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1. Pierre Gassendi, Member, Committee, American Philosophical Gassendi, Pierre Professional Researcher Gassendi, Pierre The Biography Channel Corp Gassendi, Pierre UltimateHealthGuide.com http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Gassendi_Pierre_1260778604.aspx |
2. Pierre Gassendi Article by J.G. Hagen, from the Catholic Encyclopedia. Covers Gassendi s life and work in some detail. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06391b.htm |
3. Pierre Gassendi - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pierre Gassendi (January 22, 1592 – October 24, 1655) was a French philosopher, priest, scientist, astronomer, and mathematician. With a church position in southeast France, he http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Gassendi |
4. Metaphors.lib.virginia.edu spirits which move through the nerves, and senseperception thus occurs there, where you dwell, despite the fact that it is said to occur throughout the body — Gassendi, Pierre http://metaphors.lib.virginia.edu/metaphors/9247 |
5. Perrre Gassendi - Enciclopedia Cat Lica Biograf a del fil sofo. http://www.enciclopediacatolica.com/g/gassendipierre.htm |
6. Gassendi, Pierre - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Gassendi French physicist and philosopher who played a crucial role in the revival of atomism (the theory that the world is made of small, indivisible particles), and the rejection of http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Gassendi, Pierre |
7. Gassendi, Pierre (1592–1655) The Blackwell Dictionary Of Blackwell Reference Online is the largest academic online reference library giving instant access to the most authoritative and upto-date scholarship across the humanities and http://www.blackwellreference.com/public/tocnode?id=g9781405106795_chunk_g978140 |
8. Great Voyages Gassendi Sketch of his thought, biographical timeline, and portrait. http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/philosophers/gassendi.html |
9. Pierre Gassendi (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Richard Popkin, “Gassendi, Pierre,” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Paul Edwards, New York Macmillan and the Free Press, 1967, Volume 3, 269273. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/gassendi/ |
10. GASSENDI, (Pierre), 1592-1655 Two works by the distinguished astronomer and philosopher Pierre Gassendi; the first work concerns the Roman ecclesiastical calendar and examines the reform of the calendar by http://www.maggs.com/title/CO17639.asp |
11. Pierre Gassendi Short biography with bibliography and links, from the MacTutor History of Mathematics. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Gassendi.html |
12. Gassendi, Pierre - Definition Of Gassendi, Pierre By The Free Gassendi (French) gasɛndɪ n (Biographies / Gassendi, Pierre (15921655) M, French, SCIENCE physicist, PHILOSOPHY philosopher) Pierre. 1592-1655, French physicist and philosopher http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Gassendi, Pierre |
13. Gassendi, Pierre - Zeno.orgTranslate This PageLexikoneintrag Zu Gassendi, Pierre Gassendi Correspondence Network; Gassendi letters, correspondence, and manuscripts t h e g a s s e n d i w e b reconstructing gassendi's correspondence network http://www.zeno.org/Eisler-1912/A/Gassendi, Pierre |
14. Probabilist Deductive Inference In Gassendi S Logic Scholarly paper by Saul Fisher. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Logi/LogiFish.htm |
15. Gassendi, Pierre Definition Of Gassendi, Pierre In The Free Online Gassendi, Pierre (pyĕr g s Ndē`), 1592–1655, French philosopher and scientist. A teacher and priest, Gassendi taught at Digne, Aix, and the Royal College at Paris and held http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Gassendi, Pierre |
16. Gassendi, Pierre - Petri Gassendi Institutio Astronomica, Juxta Gassendi, Pierre, Petri Gassendi Institutio Astronomica, juxta hypotheses tam veterum qu m recentiorum cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nuntius Sidereus ; et Johannis Kepleri http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/content/cosmology/cosmology/gassendi_astronomica |
17. Pierre Gassendi Pr sentation de sa vie et de son oeuvre dans l encyclop die Wikipedia. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Gassendi |
18. Gassendi, Pierre More on Pierre Gassendi from Infoplease Gassendi meaning and definitions Gassendi Definition and Pronunciation; atomism - atomism atomism, philosophic concept of the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0820296.html |
19. Radboud Repository Gassendi, Pierre Title Gassendi, Pierre Author(s) Palmerino, C.R. Publication year 2007 Document type Part of book or chapter of book Book title Koertge, N. (ed.), New Dictionary of http://dare.ubn.kun.nl:8080/handle/2066/40561 |
20. La Tradition Arithm Tique En Musique - L Exemple De Gassendi Article de Brigitte Van Wymeersch. http://www.peiresc.org/New site/Actes.Dhombres/VanWymeersch.pdf |
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