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1. Dedekind Richard - Science Wiki Κίνδυνοι Χρήσης; των Εξωτερικών Συνδέσμων Οι διάφοροι Εξωτερικοί Σύνδεσμοι (Links) (όχι μόνον, της http://el.science.wikia.com/wiki/Dedekind_Richard |
2. Richard Dedekind - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Works by Richard Dedekind at Project Gutenberg; Dedekind, Richard, Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago, 1901. at the Internet Archive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Dedekind |
3. Julius Wihelm Richard Dedekind Biography of the mathematician with links to relevant terms and related links. From the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Dedekind.html |
4. The Early Development Of Set Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Dedekind, Richard. 1876/77. Sur la th orie des nombres entiers alg briques, Bulletin des Sciences math matiques et astronomiques, 11 (1876), 1 (1877). http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/settheory-early/ |
5. Julius Wihelm Richard Dedekind Biography of the mathematician. http://www.stetson.edu/~efriedma/periodictable/html/Db.html |
6. Dedekind, Richard - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Dedekind In 1858 he succeeded in producing a purely arithmetic definition of continuity and an exact formulation of the concept of the irrational number. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Dedekind, Richard |
7. Is 0.999 = 1? 1 Dedekind, Richard, Continuity and irrational numbers, (1872), in Essays on the theory of numbers, Dover, 1963. 2 Faltin, F., N. Metropolis, B. Ross and G.C. Rota, The real http://math.fau.edu/richman/HTML/999.htm |
8. Dedekind, Richard - Definition Of Dedekind, Richard By The Free Dedekind (German) ˈdedəˌkɪnt n (Biographies / Dedekind, (Julius Wilhelm) Richard (18311916) M, German, SCIENCE mathematician) (Julius Wilhelm) Richard (ˈjuːlɪʊs ˈvɪlhɛlm http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Dedekind, Richard |
9. Tel/Fax + 61 3 9726 8316 DEDEKIND, Richard 1831 1916 KOVALEVSKAYA, Sonya 1850 - 1891. DESCARTES, Rene 1596 - 1650 LOVELACE, Ada Byron 1815 - 1852. DU CHATELET, Emilie 1706 - 1749 NEWTON, Isaac http://www.blackdouglas.com.au/taskcentre/135sheet.doc |
10. Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard Biograf a en Historia de las matem ticas. http://almez.pntic.mec.es/~agos0000/Dedekind.html |
11. Dedekind, Richard Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind (October 6, 1831 – February 12, 1916) was one of the major German mathematicians in the late nineteenth century who did important work in abstract http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Richard_Dedekind |
12. Pronunciation Guide To Mathematicians Dedekind, Richard (18311916) (DA de kint) Desargues, Girard (1591-1661) (day Z RG) Descartes, Rene (1596-1650) (day C RT) http://nsm1.nsm.iup.edu/gsstoudt/pronounce.html |
13. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind - Wikipedia Biograf a del matem tico con enlace a t rminos relevantes. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Wilhelm_Richard_Dedekind |
14. Dedekind, Richard Definition Of Dedekind, Richard In The Free Dedekind (Julius Wilhelm) Richard. 18311916, German mathematician, who devised a way (the Dedekind cut) of according irrational and rational numbers the same status http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dedekind, Richard |
15. Dedendum Definition Of Dedendum In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Dedekind, Richard Dedekind, Richard Dedekind, Richard Dedekindcomplete Dedekind-completion Dedekind-macneille completion Dedemsvaart dedendum dedendum circle http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dedendum |
16. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind Biografia del matem tico. En Biograf as y vidas. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/d/dedekind.htm |
17. Essays In The Theory Of Numbers, 1. Continuity Of Irrational Author Dedekind, Richard, 18311916 Subject Irrational numbers; Number theory Publisher Chicago Open Court Pub. Co Possible copyright status NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language English Call http://www.archive.org/details/essaysintheoryof00dedeuoft |
18. Number Theory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Dedekind, Richard (1963). Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0486-21010-3. Davenport, Harold (1999). The Higher Arithmetic An Introduction to the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_theory |
19. Dedekind, Richard In 1858 he succeeded in producing a purely arithmetic definition of continuity and an exact formulation of the concept of the irrational number. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Richard Dedekind |
20. Tel/Fax + 61 3 9726 8316 LOOK FOR THESE FAMOUS NAMES IN THE PUZZLE AGNESI, Maria Gaetana 1718 1799HYPATIAc. 370 - 415A.D. DEDEKIND, Richard 1831 - 1916KOVALEVSKAYA, Sonya 1850 - 1891 DESCARTES, Rene 1596 http://www.blackdouglas.com.au/taskcentre/135sheet.pdf |
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