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21. Other Criteria - Artist-based Publications - Books, Prints, Artist Other Criteria artist-based publications - books, prints, artist's editions, posters and clothing - Damien Hirst, Thomas Scheibitz, Jane Simpson, Rachel Howard, Itai Doron http://othercriteria.agitprop.co.uk/ |
22. Jon Hirst Chester, VA Classmates.com Jon Hirst 2005 graduate of Thomas Dale High School in Chester, VA is on Classmates.com. See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Jon and other high school alumni http://www.classmates.com/directory/public/memberprofile/list.htm?regId=76994876 |
23. Hirst, Thomas (1754-1754) Year Type Name as Recorded Location Office/Status VIEW; 1754 Appt(Institution) Hirst, Thomas Peterhouse, Cambridge / Fellow http://eagle.cch.kcl.ac.uk:8080/cce/persons/CreatePersonFrames.jsp?PersonID=1671 |
24. Hirst Biography Biography of Thomas Hirst (BB^Y1892) Born 22 April 1830 in Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, England Died 16 Feb 1892 in London, England http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Hirst.html |
25. Ministry Of Sound GU Radio Global Underground Radio is adding a few more strings to its bow. We are very proud to have Anil Dale, Stu Hirst, Thomas Sagstad, and Trafik do http://www.ministryofsound.com/radio/artist/GURadio |
26. Thomas Hirst Robin J. Wilson, ‘ Hirst, Thomas Archer (1830–1892) ’, first published 2004; online edn, Oct 2006, 1058 words, with portrait illustration http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/13364 |
27. RootsWeb HIRST-L Archives (August 2007) HIRSTL Archives August 2007 Re HIRST Thomas George Hirst http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/index/HIRST/2007-08 |
28. Jon Woolacott - United Kingdom - Email, Address, Phone Number United Kingdom Connections Vern DLadla, Andrew James Hirst, Thomas Rees, Joy Lewis, Tom Newton http://www.123people.co.uk/s/jon woolacott |
29. Thomas Hirst - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Thomas Henry Hirst was a first class cricketer who played against Somerset CCC for Yorkshire County Cricket Club, in a drawn match at the Circle in Hull, in 1899. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Hirst |
30. Saratoga Fine Art Exceptional Painting And Artworks Purchasing Claude R. Hirst Thomas Hill John H. Hill George Hitchcock A.T. Hibbard Charles Hoffbauer Hans Hoffmann Carl Holty Winslow Homer James Hope Edward Hopper http://www.saratogafineart.com/purchasing.html |
31. WASTE TONER SOLIDIFICATION APPARATUS FOR A PRINTING DEVICE Patent application title WASTE TONER SOLIDIFICATION APPARATUS FOR A PRINTING DEVICE Inventors Brent L. Meyer Bartley Mark Hirst Thomas Wayne Ives http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20090110455 |
32. Automatic Gas Recorders - Patent 2622015 James, Cooper Hirst, Thomas Harold http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2622015.html |
33. Peplin Ltd — MarketVisual — Related Entities Total Number of Relationships 173 Strongest Relationship Gary W Pace Top Relationships Cherrell Hirst Thomas G Wiggans Eugene A Bauer Peter J Welburn David J B http://www.marketvisual.com/de/ecb9b8bc-8a8b-465b-a6df-de7ba0786385/Peplin Ltd |
34. Chris Margetts - United Kingdom - Email, Address, Phone Number United Kingdom Connections Wesley Lincoln, Sean 'Seany' Robinson, Justin Haywardjones, Greg Hirst, Thomas Ballard http://www.123people.co.uk/s/chris margetts |
35. Religion And Contemporary Art - A Collection Of Essays Exploring Padgett looks at artists (Damien Hirst, Thomas Hirschhorn, Anton Artaud, Jake and Dinos Chapman Brothers, Guillermo GomezPena etc) and develops the idea of “Postmodern Religious http://anthonydpadgett.tripod.com/novelacademic.html |
36. Biography Thomas (I) Hirst, The Crazy Cartoon III The Quest For Thomas (I) Hirst, The Crazy Cartoon III The Quest for the Thing That Does Some Stuff http://www.torrentreactor.net/actor/476005/Hirst-Thomas-(I) |
37. Master Paintings - Permanent Collection The Butler Institute Of claude raguet hirst thomas hill winslow homer edward hopper ralph humphrey george inness paul jenkins eastman johnson joe jones william keith http://www.butlerart.com/collection-masterpaintings.htm |
38. Tom Sutcliffe What The Ornament Business Owes To Hirst An interesting catalogue comes through the door – or rather a dull catalogue – for a middlemarket furniture company called Dwell – with one interesting item in it. It's what http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/columnists/thomas-sutcliffe/tom-sutcliffe-w |
39. New Library Acquisitions Masters Theses RyanHirst, Thomas F. DNAlien. Ohio Ohio University, 2009. ELECTRONIC BOOK Scaglioni, Maria Martha. The development of Brazilian railroads. Ohio Ohio University, 2009. http://www.library.ohiou.edu/info/newacq/2009-10/theses-m.html |
40. Marr1848 On Wednesday evening, 3d instant, by Rev. Mr. Hirst, Thomas Hooper to Miss Eliza Crawford, all of this city. On the 3d instant, by Rev. Job Guest, William H. Valliant, of http://www.mdgenweb.org/baltimorecity/marriages/marr1848.html |
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