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21. Pronunciation Guide To Mathematicians Lebesgue, Henri (18751941) (la BEG) Lie, Sophus (1842-1899) (LEE) Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752-1833) (la ZH N dra) Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716) (LIP nits, http://nsm1.nsm.iup.edu/gsstoudt/history/ma350/pronounce.html |
22. Lebesgue, Henri‐L On Definition Of Lebesgue, Henri‐L On Find out what Lebesgue, Henri‐L on means The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics has the definition of Lebesgue, Henri‐L on. Research related http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O82-LebesgueHenriLon.html |
23. Lebesgue, Henri (1875-1941) From Eric Weisstein's World Of French mathematician who took an intermediate position between the logicists and intuitionists which has been called logical empiricism. In his dissertation, he remade the http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Lebesgue.html |
24. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Henri Lebesgue According to our current online database, Henri Lebesgue has 3 students and 1385 descendants. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional information or http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=86693 |
25. Lebesgue Summary Henri Lebesgue (18751941) Lebesgue formulated the theory of measure in 1901 and the following year he gave the definition of the Lebesgue integral that generalises the notion of http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Lebesgue.html |
26. Lebesgue, Henri L On (1875-1941) Henri L on Lebesgue was born on June 28, 1875 in Beauvais, Oise, Picardie, France. He was educated at Ecole Normale Sup rieure. Lebesgue was appointed as a professor at the http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/biographies/Lebesgue.xhtml |
27. Lebesgue Biography Biography of Henri Lebesgue (BB^Y1941) Born 28 June 1875 in Beauvais, Oise, Picardie, France Died 26 July 1941 in Paris, France http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Biographies/Lebesgue.html |
28. Lebesgue, Henri L On French mathematician who developed of a new theory of integration, now named after him. He also made contributions to set theory, the calculus of variations, and http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/L/Lebesgue/1.htm |
29. PlanetMath Henri Lebesgue Henri L on Lebesgue (1875 1941) French mathematician and author best known for Other names Henri L on Lebesgue, Henri Leon Lebesgue http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/HenriLebesgue.html |
30. Henri-Leon Lebesgue (French Mathematician) Britannica Online HenriLeon Lebesgue (French mathematician), June 28, 1875Beauvais, FranceJuly 26, 1941ParisFrench mathematician whose generalization of the Riemann integral revolutionized the http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/334236/Henri-Leon-Lebesgue |
31. Lebesgue Sur Les Int Grales Singuli Res Lebesgue, Henri Sur les int grales singuli res. Annales de la facult des sciences de Toulouse, S r. 3, 1 , p. 25117 Full text djvu pdf Reviews JFM 41.0327.02 2 http://www.numdam.org/item?id=AFST_1909_3_1__25_0 |
32. Lebesgue, Henri (1875 - 1941) - Universit Montpellier II In my opinion, a mathematician, in so far as ( ) D partement Enseignement des Math matiques http://erathostene.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/-Lebesgue-Henri-1875-1941- |
33. Lebesgue, Henri-L On (Fr. Math.) Britannica CD http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/index/index_le_bes.html |
34. Lebesgue Lebesgue Henri L on Leb sgue (English) Search for Lebesgue OR Henri L 233;on Leb 233;sgue in NRICH PLUS maths.org Google http://thesaurus.maths.org/mmkb/entry.html?action=entryByConcept&id=3188& |
35. Le Ons Sur Les S Ries Trigonom Triques Profess Es Au College Author Lebesgue, Henri L on, 18751941 Subject Fourier series Publisher Paris Geuthier-Villars Possible copyright status NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language French Call number ABK-1379 Digitizing http://www.archive.org/details/leonssurless00lebeuoft |
36. SOPHIA ∑ RARE BOOKS LEBESGUE, Henri; Ren BAIRE; 1 Paris GauthierVillars 1904-1910 All first editions Seven works bound in two fine half morocco bindings with gilt spine lettering and raised bands G Hedberg, Stockholm Several of http://www.sophiararebooks.com/store/2000.htm |
37. Le Ons Sur L'int Gration Et La Recherche Des Fonctions Author Lebesgue, Henri L on, 18751941 Publisher Paris, Gauthier-Villars Possible copyright status NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language French Call number 117737058 Digitizing sponsor University http://www.archive.org/details/leconegrarecher00leberich |
38. Henri L On Lebesgue Summary BookRags.com Henri L on Lebesgue. Henri L on Lebesgue summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/henri-lon-lebesgue-scit-06123/ |
39. Henri Lebesgue Biography Summary BookRags.com Get Biography Lebesgue, Henri Leon (1875-1941) An article from Contemporary Authors Online from Amazon.com http://www.bookrags.com/Henri_Lebesgue |
40. Cahiers Du S Minaire D'histoire Des Math Matiques, 12, 1991 Lebesgue, Henri Lettres d'Henri Lebesgue mile Borel p. 1506 Full entry Full text djvu pdf Reviews MR 1110360 Zbl 0718.01025 http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/browse?id=CSHM_1991__12_ |
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