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1. Empedocles Fragments And Commentary From the Hanover Historical Texts Project. Arthur Fairbanks translations of the fragments of empedocles. http://history.hanover.edu/texts/presoc/emp.htm |
2. Empedocles Course notes, providing a concise introduction to this thinker and pointing out some questions raised by his thought. http://www.abu.nb.ca/Courses/GrPhil/Empedocles.htm |
3. Empedocles Lecture notes by S. Marc Cohen, presenting empedocles as part of the pluralistic response to Parmenides teachings. http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/320/emped.htm |
4. Cosmos Of The Ancients Empedocles Short article by Stephen Stenudd reviewing the cosmological aspects of empedocles writings, and Aristotle s reaction to them. http://www.stenudd.com/myth/greek/empedocles.htm |
5. Empedocles - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia empedocles (ca. 490–430 BC) was a Greek preSocratic philosopher and a citizen of Agrigentum, a Greek city in Sicily. empedocles' philosophy is best known for being the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empedocles |
6. Greek Philosopher Empedocles empedocles the son of Meton, was a Greek philosopher, statesman and scientist, born in Agrigentum, a Greek colony in Sicily. He was a disciple of the scholars Pythagoras and http://hubpages.com/hub/empedocles |
7. Empedocles Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy article. Summarizes this early Greek thinker s thought and presents what is known about his life. http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/e/empedocl.htm |
8. Empedocles (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) In antiquity, empedocles (ca. 495435 BCE) was characterized as active on the democratic side in the politics of his native city of Acragas in Sicily, and as a physician, as http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/empedocles/ |
9. Empedocles Of Acragas (492-432 BC) empedocles believed that light travelled with a finite velocity, not through any experimental evidence, of course, but simply through reasoning. http://njsas.org/projects/speed_of_light/empedocles/index.html |
10. Empedocles Biography From Answers.com (born c. 490, Acragas, Sicily — died 430 BC , the Peloponnese) Greek philosopher, statesman, poet, and physiologist. All that remains of his writings are 500 lines from two http://www.answers.com/topic/empedocles |
11. Empedocles Quotes 2 quotes and quotations by empedocles Related Authors Aristotle Socrates Plato Epictetus Plutarch Epicurus Diogenes http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/e/empedocles.html |
12. Empedocles [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] empedocles (c.492—432 BCE) empedocles (of Acagras in Sicily) was a philosopher and poet one of the most important of the philosophers working before Socrates (the http://www.iep.utm.edu/empedocl/ |
13. EMPEDOCLES – Great Teacher Series @ Theosophy Trust TheosophyTrust.org is dedicated to the dissemination of the Wisdom Religion Theosophy. It is the only site on the Internet where the original HERMES writings of Raghavan Iyer http://theosophytrust.org/tlodocs/articlesTeacher.php?d=Empedocles.htm&p=39 |
14. Empedocles Biography empedocles biography and related resources. empedocles (490 BC 430 BC) was a Greek philosopher and a citizen of Agrigentum also known as Acragas, in Sicily. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Empedocles.html |
15. Empedocles Of Agrigentum At Peith S Web Includes the Leonard translation of the empedocles fragments alongside the original Greek, as well as the Life of empedocles from Diogenes Laertius. http://classicpersuasion.org/pw/empedocles/ |
16. Empedocles Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Ancient Greece is the civilization belonging to the period of Greek history lasting from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to 146 BC and the Roman conquest of http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Empedocles |
17. Empedocles Of Acragas, (CA. 492 B.C.-CA. 432 B.C.) World Of Earth Greek philosopher, poet, and politician. A philosopher, poet, politician, and visionary, empedocles of Acragas developed radical new ideas about the nature of the universe. http://www.enotes.com/earth-science/empedocles-acragas-ca-492-b-c-ca-432-b-c |
18. Empedocles - LoveToKnow 1911 empedocles (c. 490430 B.C.), Greek philosopher and statesman, was born at Agrigentum (Acragas, Girgenti) in Sicily of a distinguished family, then at the height of its glory. http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Empedocles |
19. Empedocles - Definition empedocles (c. 490 BC c. 430 BC) was a Greek presocratic philosopher and a citizen of Agrigentum also known as Acragas, a Greek colony in Sicily. He maintained that all matter is made http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Empedocles |
20. The Structure Of Empedocles Fragment 17 A 2000 paper by Simon Trepanier. An intensive study of this, the longest and most illuminating of empedocles fragments. http://www.humboldt.edu/~essays/paper1.html |
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