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21. Browse Cornell University Library Historical Monographs Collection Principes de g om trie analytique by Darboux, Gaston (1917). available in print; Principes de la th orie des fonctions enti res d'ordre infini by Blumenthal, Otto (1910). http://digital.library.cornell.edu/m/math/browse/title/p.php |
22. D Index Darboux, Gaston (814*) Darwin, Charles (784*) Darwin, George (688*) Dase, Zacharias (1293*) Daubechies, Ingrid (1728*) Davenport, Harold (1572*) David, Florence (1852*) http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/D.html |
23. Gaston Emergency Medical Services - What Does GEMS Stand For Gaston Darboux Gaston de Foix Gaston de Saporta Gaston Doumergue Gaston Doumergue Gaston Emergency Medical Services Gaston Eyskens Gaston Family Health Services http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Gaston Emergency Medical Services |
24. Gaston Doumergue - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Gaston Gaston Darboux Gaston de Foix Gaston de Saporta Gaston Doumergue Gaston Emergency Medical Services Gaston Eyskens Gaston Family Health Services http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Gaston Doumergue |
25. Gaston De Foix Definition Of Gaston De Foix In The Free Online Gaston Darboux Gaston de Foix Gaston de Saporta Gaston Doumergue Gaston Doumergue Gaston Emergency Medical Services Gaston Eyskens Gaston Family Health Services http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Gaston de Foix |
26. Mathematical Thought From Ancient To Modern Times Vol. 2 Darboux, Gaston Lefons sur la thiorie g n rale des surfaces, 2nd ed., GauthierVillars, 1914, Vol. 1, Book III, Chaps. 1-2. Euler, Leonhard Opera Omnia, ( 1), Vols. 24-25, Orell http://www.questia.com/read/91095765?title=Bibliography |
27. Lecons Sur La Theorie Generale Des Surfaces Et Les Applicati Lecons Sur La Theorie Generale Des Surfaces Et Les Applicati Gaston Darboux Gaston Darboux Book; 15.26 http://www.priceminister.co.uk/offer/buy/40005504/darboux-gaston-le-ons-sur-la-t |
28. Darboux's Theorem Darboux, Gaston (1882). Sur le probl me de Pfaff . Bull. Sci. Math. 6 1436, 49-68. Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (1814-1815). Methodus generalis, aequationes differentiarum http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Darboux's_theorem |
29. Gaston DARBOUXTranslate This PageDARBOUX Gaston 14 Ao T 1842 Nimes - 23 F Vrier Darboux, Gaston (18421917), mathematician Daudet, L on (1867-1942), editor of L'Action Fran aise Debierne, Andr (1874-1949), Marie Curie's colleague for many years http://cths.fr/an/prosopo.php?id=199 |
30. Principal Curvature Ask.com Encyclopedia Darboux, Gaston (1887,1889,1896). Le ons sur la th orie g nerale des surfaces Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Volume IV. GauthierVillars. http://www.ask.com/wiki/Principal_curvature?qsrc=3044 |
31. FROM INTUITION TO DEFINITION TEACHING CONTINUITY IN FIRST Darboux, Gaston. 1875. Memoire sur les fonctions discontinues. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore ai Pisa, Classe di Scienze. 4 57112. 3. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3997/is_200603/ai_n17174348/pg_4/ |
32. Umbilical Point Ask.com Encyclopedia Darboux, Gaston (1887,1889,1896), Le ons sur la th orie g nerale des surfaces Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Volume IV, GauthierVillars http://www.ask.com/wiki/Umbilical_point?qsrc=3044 |
33. Le Ons Sur La Th Orie G N Rale Des Surfaces Et Les Author Darboux, Gaston, 18421917. Title Le ons sur la th orie g n rale des surfaces et les applications g om triques du calcul infinit simal, par Gaston Darboux. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=umhistmath;idno=ABV4153.0001.001 |
34. Www.matematicas.net - Historia ~ Galer A De…Translate This PageUn Top Logo Es Darboux Gaston. Le ons sur la th orie G n rale des Surfaces et les applications g om triques du calcul infinitesimal, Deuxi me partie. http://www.matematicas.net/paraiso/historia.php?id=galeria2 |
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