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81. T Ai Chi And The Zenobics Society Yang style, 108 form taught by Master Nguyen Cao Thanh, in Houston, Texas. Class schedule and 13 principles. http://www.hal-pc.org/~lwd/taichi.html |
82. Hui Yang Mao Tai Industry Co.,Ltd Hui Yang Mao Tai Industry Co.,Ltd is a manufacturer of Corded and cordless phone. http://www.allproducts.com/manufacture100/maotai/ |
83. Silver Dragon T Ai Chi And Qigong School Yang style short form, Sword, Sensing Hands, and a variety of Qigong sequences taught by Donna Silver in Madison, Wisconsin. Classes, workshops and glossary. http://www.silverdragon.itgo.com |
84. Little Tiger T Ai Chi Studio Located in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, offers Yang style training, holistic health remedies, qigong, and hands-on therapy. Class descriptions and schedule. http://littletigertaichi.tripod.com/ |
85. Curriculum Vitae Grace, Hui Yang Curriculum Vitae Grace, Hui Yang Telephone (+1)4122157651 Email huiyang@cs.cmu.edu Language Technologies Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University 5000 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~huiyang/cv/cv-grace.pdf |
86. Gilman Studio Of Tai Chi Chuan Free Yang style long form online class. Studio information, class schedule, books and tournament details. Port Townsend, WA http://www.gilmanstudio.com |
87. Friendster - Hui Yang Friendster ; location Singapore, SG; Somewhere in Bangladesh(Yeah Right); AlQaeda Tanzim Qaidat Al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (QJBR) http://profiles.friendster.com/iscfutility |
88. T Ai Chi Ch Uan Atlanta Yang style taught by Herb Goldberg, Georgia. Class descriptions and schedule, benefits, and seminars. http://taichichuanatlanta.com/ |
89. Mountain River Tai Chi Chuan Traditional Yang style taught by Keith Robertson in London includes class locations, FAQs, and classical writings. http://www.mountainriver.co.uk |
90. QigongCenter.com Tung Family Yang style and Qigong taught by Ken Charron in Hayward, California. Qigong articles and links. http://home.comcast.net/~kencharron/ |
91. Rising Dragon Tai Chi Richard Farmer s Yang style school. About its Herefordshire country house base, lineage, instructor list, articles. http://www.risingdragontaichi.com |
92. West Norfolk Tai Chi Tai Chi Original Yang style in Wisbech, Cambs - Lineage, classics, class details. http://www.whynaturalhealth.co.uk/taichi/ |
93. Shibashi.com Rising Phoenix Yang style tai chi and shibashi qigong in Cardiff, UK. Information on courses both for individuals and corporates, residential workshops and holidays, merchandise, key dates in life of Cheng Man Ching. http://www.shibashi.com |
94. TC Society Club in Santa Monica, CA, offers classes in Yang style. http://www.tcsociety.com |
95. Jersey Tai Chi Foundation Yang style taught under the guidance of Raymond Reid, in St. Clement. Class schedule, photos of martial applications, and news. http://www.jtcf.org.uk/ |
96. Northwest Tai Chi Academy Yang style, philosophy and weapons taught by Jose A. Perez in Chicago, Illinois. Class schedule. http://www.taichichicago.com |
97. Tai Chi-Qigong Health Centre Colin Orr teaches Yang style and Zhan Zhuang in Gorleston, Norfolk. Syllabus, about the styles, chat forum and class schedule. http://www.taichi-qigong.net/ |
98. Winged Lion School Of TaijiQuan Michael DeMarco s classes focus on the Yang Long Form and Sword Form. Located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. http://www.wingedliontaijiquan.com/ |
99. Twin Cities T Ai-Chi Ch Uan Studio Yang style and other related arts in St. Paul, Minnesota. Schedule and detailed class descriptions, and articles. http://www.tctaichi.org/ |
100. Cebsan Yang n ihbar ve alarm sistemleri, otomatik yang n s nd rme hizmetleri, yang n s nd rme cihazlar . http://www.cebsan.com.tr |
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