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21. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'de Beaune, Florimond' 'de Bessy, Bernard' 'de Billy, Jacques' 'de Boislaurent, Budan' 'de Bougainville, Louis' 'de Broglie, Louis duc' 'de Bruin, Gerrit' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
22. Full Alphabetical Index de Beaune, Florimond (316) de Bessy, Bernard (86) de Billy, Jacques (150) de Bourgainville, Louis (74) de Boislaurent, Budan (171) de Broglie, Louis duc (488*) http://freecomputerbooks.com/boat/mathematicians.html |
23. Graph - Liste Refs } Descartes, Ren De Beaune, Florimond (notes) Schooten, Frans van (trad., commentaires) Geometria 1649 Schooten, Frans van In geometriam Renati des Cartes commentarii http://thamous.univ-rennes1.fr/sites/graph/algeq/php/liste.php?champ1=mots_clefs |
24. Μαθηματικοί Γης - B - Science Wiki de Beaune Florimond (France, ? ) de Beauregard-Robinson Gilbert (Canada, 1906 - 1992) Beck Jozsef (?, ? - ) Bedwell William (England, 1561 - 1632) http://el.science.wikia.com/wiki/Μαθηματικοί_Γης_-_B |
25. Florimond De Beaune - Wikipedya Byografi. Dat enp tan yo; Z v li yo. Sa li f , piblikasyon li nan dom n konesans matematik li; Referans. Referans pou konnen plis anl moun sa a http://ht.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florimond_de_Beaune |
26. Www.clas.ufl.edu Debeaune de Beaune, Florimond. He was really de Beaune. He is sometimes known as Debeaune solely because, at http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/ufhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/resource-ref |
27. Www.cecm.sfu.ca de Beaune Florimond. de Bruijn. de Bruijn Constant . De Bruijn Sequence . De Bruijn's Theorem . De BruijnNewman Constant . de Groot Johannes. De Jonquieres Theorem http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/bailey/paper/html/tout |
28. 51-03Translate This Page 1er Dition Par Pierre Costabel Avec Introd. Transcripti See other formats http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Record.htm?record=19253539146910717119 |
29. Www.math.harvard.edu ENTRY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Authors Oliver Knill March 2000. Literature Peter Norvig, Paradigns of Artificial Intelligence Programming. Daniel Juravsky and James Martin, Speech and http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/sofia/data/all.txt |
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