the expansion of a certain type of determinant http://www.math.upenn.edu/100/math-phds.html |
38. BIOGRAPHIES OF PAST NUMBER THEORISTS And VARIOUS ITEMS OF Leonard Carlitz Leonard Carlitz (MacTutor) Leonard Carlitz (19071999) (NAMS) Robert Daniel Carmichael (Wikipedia) Eug ne Charles Catalan (MacTutor) http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/Number-Theory-Web/N14.html |
39. Journal Of The North Carolina Academy Of Sciences Collection Home jncas home browse about http://dc.lib.unc.edu/jncas/jncas_browse_author.php?CISOROOT=/jncas |
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