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Lax Gaspar: more detail |
21. Www.cecm.sfu.ca Lax Gaspar. Le Fevre Jean. Le Paige Constantin Marie. Le Tenneur Jacques Alexandre. Le Verrier Urbain Jean Joseph. Lebesgue Henri Leon. Lefschetz Solomon http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/bailey/paper/html/listematheux |
22. List Of Mathematicians Encyclopedia II - List Of Mathematicians - L Lax, Gaspar (Spain, 1487–1560) Lax, Peter (Hungary/USA, 1926 – ) List of mathematicians Le. Leau, L opold (France, 1868 – 1940) Lebesgue, Henri (France, 1875 – 1941) http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/List_of_mathematicians_-_L/id/1582194 |
23. Zolt N Rem Nyi FacebookPrivate ProfileIt's Free And Anyone Can Join. Already A M MATHEMATICIANS Authors Oliver Knill 2000 Literature Started from a list of names with birthdates grabbed from . mactutor in 2000. http://www.facebook.com/people/Zoltan-Remenyi/100001350383449 |
24. Lebensdaten Von MathematikernTranslate This PageLax, Gaspar (1487 - 1560) Lebesg Le cronologie di Psicopolis. Indice alfabetico dei matematici . Indice alfabetico dei matematici Cronologia dei matematici http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html |
25. Ferrater Mora Diccionario De Filosof A…Translate This PageLax, Gaspar (1487-15 Gaspar Lax Gaspar Schott Gaspare Aselli Gasparo Berti GasparR.F.N. CasalJulian Gay Byrne Gay Talese Gedeon Tallemant des Reaux Geminiano Montanari Gene Kelly http://www.ferratermora.org/ency_prologo_qz_cu-cron.html |
26. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'Lax, Gaspar' 'Lax, Peter' 'Le FΦvre, Jean' 'Le Paige, Constantin' 'Le Tenneur, Jacques' 'Le Verrier, Urbain' 'Lebesgue, Henri' 'Ledermann, Walter' 'Leech, John' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
27. LTranslate This Pagelax, Gaspar. 1487-1560 . Lazarus, Moritz (1824-1903) Lazzari The Scientific Revolution A Single Comprehensive Listing of the Westfall DSB Catalogue of the Scientific Revolution Scientific Community Compiled by R.A. Hatch with Permission http://www.cibernous.com/autores/dicautor/cadaletra.html/tl.html |
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