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21. Excerpts Proofs And Refutations By Imre Lakatos biblioexcerptise a book unexamined is not worth having. Proofs and Refutations Imre Lakatos. Lakatos, Imre; Proofs and Refutations. Thomas Nelson and Sons, Edinburgh. 1964 http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/amit/books/lakatos-1964-proofs-refutations.html |
22. Christina Lakatos - ZoomInfo Business Information Lakatos, Imre Furry Elephant Limited Lakatos, Imre Debrecen Lakatos, Istvan New York Area Coordinating Committee for the Commemoration http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Lakatos_Christina_1432513309.aspx |
23. Imre Lakatos Definition From Answers.com Lakatos, Imre (192274) Hungarian philosopher of mathematics. Lakatos fled Hungary after the Soviet invasion in 1956, studied at Cambridge, and submitted his doctoral thesis http://www.answers.com/topic/imre-lakatos |
24. Imre Lakatos Semblanza filos fica del pensador. http://bibliotecadigital.ilce.edu.mx/sites/ciencia/volumen3/ciencia3/161/html/se |
25. BiblioVault - For And Against Method Including Lakatos's Lectures Subject headings Science Methodology. Feyerabend, Paul K., 1924 Correspondence. Lakatos, Imre Correspondence. Science Philosophy. http://www.bibliovault.org/BV.book.epl?ISBN=9780226467757 |
26. La Science Existe-t-elle ? Compte rendu du livre d Imre Lakatos Histoire et methodologie des sciences. Programmes de recherche et reconstruction rationnelle. Par Thomas Lepeltier. http://revue.de.livres.free.fr/cr/lakatos.html |
27. For And Against Method Including Lakatos's Lectures On Scientific Mathematics Science And Epistemology Philosophical Papers by Lakatos Imre Format Paperback Price Rs.4800 Imported Edition. Seller Papa Media http://books.rediff.com/book/author-lakatos-imre |
28. FOM Imre Lakatos (Imre Lipschitz) (I hope this is not a duplicate, my first version disappeared). Now, with more time, I expand my previous version. It seems that PSU.EDU eats my mails. http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1997-December/000518.html |
29. Imre Lakatos, The Ratio-Defender Summary of Lakatos effort to nuance the falsification doctrine and defend it from Kuhn s attacks. http://huizen.daxis.nl/~henkt/lakatos-eng.html |
30. General Term Lakatos, Imre Lakatos, Imre. Proponent of an important theory in the philosophy of science, which developed the work of Popper and also responded to the insights of Kuhn. http://www.counterbalance.org/gengloss/lak-body.html |
31. Modern Physics, Modern Society Translation of this paper from Lakatos youth, by G bor Kutrov tz. http://hps.elte.hu/~kutrovatz/LAKATOS0.html |
32. Lakatos, Imre Definition Of Lakatos, Imre HighBeam.com Online Find out what Lakatos, Imre means The Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations has the definition of Lakatos, Imre. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O218-LakatosImre.html |
33. Preuves Et R Futations. Essai Sur La Logique De La D Couverte Math Matique Une note de lecture sur l ouvrage d Imre Lakatos par J.L. Le Moigne http://mcxapc.org/cahier.php?a=display&ID=296 |
34. Lakatos Imre FacebookPrivate ProfileSign Up Sign Up For Facebook To Connect With Connections 1 connection Lakatos Imre’s Contact Settings Interested In career opportunities consulting offers http://www.facebook.com/people/Lakatos-Imre/100001554691699 |
35. Philosophy Philosophers L Lakatos-imre Below is a listing of categories in the SKR pertaining to philosophy philosophers l lakatosimre http://www.spiritandsky.com/philosophy/philosophers/l/lakatos-imre/ |
36. AccessScience Biography Lakatos, Imre About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0091213 |
37. Lakatos, Imre (1922-1974) - MavicaNET Archives Lakatos Imre English URL http//library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/economicsphilosophy/lak.html. shown in filters Personalia. Imre Lakatos was born in Hungary with the http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/35073.html |
38. AIM25 Text-only Browsing British Library Of Political And Lakatos Imre 19221974 Professor Of Logic Popper Sir Karl Raimund 1902-1994 Knight philosopher Corporate names International Colloquium on the Philosophy of Science http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cats/1/5633.htm |
39. Lakatos Imre – Free Listening, Concerts, Stats, Pictures At Lakatos Imre on Last.fm. Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last.fm. http://www.last.fm/music/Lakatos Imre |
40. Chegg.com The Methodology Of Scientific Research Programmes By Rent and Save a ton on The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes by Lakatos, Imre Currie, Gregory Worrall, John.ISBN 0521280311 EAN 9780521280310 http://www.chegg.com/details/the-methodology-of-scientific-research-programmes/0 |
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