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1. Kātyāyana - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Matilal, Bimal Krishna (1990/2001), The word and the world India's contribution to the study of language, Oxford University Press, ISBN 019-565512-5; External links. katyayana and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyayana |
2. Katyayana_sratua_sutra Encyclopedia Topics Reference.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page http://www.reference.com/browse/Katyayana_Sratua_Sutra |
3. Welcome To Katyayana Software Solutions KATS is an emerging solution integration and consulting company, based at South Africa. KATS adopts a holistic approach in understanding the business needs, technology challenges http://katyayana.com/ |
4. Katyayana (Buddhist) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia katyayana was a disciple of Gautama Buddha. katyayana, also known as Kaccana (or Kaccayana), Mahakatyayana, Mahakaccana and in Japanese as Kasennen, is one of the Ten Disciples of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyayana_(Buddhist) |
5. Katyayana - Article And Reference From OnPedia.com katyayana was probably a priest who lived in India around 200 BC. Like Baudhayana, he composed Shulba http://www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/katyayana |
6. Katyayana katyayana was a Sanskrit Grammarian and mathematicianpriest who lived in India in ca. the 2nd century BC (the time of the Indo-Greek Kingdom). http://indicstudies.us/Mathematics/Biographies/Katyayana.html |
7. Katyayana - Religion-wiki katyayana also known as Mahakatyayana, Mahakaccana Mahaakaccaana and, in Japanese, as Kasennen, is one of the Ten Disciples of the Buddha . (1) Mahakashyapa, 2 http://religion.wikia.com/wiki/Katyayana |
8. Katyayana Biography Biography of katyayana (BB^Yabout 140 BC) We cannot attempt to write a biography of katyayana since essentially nothing is known of him except that he was the author of a http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Katyayana.html |
9. Katyayana (Buddhist) By The SwissPedia, The Free Encyclopedia By katyayana (Buddhist). The biggest multilingual freecontent encyclopedia on the Internet. Over 7 million articles in over 200 languages, and still growing. http://www.swisscorner.com/wiki.php?title=Katyayana_(Buddhist) |
10. Katyayana Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article The Sanskrit grammatical tradition of ' is one of the six Vedanga disciplines. It has its roots in late Vedic India, and includes the famous work, The Sanskrit grammatical http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Katyayana |
11. Omnipelagos.com ~ Article Katyayana katyayana Kātyāyana was a Sanskrit Grammarian and mathematicianpriest who lived in India in ca. the 2nd century BC (the time of the Indo-Greek Kingdom). http://omnipelagos.com/entry?n=katyayana |
12. Katyayana A selection of articles related to katyayana katyayana Encyclopedia katyayana. katyayana may refer to katyayana (Buddhist), a disciple of Gautama Buddha. http://www.experiencefestival.com/katyayana |
13. Katyayana Sanskrit Grammarian, Mathematician Vedic Priest katyayana Sanskrit Grammarian, Mathematician Vedic Priest katyayana (c. 3rd century BC) was a Sanskrit grammarian, mathematician and Vedic priest who lived in ancient India. http://aumsri.sulekha.com/blog/post/2007/06/katyayana-sanskrit-grammarian-mathem |
14. Katyayana - On Opentopia, Find Out More About Katyayana Kātyāyana was a Sanskrit Grammarian and mathematicianpriest who lived in India in ca. the 2nd century BC (the time of the Indo-Greek Kingdom). He is known for two works http://encycl.opentopia.com/term/Katyayana |
15. Katyayana Synonyms, Katyayana Antonyms Thesaurus.com No results found for katyayana Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see katyayana on Dictionary http://thesaurus.com/browse/Katyayana |
16. Katyayana - On Dying Without Transgressing The Precepts katyayana, also known as Mahakatyayana, Mahakaccana and in Japanese as Kasennen, is one of the so called Ten Disciples of the Buddha http://www.shabkar.org/teachers/indian/katyayana.htm |
17. Katyayana - On Dying Without Transgressing The Precepts katyayana Shakbar Once, long ago, the noble katyayana a disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni contracted smallpox and was told by his doctor that he should http://www.shabkar.org/teachers/tibetanbuddhism/katyayana.htm |
18. Katyayana Summary katyayana (about 200 BCabout 140 BC) katyayana was the author of one of the Sulbasutras documents containing some of the earliest Indian mathematics. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Katyayana.html |
19. Katyayana (print-only) We cannot attempt to write a biography of katyayana since essentially nothing is known of him except that he was the author of a Sulbasutra which is much later than the http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Printonly/Katyayana.html |
20. Katyayana Kātyāyana (c. 3rd century BC) was a Sanskrit grammarian, mathematician and Vedic priest who lived in ancient India. He is known for two works The Varttika, an elaboration on http://english.turkcebilgi.com/Katyayana |
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