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21. Nicholas Of Cusa On Learned Ignorance (Open Library) Nicholas of Cusa On Learned Ignorance by Cusa, Nicholas of, Cardinal, 14011464., unknown edition, http://openlibrary.org/books/OL21217345M/Nicholas_of_Cusa_On_Learned_Ignorance |
22. Nicholas Of Cusa — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia Nicholas of Cusa. Nicholas of Cusa (Nicolaus Cusanus), 1401? – 1464, German humanist, scientist, statesman, and philosopher, from 1448 cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0835590.html |
23. Nicholas Of Cusa BookRags.com Nicholas of Cusa. Nicholas of Cusa summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/nicholas-of-cusa-eorl-10/ |
24. Nicholas Of Cusa Biography Nicholas of Cusa biography. Who is Nicholas of Cusa? Nicholas of Cusa bio. http://biography.yourdictionary.com/nicholas-of-cusa |
25. Nicholas Of Cusa Summary BookRags.com Nicholas of Cusa. Nicholas of Cusa summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/nicholas-of-cusa-eb/ |
26. Theologians And Religious Thinkers Cusa, Nicholas of Daly, Mary de Lubac, Henri Eckhart, Meister Edwards, Jonathan Erasmus Eriugena, John Scotus Frei, Hans Guti rrez, Gustavo Harnack, Adolf von http://www.theology.ie/theologs.htm |
27. Bressanone — Infoplease.com More on Bressanone from Infoplease Brixen Brixen Brixen see Bressanone, Italy. Nicholas of Cusa - Nicholas of Cusa Nicholas of Cusa (Nicolaus Cusanus), 1401?–1464 http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0808858.html |
28. Medieval Church.org.uk Nicholas Of Cusa (1401-64) Nicholas of Cusa, Nicholas of Cusa's Dialectical Mysticism, 2nd edn. Jasper Hopkins, translator. Minneapolis Arthur J Banning Press, 1988. http://www.medievalchurch.org.uk/p_nicholascusa.php |
29. CUS - What Does CUS Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Cusa, Nicholas of Cusa, Nicholas of Cusa, Nicholas of CUSAC Cusack Cusack Cusack, Cyril James Cusack, Ellen Dymphna Cusack, John Cusack, Sin ad Cusae CUSAGC http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/CUS |
30. Nicholas Of Cusa - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Nicholas Nicholas of Cues Nicholas of Cusa Nicholas of Damascus Nicholas of Hereford Nicholas of Japan Nicholas of Kues Nicholas of Kues Nicholas of Montenegro http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Nicholas of Cusa |
31. Renaissance Philosophers Nicholas of Cusa Nicholas of Cusa (1401 August 11, 1464) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church, a philosopher, a mathematician, and an astronomer http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Renaissance/Philosophers/index1.htm |
32. Nikolaus Cusanus - Definition Nicholas of Cusa (ca. 1400 August 11, 1464) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church, a philosopher, and an astronomer. He was born Nicholas Krebs in Kues, Germany (hence of Cusa http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Nikolaus_Cusanus |
33. Nicholas Of Cusa - Definition Nicholas of Cusa (ca. 1400 August 11, 1464) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church, a philosopher, and an astronomer. He was born Nicholas Krebs in Kues, Germany (hence of Cusa http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Nicholas_of_Cusa |
34. Medieval Church.org.uk Hugh Of St. Victor (d.1142) Nicholas of Cusa Nicholas of Lyre Patrick Pepin (Pippin III) Peter Damian Peter Lombard Peter the Venerable Photius Richard Rolle Scholastica http://www.medievalchurch.org.uk/p_hugh.php |
35. Chester George Randolph, Cowley Abraham, Channing William Ellery Churchill, Winston; Churchward, James; Clark, John Bates; Cobbett, William; Conrad, Joseph; Croly, Herbert; Cumont, Franz; Curtin, Jeremiah; Cusa, Nicholas of http://www.cosimobooks.com/cosimo/classics_author.php?letter=c |
36. Nicholas Of Cusa - Definition Of Nicholas Of Cusa By The Free Nicholas of Cues Nicholas of Cusa Nicholas of Damascus Nicholas of Hereford Nicholas of Japan Nicholas of Kues Nicholas of Kues Nicholas of Montenegro http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Nicholas of Cusa |
37. Of Course Define Of Course At Dictionary.com –noun 1. a direction or route taken or to be taken. 2. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves the course of a stream. 3. advance or progression in a http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/of course |
38. Catholic Classics Reading List- Loyola University Chicago Cusa, Nicholas of. On the Vision of God. Lombard, Peter. The Sentences. Ockham, William of. Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard. Scotus, John Duns http://www.luc.edu/ccih/CatholicClassicsReadingList.shtml |
39. Nicholas Of Cusa - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Nicholas Of Cusa Scholarly books, journals and articles Nicholas Of Cusa at Questia, world's largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better research http://www.questia.com/library/religion/nicholas-of-cusa.jsp |
40. Nicholas Of Cusa reprinted (here online) from Nicholas of Cusa, NICHOLAS OF CUSA. NICHOLAS OF CUSA (1401-1464), philoso- pher, theologian, and mathematician. http://unjobs.org/authors/nicholas-of-cusa |
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