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21. [ECKERT, J. Presper And John MAUCHLY.] Outline Of Plans For ECKERT, J. Presper and John MAUCHLY. Outline of plans for development of electronic computers sic. Typescript and carbon typescript. Headings underlined in red. http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/LotDetail.asp?intObjectID=4443706& |
22. J. Presper Eckert Biography From Answers.com (born April 9, 1919, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. — died June 3, 1995, Bryn Mawr, Pa.) U.S. engineer. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1946 he and John W. Mauchly http://www.answers.com/topic/j-presper-eckert |
23. ECKERT, J. Presper. The Remaining Eckert Archive, Totaling Nearly ECKERT, J. Presper. The remaining Eckert archive, totaling nearly 300 items, including early photographs, working papers, typescripts, brochures, book. http://www.christies.com/Lotfinder/lot_details.aspx?pos=3&intObjectID=444372 |
24. Eckert_John Summary J Presper Eckert (19191995) JOC/EFR July 1999. The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Eckert_John.html http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Eckert_John.html |
25. Eckert, J. Presper 1919- (John Presper) [WorldCat Identities] ENIAC by Scott McCartney ( Recording ) John Mauchly the computer and the skateboard ( Visual ) A survey of large scale computing machines, 1947 http://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-nr94-24796 |
26. Interview With J. Presper Eckert Long, indepth, technical, on ENIAC, includes thought process behind design. Transcript of video interview by David Allison, for National Museum of American History http://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/comphist/eckert.htm |
27. Checking Circuits And Diagnostic Routines. Dittoed Typescript By 1953.. Eckert, J. Presper. Publication form. Checking circuits and diagnostic routines. Dittoed typescript, stapled. N.p., Marc Checking circuits and diagnostic routines. http://www.abaa.org/books/245839538.html |
28. WikiAnswers - Family Facts About Eckert J. Presper In His Life This question has not been answered yet. Answer it or get updates discuss research share Facebook Twitter Search Related answers When was J . Presper Eckert born? J http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Family_facts_about_Eckert_J._Presper_in_his_life |
29. Www.luckbealady.com AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Home . Background . The Past Year and a Half Pres's Childhood . The Moore School . The EckertMauchly Computer Corporation . Awards http://www.luckbealady.com/EckertProject/Default.htm |
30. Mauchly, John And Eckert, J. Presper Image Details. J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, inventors of the ENIAC, examine a printout of the computer's results in newsreel footage, February 1946 http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/image.php?rec=2657&img=1971 |
31. J. Presper Eckert, Jr. (American Engineer) Britannica Online J. Presper Eckert, Jr. (American engineer), April 9, 1919Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.June 3, 1995Bryn Mawr, Pa.American engineer and coinventor of the first generalpurpose electronic http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/178066/J-Presper-Eckert-Jr |
32. Q A A Lost Interview With ENIAC Co-inventor J. Presper Eckert In a recently discovered interview, released on the 60th anniversary of the first ENIAC demonstration, coinventor J. Presper Eckert explodes some myths and explains why he may http://www.computerworld.com/hardwaretopics/hardware/story/0,10801,108568,00.htm |
33. Charles Babbage Institute CBI'S COLLECTIONS Oral History Database Interviewee Eckert, J. Presper (John Presper), 1919Interviewee Mauchly, Kathleen Interviewee McNulty, James Interviewer Nancy B. Stern Repository Charles Babbage Institute http://special.lib.umn.edu/cbi/oh/display.phtml?sub=178 |
34. Eckhardt, Edris Definition Of Eckhardt, Edris In The Free Online Eckert, J Presper Eckert, J Presper, Jr. Eckert, J. Presper Eckert, Wallace Eckert, Wallace J Eckert, Wallace John EckertMauchly Computer Corporation http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Eckhardt, Edris |
35. Charles Babbage Institute CBI'S COLLECTIONS Oral History Database Subject(s) Travis, Irven A., 1904; Moore School of Electrical Engineering; ENIAC (Computer); Eckert, J. Presper (John Presper), 1919-Citation Irven A. Travis, OH 36. http://special.lib.umn.edu/cbi/oh/display.phtml?sub=452 |
36. Who Needs Personal Computers WHO NEEDS PERSONAL COMPUTERS? by J. Presper Eckert J. Presper Eckert was the chief engineer on ENIAC I. He is currently vicepresident and technical assistant to the president http://www.atariarchives.org/deli/who_needs_personal_computers.php |
37. The Computing Revolution WHO? J. PRESPER ECKERT. J. Presper Eckert, 19191995 John Presper Eckert, or “Pres” as he was called, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania http://www.mos.org/computingrevolution/univac/5b.html |
38. Characters TOBlender.com RJ Eckert J. Presper Eckert is the reference, inventor of the first generalpurpose electronic digital computer. Hair Dirty brown Eyes http://toblender.com/comic/characters/ |
39. Eckhardt, Edris - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Eckhardt Eckert, J Presper Eckert, J Presper, Jr. Eckert, J. Presper Eckert, Wallace Eckert, Wallace J Eckert, Wallace John EckertMauchly Computer Corporation http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Eckhardt, Edris |
40. E Index Eckert, J Presper (1000*) Eckert, Wallace J (623*) Eckmann, Beno (920*) Eddington, Arthur (2153*) Edge, William (1193*) Edgeworth, Francis (1092*) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/E.html |
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