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1. Biographies Of Poul Heegaard Biographies of Heegaard Poul and more Heegaard Poul biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/1411-Heegaard_Poul.html |
2. Poul Heegaard - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Poul Heegaard (November 2, 1871 February 7, 1948) was a Danish mathematician active in the field of topology. His 1898 thesis introduced a concept now called the Heegaard splitting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poul_Heegaard |
3. Index Of Persons Heegaard, Poul Sophus Vilhelm (183584), Danish philosopher, 34-6 passim. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831), German philosopher, x, 1-5 passim, 8-11 passim, 17, 18, 25, 26, 28 http://www.ashgate.com/pdf/SamplePages/Volume_6_Tome_I_Kierkegaard_German_Contem |
4. Names Index Page HEEGAARD, Poul Anker (12 Mar 187012 Mar 1870) HEES, Catharina (WFT Est. 1603-1626-WFT Est. 1649-1714) HEES, Hans (WFT Est. 1561-1599-WFT Est. 1603-1681) http://www.usgennet.org/family/baicon/data/names19.htm |
5. Heegaard Biography Biography of Poul Heegaard (BB^Y1948) Born 2 Nov 1871 in Copenhagen, Denmark Died 7 Feb 1948 in Oslo, Norway. Click the picture above http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Heegaard.html |
6. Deliverable Reference Number D.WP.JRA.3.3.2 Helvik@item.ntnu.no 32 NTNU Otto Wittner wittner@Q2S.ntnu.no 32 NTNU Qitao Gan qitao.gan@Q2S.ntnu.no 32 NTNU Anders Mykkeltveit anders.mykkeltveit@q2s.ntnu.no 32 NTNU Poul Heegaard Poul http://eurongi.enst.fr/archive/127/JRA332.pdf |
7. Jeff Heegaard, Minnesota Waldorf School - ZoomInfo Business Heegaard, Poul Norwegian University of Science and Technology Heegaard, Peter Macalester Public Knowledge Base Heegaard, Peter http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Heegaard_Jeff_1255454298.aspx |
8. List Of Mathematicians Encyclopedia II - List Of Mathematicians - H Heegaard, Poul (?, 1871 – 1948) Heegner, Kurt (Germany, 1893 – 1965) Heesch, Heinrich (Germany, 1906 – 1995) van Heijenoort, Jean (?, 1912 – 1986) http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/List_of_mathematicians_-_H/id/1582191 |
9. Publications From 2007 - Department Of Telematics Stray, Petter; Jelle, Thomas; Heegaard, Poul Einar Field Test of Mobile WiFi Terminals in a Wireless City. I Norsk Informatikkonferanse (NIK 2007) Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2007. http://www.ntnu.no/telematikk/research/publications/2007 |
10. Wikiwak - List Of Mathematicians (H) Heegaard, Poul (Denmark, 1871–1948) Heegner, Kurt (Germany, 1893–1965) Heesch, Heinrich (Germany, 1906–1995) Hefferon, Jim (?, 1958 ) Heikenen, Toby G rn (Sweden, 1806–1887) http://www.wikiwak.com/wak/List_of_mathematicians_(H) |
11. Eric Heegaard - ZoomInfo Business Information Heegaard, Poul Norwegian University of Science and Technology Heegaard, Roger Enova Medical Technologies LLC Heegaard, Susan http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Heegaard_Eric_691835396.aspx |
12. INFORMS Tel Aviv 1998 Author Index Heegaard, Poul E. WA15 Hefner, Andreas TB14 Heidelberger, Philip WA15 Helber, Stefan TB10 Herbon, Avi WC10 Herer, Yale T. MA19 MD12 Herman, Al MC10 http://meetings.informs.org/TelAviv98/TALKS/Authors.html |
13. Publications - Department Of Telematics Paquereau, Laurent; Viken, Brynjar; Heegaard, Poul Einar. networks. In Combining performance monitoring and location data in wireless. Norsk informatikkonferanse (NIK) 2005 Tapir http://www.item.ntnu.no/people/personalpages/fac/poulh/publications |
14. Heegaard, Carreen - Heeger, Carlos LinkedIn Philip Heegaard Poul Heegaard Rene Heegaard Roger Heegaard Sarah Heegaard Steffen Heegaard http://www.linkedin.com/directory/people/heegaard.html |
15. Publications From 2008 - Department Of Telematics Kjeldsen, Vebj rn; Wittner, Otto Jonassen; Heegaard, Poul Einar. Distributed and Scalable Path Management by a System of Cooperating Ants. I WORLDCOMP’08. http://www.ntnu.no/telematikk/research/publications/2008 |
16. Topologists Topics At Duck Duck Go Poul Heegaard Poul Heegaard was a Danish mathematician active in the field of topology. http://duckduckgo.com/c/Topologists |
17. DBLP Poul E. Heegaard 2010; 23 Razib Hayat Khan, Poul E. Heegaard Translation from UML to SPN Model A Performance Modeling Framework. EUNICE 2010 270271 22 M t J. Csorba, Poul E. Heegaard Swarm http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/Heegaard:Poul_E=.htm |
18. Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
19. ICT 2010 heegaard, poul (norwegian university of science and technology, norway) hegarty, john (ucc (cork) and upmc (paris), france) heiber, irmgard (european commission dg infso g4, belgium) http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/cf/ict2010/browse-persons.cfm?eve |
20. Poul Heegaard Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe and the senior member of the Kingdom of Denmark. It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Poul_Heegaard |
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