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1. Biographies Of Oronce Fine Biographies of Fine Oronce and more Fine Oronce biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/1037-Fine_Oronce.html |
2. Oronce Fin - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Oronce Fine; Oronce Fine Oronce Fine (or Fin , . In Latin, Orontius Finnaeus or Finaeus; Italian Oronzio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oronce_Finé |
3. Biography-center - Letter F • Fincke E. Michael • Fincke Thomas • Fine Henry • Fine Oronce • Finelli Giuliano • Finger George W. • Finger Joseph • Finiels Nicol S • Finlay George Preston http://www.biography-center.com/f-2.html |
4. CategoryFrench Mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Subcategories. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 4 total. B http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:French_mathematicians |
5. BIBLIOGRAFIA GNOMONICA RINASCIME 1527.FINE, Oronce. Quadrans Astrolabicus omnibus Europae regionibus inserviens. (Quadrant astrolabes to serve in all Europe). First edition Paris, 1527. http://www.nicolaseverino.it/Bibliografia rinascimentale.htm |
6. The Galileo Project Fin , Oronce 1. Dates Born Brian on, 1494 Died Paris, 8 August 1555 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 61 2. Father Occupation Physician http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/fine.html |
7. Fifty World Maps Fine (Oronce) Nova, et Integra Universi Orbis Descriptio Woodcut map Shirley 66 16 x 11in. (420 x 290mm.) Paris, 1531 Ref WLD 2657 Price P.O.R http://www.themaphouse.com/archive/WLD/fifty.html |
8. FINE, Oronce. FINE, Oronce. Liber De Geometria Practica.Strasbourg, Ex Off . (4), 133, (1); (34), 314 pp. Buisson, Oeuvres pedagog. du XVIe s. 5727714 http://www.vialibri.net/item_pg/5727714-1494-fine-oronce-liber-geometria-practic |
9. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Fine, Oronce Fink, Thomas Fitzroy, Robert Flammarion, Camille Flamsteed, John Fleming, Williamina Paton Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bouyer de Fouchy, JeanPaul Grandjean de http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html |
10. De Mundi Sphaera, FINE, (Oronce). Fine (14941555) wrote several astronomical treatises in a popular vein. De Mundi sphera was originally published as part of his Protomathesis (1532) and more Buy online http://www.maggs.com/title/TR5754.asp |
11. List Of Scientists By Field Fine, Oronce. Fine, Oronce. Fink, Thomas. Fink, Thomas. Fink, Thomas. Finlay, Carlos Juan. Finsen, Niels Ryberg. Firmicus Maternus. Fischer, Emil Hermann. Fischer, Hans http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/f.html |
12. Fin , Oronce S S Antikv Rium The oldest virtual antiquarium in Hungary. http://www.sosantikvarium.hu/engraver_cartographer24.html |
13. Old World Map By Oronce Fine In 1531 Click image for larger picture and detail of print. 1531 World map by Oronce Fine. Oronce Fine was the most prominent French cartographer in the sixteenth century. http://www.archival-maps.com/saleprint.php?PrintID=1410 |
14. Digital Collections - Maps - Fine, Oronce, 1491-1555. Nova, Et Fine, Oronce, 14911555. Nova, et integra universi orbis descriptio cartographic material Orontius Fine's globe slightly reduced 1531. No. 3 http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-rm2796 |
15. Methodes Traites Luth - 2 Volumes - France 1600-1800 Sheet Music Table of contents Volume 1 Fine Oronce Tres breve et familiere introduction 1529 Fine Oronce Epithoma musice instrumentalis - 1530 Phalese Pierre Des chansons reduictz en http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/18460200 |
16. Fine, Oronce (Orontius Finaeus) Fine, Oronce (Orontius Finaeus). De re praxi geometrica, Libri tres, figuris Paris, Gourbin 1556. - Titel mit Druckermarke. Mit 98. 5870884 http://www.vialibri.net/item_pg/5870884-1556-fine-oronce-orontius-amp-praxi-geom |
17. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive Fine, Oronce; Fincke, Thomas; Flamsteed, John; Fontenelle, Bernard de; Bessy, Bernard Frenicle de; Galileo, Galileo. Gassendi, Pierre; Gellibrand, Henry; Ghetaldi, Marino http://www.gap-system.org/~history/External/Westfall_list.html |
18. The Life Of Oronce Fine (Oronce Fin , Orotius Finaeus, Oronteus Figure 1 The Oronteus Finaeus map of 1532, southern hemisphere Figure 2 - The Oronteus Finaeus map redrawn on a modern polar projection Figure 3 - A modern map of Antarctica drawn http://www.timstouse.com/EarthHistory/Antarctic/oronteusfinaeus.htm |
19. General Maps Creators 3 Fine, Oronce, 14941555. Finlayson, James. Finley, A. (Anthony) Flecheux, M., 1738-1793. Florimi, Matteo. Fonn , E. Fora, Nicolas de la, b. ca. 1730. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/gnrlmapAuthors03.html |
20. 1531 Oronce Fine Antique World Map Custom Rack Card From Zazzle All Products oronce, fine, oronce fine, antique, old, world, map, chart, antiquarian, hemispheres, oceans, continents, countries, spheres, cartouche, pyramid, wind http://www.zazzle.com/1531_oronce_fine_antique_world_map_rackcard-24555383537775 |
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