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1. Flamsteed, John - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Flamsteed Flamsteed, John (1646–1719) English astronomer. He began systematic observations of the positions of the stars, Moon, and planets at the Royal Observatory he founded at Greenwich http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Flamsteed, John |
2. F Flamsteed, John, 1646-1719 Subjects. F / Flamsteed, John, 16461719 Showing all records. Show records with pictures only. Displaying records 1 to 3 of 3 records 1 PAD2713 http://www.nmm.ac.uk/collections/prints/browseHeadings.cfm?filter=SUBJECTS&n |
3. Flamsteed, John Encyclopedia Flamsteed, John. Flamsteed, John (flăm'stēd) , 1646–1719, English astronomer. He was appointed (1675) astronomer royal by King Charles II and carried on his http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0818864.html |
4. 33. Flamsteed, John. Atlas Celeste . Troisieme Edition. Paris This third edition of Flamsteed's star atlas (actually the fifth overall, and the second French) was printed using the plates of the 1776 ed, but with a number of modifications. http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/stars/lal.htm |
5. Flamsteed, John - OPT Telescopes Edu Home Astronomy Library Biography Astronomers Flamsteed, John Flamsteed, John John Flamsteed was an English astronomer and the first Astronomer Royal. http://www.optcorp.com/edu/articleDetailEDU.aspx?aid=1478 |
6. Janus Papers Of John Flamsteed Flamsteed, John (16461719) astronomer Baily, Francis (1774-1844) stockbroker and astronomer RGO Archives/RGO 1 contains 1 First notes of sextant observations. http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD/GBR/0180/RGO 1 |
7. The Galileo Project Flamsteed, John 1. Dates Born Denby, near Derby, 19 Aug. 1646 Died Greenwich, 3 Dec. 1719 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 73 http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/flamsted.html |
8. Flamsteed Summary John Flamsteed (16461719) John Flamsteed was an English astronomer who published accurate astronomical observations and was the first Astronomer Royal. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Flamsteed.html |
9. Flamsteed, John Flamsteed, John (1646–1719) English astronomer. He began systematic observations of the positions of the stars, Moon, and planets at the Royal Observatory he founded at Greenwich http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Flamsteed |
10. Flamsteed, John (Br. Astron.) Britannica CD http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/index/index_fl_ams.html |
11. John Flamsteed (British Astronomer) Britannica Online Encyclopedia Facts about Flamsteed, John, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Flamsteed, John Facts about John Flamsteed designation of stars, as discussed in astronomical map http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/209448/John-Flamsteed |
12. John Flamsteed - Article And Reference From OnPedia.com John Flamsteed, (19 August, 1646 31 December, 1719) was an English astronomer. Flamsteed, John Flamsteed, John Flamsteed, John http://www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/John-Flamsteed |
13. Flamsteed, John - Definition Of Flamsteed, John By The Free Online Flamsteed ˈfl mˌstiːd n (Biographies / Flamsteed, John (16461719) M, English, SCIENCE astronomer) John. 1646-1719, English astronomer the first Astronomer Royal and first http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Flamsteed, John |
14. John Flamsteed - LoveToKnow 1911 JOHN FLAMSTEED (16461719), English astronomer, was born at Denby, near Derby, on the 19th of August 1646. The only son of Stephen Flamsteed, a maltster, he was educated at the free http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/John_Flamsteed |
15. Flamsteed, John - Cosmeo English astronomer and first Astronomer Royal of England. (1646-1719), English astronomer and first Astronomer Royal of England. Flamsteed was born in Denby and educated at the http://www.cosmeo.com/viewArticle.cfm?guidAssetId=D06CFACB-E925-4D39-9DD0-833141 |
16. Skoool.ie Senior Cycle Flamsteed, John Astronomer 1646 - 1719. John Flamsteed was born in Denby in England. Because of poor health, he was forced to leave school early and was therefore largely http://www.skoool.ie/skoool/senior.asp?id=739 |
17. Flamsteed, John - Royal, Led, And Society (1646–1719) English astronomer constructed first comprehensive telescopic star catalogue. Flamsteed’s poor health, which was to hinder his work, led to frequent absence http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/7170/Flamsteed-John.html |
18. Flamsteed, John Definition Of Flamsteed, John In The Free Online Flamsteed, John (flăm`stēd), 1646–1719, English astronomer. He was appointed (1675) astronomer royal by King Charles II and carried on his researches at Greenwich Observatory. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Flamsteed, John |
19. HowStuffWorks Flamsteed, John Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks article http://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/famous-scientists/astronomers/john-f |
20. Flamsteed, John Definition Of Flamsteed, John HighBeam.com Find out what Flamsteed, John means A Dictionary of Scientists has the definition of Flamsteed, John. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at HighBeam http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O84-FlamsteedJohn.html |
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