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1. JAMA Topic Collections Oncology Luuk M. Janssen; Gerjo J. V. M. van Osch; Jia Ping Li; Nicole Kops; Klaas de Groot; Johannes W. Von den Hoff; Louw Feenstra; Jos A. U. Hardillo http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/collection/oncol?notjournal=jama,amajnls&page=4 |
2. DE GROOT, Johannes Genealogie VERBRUGGE http://members.ziggo.nl/machiel.verbrugge/wc03_033.htm |
3. The Oxford And Cambridge Boat Race Sponsored By Xchanging Alastair MacLeod, Doug Perrin, Colin Scott, Tobias Garnett, Oliver (Oli) de Groot, Johannes (Wanne) Kromdijk, Don Wyper, David Billings, Rebecca Dowbiggin (cox) http://www.theboatrace.org/article/newsandmedia/2007news/news07cambsfixture |
4. Arch Intern Med Topic Collections Otolaryngology Luuk M. Janssen; Gerjo J. V. M. van Osch; Jia Ping Li; Nicole Kops; Klaas de Groot; Johannes W. Von den Hoff; Louw Feenstra; Jos A. U. Hardillo http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/collection/otolaryngology__head__neck_surgery_o |
5. Johannes De Groot ( - ) Artwork Images, Exhibitions, Reviews Click the artwork titles below to see actual examples of artwork or works of art relevant to works by Johannes de Groot.Johannes de Groot Portrait of Gerard Dou Mezzotint 17th http://wwar.com/masters/g/groot-johannes_de.html |
6. Electric Hair Dryer - US Patent 4167820 Abstract de Groot, Johannes; Assignee. Indola Cosmetics B.V. (NL) Application No. 05/870768 filed on 01/19/1978 . US Classes 34/554, Of heater blower 219/222, Hair heaters 34/97, With gas or vapor http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/4167820.html |
7. CategoryDutch Theologians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Petrus Hofstede de Groot; Johannes Hoornbeek; K. Gerrit Hendrik Kersten; Reender Kranenborg; Abraham Kuenen; Harry M. Kuitert; Abraham Kuyper; L. Johann Leusden http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Dutch_theologians |
8. MacFamilyTree Parents. Father Johannes Henricus (Harry) de Groot Mother Francine A.J, (Francien) Wich . Events. Birth Date 2601-1962 Place Uden. Occupation http://home.wanadoo.nl/c.wich/WichStamboom/persons/608.html |
9. Genealogy Data Page 1661 (Family Pages) Spouse de Groot, Johannes Lucas b. 1823 Utrecht,Utrecht Netherlands d. 20 FEB 1875 Utrecht,Utrecht Netherlands Gender Male Parents Father de Groot, Johannes (Jan) http://www.pwjansen.nl/f_67c.html |
10. Arch Fam Med Topic Collections Otolaryngology/ Head Luuk M. Janssen; Gerjo J. V. M. van Osch; Jia Ping Li; Nicole Kops; Klaas de Groot; Johannes W. Von den Hoff; Louw Feenstra; Jos A. U. Hardillo http://archfami.ama-assn.org/cgi/collection/otolaryngology_head__neck_surg?notjo |
11. CategoryTypographers - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Luc(as) de Groot; Johannes Gutenberg; Stefan Guzy; H. Robert Haas (calligrapher) Christoffer Hald; Victor Hammer; Benjamin Hanford; Robert Harling (typographer) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Typographers |
12. Genealogy Data Page 225 (Pedigree Pages) de Groot, Johannes Albertus {I187} De Groot, Hendrika {I4615} b. 19 May 1913 Van Ojen, Evert Jansen {I214} b. 21 Nov 1810 d. 30 Mar 1864 http://www.winkel.org/genealogy/tree/p_e0.htm |
13. An Alphabetized List Of Non-Zarathushtrians Authors - D DE GROOT, Johannes (1886 1942) DE GROOT, Johannes (1914 - 1972) DE HARLEZ, Charles Joseph (1832 - 1899) DEICHGR BER, Karl (1903 - ) http://www.farvardyn.com/dauth.php |
14. Art History - Famous Artists - Index G Groot, Frans Arnold Breuhaus De Groot, Johannes De Gropper, William Grosantoine, Jean Gros, Baron Antoine Jean Gros, Lucien Alphonse Grosch, Laura http://wwar.com/artists/g-13.html |
15. Arch Ophthalmol Topic Collections Oncology Luuk M. Janssen; Gerjo J. V. M. van Osch; Jia Ping Li; Nicole Kops; Klaas de Groot; Johannes W. Von den Hoff; Louw Feenstra; Jos A. U. Hardillo http://archopht.ama-assn.org/cgi/collection/oncol?notjournal=archopht,amajnls&am |
16. Electric Hair Dryer - Patent 4167820 An electric hair dryer includes a heating source and a heating element to produce De Groot, Johannes (Hoorn, NL) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4167820.html |
17. Johannes Willem Simon De Groot On Artnet Johannes Willem Simon de Groot (Dutch, 18771956) - Find works of art, auction results sale prices of artist Johannes Willem Simon de Groot at galleries and auctions worldwide. http://www.artnet.com/artist/424471745/johannes-willem-simon-de-groot.html |
18. Genealogy Data Page 822 (Family Pages) Spouse de Groot, Johannes (Jan) Gender Male Children de Groot, Henricus de Groot, Johanna Sophia de Groot, Johannes Lucas de Groot, Johannes http://www.pwjansen.nl/f_335.html |
19. DE GROOT, Johannes 1Translate This PageGenealogie VERBRUGGEmembers.ziggo.nl/mach Johannes de Groot (Dutch, born circa 1688) Find works of art, auction results sale prices of artist Johannes de Groot at galleries and auctions worldwide. http://members.ziggo.nl/machiel.verbrugge/wc03_032.htm |
20. Electric Hair Dryer - US 4167820 de Groot; Johannes (Hoorn Assignee Indola Cosmetics B.V http://www.patents.com/electric-hair-dryer-4167820.html |
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