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1. Hans Freudenthal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, University of St Andrews, http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Freudenthal.html . Autobiography by Hans Freudenthal, Hans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Freudenthal |
2. Models In Science (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Freudenthal, Hans (ed.) (1961), The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences. Dordrecht Reidel. Frigg, Roman (2006), “Scientific http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/models-science/ |
3. Wanderbericht Vom Hohen Kasten [Lars Freudenthal] Wanderurlaubsbericht mit Bildern vom Hohen Kasten und Umgebung. http://www.freudenthal.biz/Berchtesgaden/Hoher_Kasten/hoher_kasten.html |
4. Cosmic Search Issue 04 Page 50 - Index To Volume 1 By Editors LINCOS, DESIGN OF A LANGUAGE FOR COSMIC INTERCOURSE, Freudenthal, Hans 3, 42. Little Green Men, White Dwarfs or Pulsars?, Burnell, S. Jocelyn Bell 1, 16. http://www.bigear.org/CSMO/HTML/CS04/cs04p50.htm |
5. Freudenthal Instituut Expertisecentrum reken- en wiskundeonderwijs. Nieuws, projecten, lesmateriaal en software. http://www.fi.uu.nl/ |
6. Freudenthal, Hans Definition Of Freudenthal, Hans HighBeam.com Find out what Freudenthal, Hans means The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics has the definition of Freudenthal, Hans. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O82-FreudenthalHans.html |
7. Holdings Oktaven Und Quinten U.A. / Similar Items. Oktaven, Ausnahmegruppen und Oktavengeometrie / By Freudenthal, Hans, 1905 Published (1960) Economics U$A / By Mansfield, Edwin. http://yufind.library.yale.edu/yufind/Record/903584 |
8. KG Freudenthal Von 1833 E.V. Karnevalsgesellschaft aus dem westf lischen M nster. Infos ber Vorstand, Elferrat, Senat, Garde, Kadettenkorps und zur aktuellen Session. http://www.kg-freudenthal.de/ |
9. Freudenthal Hans Math Quotes. Geometry Is Grasping Space. Elearning Freudenthal Hans Math Quotes. Geometry is grasping space . . . that space in which the child lives, breathes and moves http://www.gogeometry.com/math_geometry_quotes/freudenthal_math.html |
10. The KLI Theory Lab - Authors - F Freudenthal, Hans Frey, Bruno S. Frey, Gerhard Friedman, Michael Friel, John P. Fries, I. Frings, H. Frings, M. Fristrup, Kurt M. Fritz, Johannes Frolik, Lawrence A. http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/ALists/Authors_F.html |
11. Unseren Reiseseiten [Annette Lars Freudenthal] Pers nliche Eindr cke und jede Menge Fotos von Reisen unter anderem nach China, Sri Lanka, T rkei, Spanien, Polen, Dom. Repubilk und gypten. http://www.freudenthal.biz/ |
12. Portret Van Hans Freudenthal Prof. Dr. Hans Freudenthal (1905 1990) Hans Freudenthal was born in 1905 in the German town of Luckenwalde, the son of a Jewish teacher. Even at a young age he was interested http://www.fi.uu.nl/en/freudenthal.html |
13. Measuring Up Prototypes For Mathematics Assessment Freudenthal, Hans (1983). Didactical phenomenology of mathematical structures. Dordrecht Reidel. Paiget, Jean, Inhelder, Barbel, and Szeminska, Alina (1960). http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=2071&page=84 |
14. Von Punta Cana Quer Durch Die Dom Bis Nach Samana [Lars Freudenthal] Bericht ber eine dreiw chige Rundreise in 2007. http://www.freudenthal.biz/domrep/ |
15. Freudenthal Summary Hans Freudenthal (19051990) JOC/EFR July 2000. The URL of this page is http//www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Freudenthal.html http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Freudenthal.html |
16. INDEX OF NAMES Freudenthal, Hans (Netherlands, 19051990) and Lincos language, 1189 Friedberg, Richard M. (USA, 1935- ) and intermediate degrees, 1130 http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/names/f-j.html |
17. Chalkidi Au Erhalb Der Urlaubszeit [Annette Lars Freudenthal] Schilderungen ber eine Tour mit einem Leihwagen ber die beiden Halbinseln Kassandra und Sithonia. http://www.freudenthal.biz/chalkidiki/ |
18. Untitled [eserver.org] Freudenthal, Hans. Mathematics as an Education Task. D. Reidel Publishing Company. Dordrecht, Netherlands. 1973. Goffree, Fred. HF Working on Mathematics Education. http://eserver.org/courses/spring97/76100o/contributions/sullivan/sullivan.works |
19. A Guide To The F. Burton Jones Papers, 1906-1999 Freudenthal, Hans Fugate, J. B. G Gehman, Harry M. Gillman, Leonard Box 2000213/4 Glaser, Leslie C. Gordh, G. R., Jr. Grace, Edward E. H Hagopian, Charles L. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00196/00196-P.html |
20. Schottland [Oliver Freudenthal] Informationen ber Schottland mit Schwerpunkt auf Wandertouren und einigen Fotos. http://www.oliver-freudenthal.homepage.t-online.de/3.htm |
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