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Dase Zacharias: more detail |
21. Encyclo - Words Starting With ZaPage 1 Zacharias Dase Zacharias Heinesen Zacharias Hildebrandt Zacharias I of Makuria Zacharias III of Makuria Zacharias in the Temple Zacharias Janssen Zacharias Kunuk http://www.encyclo.co.uk/words/za |
22. Untitled Document [colliervillehs.scsk12.org] Dase, Zacharias (18241861) De Moivre, Abraham (1667-1754) DeMorgan, Augustus (1806-1871) Dedekind, Julius (1831-1916) Dee, John (1527-1608) Desargues, Gerard (1591-1661) http://colliervillehs.scsk12.org/~holmesm/ExtraCreditNames.html |
23. Pi Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article A mathematical constant is a special number, usually a real number, that arises naturally in mathematics. Unlike physical constants, mathematical constants are defined http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Pi |
24. Index [media.wiley.com] key encryption Cullen, J., 34 Cullen primes, 34, 240 Cunningham, Allan Joseph, 34, 240 Cunningham chains, 35 Cunningham project, 3435, 135, 264 cyclic numbers, 37-38 Dase, Zacharias, 111 http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/49/04714623/0471462349-1.pdf |
25. D Index Dase, Zacharias (125) Davenport, Harold (700*) Davidov, August (435*) Davies, Evan Tom (299*) de Beaune, Florimond (316) de Bessy, Bernard (86) de Billy, Jacques (150) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/D.html |
26. Index D Dase, Zacharias. Dasiphora. Dasyatidae. Dasyatoidea. Dasycerinae. Dasycladales. Dasygnathus. Dasylamprops. Dasyleptidae. Dasylirion acrotrichum Dasylirion serratifolium http://www.scientific-web.com/Index/IndexD.html |
27. Guide To Huxley's Island - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-content Dase Zacharias Dase, 1824-1861. An idiot savant who once calculated 79532853 93758479 = 7456879327810587 mentally in 54 seconds. 253. 254. Forbearance - patience http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Guide_to_Huxley's_Island |
28. Cambridge University Press 0521850142 - Elementary Number Theory crossbones check, 172 Cunningham, Alan, chain, 128 Curie, Marie, 87 cycling digits property, 85 cyclotonic integer, 271 Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, 14 Darius, 227 Dase, Zacharias, 109 http://assets.cambridge.org/97805218/50148/index/9780521850148_index.pdf |
29. Www.associatepublisher.com Zacharias Dase Zacharias Heinesen Zacharias Hildebrandt Zambia at the 1968 Summer Olympics Zambia at the 1972 Summer Olympics Zambia at the http://www.associatepublisher.com/e/z/za/ |
30. Index [media.wiley.com] Curves (Gauss), 100,146 Gaussian curvature, 145146 hyperbolic curve, 53-54,61,195-196 theory of curved surfaces, 144-146 Cylon, 37-38 d'Alembert, Jeanle Rond, 52 Dase, Zacharias, 18 http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/94/04701490/0470149094-2.pdf |
31. Dictionary - Definition Of Zacharias Zacharias Dase Zacharias Dase(18241861) was a German arithmetician with an eye-popping aptitude in mental arithmetic. The famous mathematician of the 1800's Karl Gauss investigated http://www.websters-dictionary-online.com/definition/zacharias |
32. Full Alphabetical Index Dase, Zacharias (1293*) Daubechies, Ingrid (1728*) Davenport, Harold (1572*) David, Florence (1852*) Davidov, August (435*) Davies, Paul (1574*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
33. A Is For Asimov At The Thunder Child Dase, Zacharias a fellow who calculated pi to 200 places AdDi 48 Daubr e, Gabriel Auguste French geologist ViHe 207 Davis, Philip J. Author, The Lore of Numbers http://thethunderchild.com/Sourcebooks/Asimov/AisForAsimov/AsimovOnEveryone.html |
34. Super-Index Of Biography Of Mathematicians Dase Zacharias ; Davenport Harold ; Davidov August Yulevich ; de Beaune Florimond ; de Groot Johannes ; de L'H pital Guillaume Francois Antoine Marquis http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/bailey/paper/html/supermath.html |
35. Www.cecm.sfu.ca Dase Zacharias. Davenport Harold. Davidov August Yulevich. de Beaune Florimond. de Groot Johannes. de L'H⌠pital Guillaume Francois Antoine Marquis. de Moivre Abraham http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/bailey/paper/html/listematheux |
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