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21. Isis Current Bibliography Bibliographic Resources Finsler, Paul (1894 ) Fioravanti, Leonardo (1517-1588) Firenzuola, Agnolo (1493-1543) Firmicus Maternus, Julius (fl. 334-355) Fischer, Aloys (1880-1937) http://www.ou.edu/cas/hsci/isis/website/thesaurus/IsisCB.Personalnames.F-G.html |
22. F Index Finsler, Paul (529*) Fischer, Ernst (128*) Fisher, Sir Ronald (361*) Fiske, Thomas (500*) FitzGerald, George (3067*) Flamsteed, John (772*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/F.html |
23. From Frege To Goedel FINSLER, Paul, Formal proofs and undecidability, 1926. tr. by Stefan BauerMengelberg. (Formale Beweise und die Entscheidbarkeit, Mathematische Zeitschrift 25.) http://www.fuchu.or.jp/~d-logic/en/books/ftog.html |
24. Photography Books From Almagre Books In Santa Fe Wraps. 4to. 147 works listed and illustrated, some in color. Robert Frank, Werner Bischoff, Hans Finsler, Paul Senn, Rene Burri, Emil Schulthess, et al. Read More http://www.biblio.com/bookstore/almagre-books/photography-page-1~6bb23~1bca0d |
25. Www.math.niu.edu (18941970) Finsler, Paul (1894-1971) Hopf, Heinz (1895-1941) Reinhardt, Karl (1895-1961) Barbilian, Dan (1895-1973) Walsh, Joseph Leonard http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names |
26. Hadwiger-Finsler Inequality - Wikipedia@pedia Finsler, Paul; Hadwiger, Hugo (1937). Einege Relationen im Dreieck . Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 10 (1) 316–326. doi 10.1007/BF01214300. http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/h/a/d/Hadwiger-Finsler_inequality_0d59. |
27. Axioms Of Set Theory Paul Finsler; Paul Mahlo; Petr Vopěnka; Raphael M. Robinson; Richard Laver; Robert M. Solovay; Ronald Jensen; Saharon Shelah; Sy Friedman; Tomek Bartoszyński http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Axioms_of_set_theory |
28. Wikiwak - List Of Mathematicians (F) Finsler, Paul (Germany/Switzerland, 1894 1970) Fischer, Bernd (Germany, 1936 - ) Fischer, Charlotte Froese (Canada, 1929 - ) Fischer, Ernst Sigismund (Austria, 1875 - 1954) http://www.wikiwak.com/wak/List_of_mathematicians_(F) |
29. Minerva. Datario Biografico Di Scienziati, Tecnici, Studiosi Finsler, Paul (18941970) Finsterwalder, Richard figlio (1899-1963) Finsterwalder, Sebastian padre (1862-1951) Fioravanti, Leonardo (1517-1588) http://www.minerva.unito.it/Clio/Dat/F.htm |
30. G Del, Escher, Bach—Bibliography Finsler, Paul. Formal Proofs and Undecidability . Reprinted in van Heijenoort's anthology From Frege to G del (see below). A forerunner of G del's paper, in which the existence http://jsomers.net/GEB-bibliography.html |
31. Full Alphabetical Index Finsler, Paul (529*) Fiorentini, Mario (677*) Fischer, Ernst (530*) Fisher, Ronald (1966*) Fiske, Thomas (500*) FitzGerald, George (3163*) Fizeau, Hippolyte (1306*) http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
32. Axiomatic Set Theory Paul Finsler; Paul Mahlo; Petr Vopěnka; Raphael M. Robinson; Richard Laver; Robert M. Solovay; Ronald Jensen; Saharon Shelah; Sy Friedman; Tomek Bartoszyński http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Axiomatic_set_theory |
33. Browse By Author Name - ETH E-CollectionTranslate This PageFinsler, Paul (1) Fin Abraham Robinson Abraham Robinson was a mathematician who is most widely known for Paul Finsler - Paul Finsler was a German and Swiss mathematician. http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/list/author?letter=Fi |
34. Paul Finsler – WikipediaTranslate This PageLeben Und Werk Schriften Literatur Finsler, Paul (529*) Fiorentini, Mario (677*) Fischer, Ernst (530*) Fisher, Sir Ronald (1966*) Fiske, Thomas (500*) FitzGerald, George (3163*) Flamsteed, John (772*) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Finsler |
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