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1. Christiaan Huygens - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 18881950 - Huygens, Christiaan. Oeuvres compl tes. The Hague Complete work, editors D. Bierens de Haan (tome=deel 1-5), J. Bosscha (6-10), D.J. Korteweg (11-15), A.A. Nijland (15), J http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiaan_Huygens |
2. Christiaan Huygens Definition Of Christiaan Huygens In The Free Huygens, Christiaan . Born Apr. 14, 1629, in The Hague; died there July 8, 1695. Dutch engineer, physicist, and mathematician; originator of the wave theory of light. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Christiaan Huygens |
3. Christiaan Huygens Includes a biography with photos and a summary of his scientific work. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~huygens/ |
4. Huygens, Christiaan Encyclopedia Huygens, Christiaan. Huygens, Christiaan (kris'ty n hoi'g u ns) , 1629 – 95, Dutch mathematician and physicist; son of Constantijn Huygens. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0824656.html |
5. AccessScience Biography Huygens, Christiaan The content above is only an excerpt. Please log in for full access. http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0090561 |
6. Christiaan Huygens A biography and short summary of his work. http://www.surveyor.in-berlin.de/himmel/Bios/Huygens-e.html |
7. Huygens, Christiaan Definition Of Huygens, Christiaan In The Free Huygens, Christiaan (krĭs`ty n hoi`gəns), 1629–95, Dutch mathematician and physicist; son of Constantijn Huygens. He improved telescopic lenses and discovered (1655) a http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Huygens, Christiaan |
8. Huygens Christiaan - Science Definition Definition of Huygens Christiaan from The American Heritage Science Dictionary. http://science.yourdictionary.com/huygens-christiaan |
9. Huygens Christiaan Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Research Huygens Christiaan and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/101250185 |
10. Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Barnard Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Barnard Canadian Gateway, Business Guides, Entertainment, Travel. Listing and reviews of Canadian Web sites. http://www.masterliness.com/a/Christiaan.Huygens.htm |
11. MacTutor Christiaan Huygens Includes a full biography, several images, and some scientific works. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Huygens.html |
12. Huygens Biography Biography of Christiaan Huygens (BB^Y1695) Born 14 April 1629 in The Hague, Netherlands Died 8 July 1695 in The Hague, Netherlands http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Biographies/Huygens.html |
13. Huygens, Christiaan Huygens, Christiaan Christiaan Huygens (b. April 14, 1629, The Hagued. July 8, 1695, The Hague), Dutch mathematician, astronomer, and physicist, who founded the wave http://www.oglethorpe.edu/faculty/~m_rulison/Astronomy/Dictionary/huygens.htm |
14. Huygens, Christiaan (1596-1687) Eine kurze Biographie des niederl ndischen Astronomen. http://me.in-berlin.de/~jd/himmel/astro/Huygens.html |
15. Huygens Christiaan - Definition Of Huygens Christiaan By The Free Huygens (h g nz, hoi g ns), Christiaan 16291695. Dutch physicist and astronomer who in 1655 discovered Saturn's rings and its fourth satellite, using a telescope he http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Huygens Christiaan |
16. HUYGENS, Christiaan. Horologium Oscillatorium Sive De Motu HUYGENS, Christiaan. Horologium oscillatorium sive de motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demonstrationes geometricae. Paris F. Muguet, 1673. . http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/lot_details.aspx?from=searchresults&pos=2 |
17. Huygens, Christiaan Christiaan Huygens. Christiaan Huygens Born April 14 1629 (162904-14) The Hague, Netherlands. Died July 8 1695 (aged 66) The Hague, Netherlands. Residence http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Christiaan_Huygens |
18. HUYGENS, CHRISTIAAN OEUVRES . Back Volumes And Back Issues. HUYGENS, CHRISTIAAN OEUVRES. Vols. 122. Haarlem, 1888-1950. With Liste Alphabetique de la Correspondance de . Reprint.Journal reprint available from Periodicals http://www.periodicals.com/stock_f/h/ttl19529.html |
19. NASA - Christiaan Huygens World Book Article on Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens, (HY guhnz), (16291695), was a Dutch physicist, astronomer, and mathematician. http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/huygens_worldbook.html |
20. Dictionary - MSN Encarta Enter a search term above to find Dictionary definitions or click the Thesaurus tab to find synonyms and antonyms. http://www.encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/refarticle.aspx?refid=761567208 |
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