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21. H W Turnbull's LMS Obituary By Ledermann Walter Ledermann, who had been a lecturer at the University of St Andrews when Turnbull was the Regius Professor of Mathematics, wrote an obituary of Turnbull which was published http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Extras/Turnbull_LMS_obituary.html |
22. M. Stroppel Literaturhinweise Zur Vorlesung Gruppentheorie Ledermann, Walter Einf hrung in die Gruppentheorie, Vieweg 1977 Zbl. 359.20002 * Ledermann, Walter; Weir, Alan J. Introduction to Group Theory, Longman 1996 http://servix.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/~stroppel/litGrpTh.shtml |
23. L Index Ledermann, Walter (1901*) Leech, John (582*) Leffler, Magnus Mittag (2302*) Lefschetz, Solomon (2083*) Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1953*) L ger, Emile (186) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/L.html |
24. ECE2000 References TTU Library Books on Complex Numbers Estermann, T. Complex numbers and functions. QA331 .E72 ; Ledermann, Walter, 1911Complex numbers. QA255 .L36 1960 http://iweb.tntech.edu/rhaggard/2000f09/References.htm |
25. Group Definition, Synonyms From Answers.com n. An assemblage of persons or objects gathered or located together; an aggregation a group of dinner guests; a group of buildings near the road. Two or more figures that http://www.answers.com/topic/group |
26. Algebra (book List) - Scratchpad Wiki Labs - Free Wikis From Wikia Ledermann, Walter. Introduction to Group Characters, New York, NY Cambridge University Press, 1977, 1987. Second Edition. Rotman, Joseph J. An Introduction to the Theory of Groups http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Algebra_(book_list) |
27. Rushi Ledermann Obituary From The Guardian The Guardian Oct 06, 2009 In 1946 Rushi married Walter Ledermann. Walter had won a scholarship raised by St Andrews University to support refugees from Nazi persecution. http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2009/oct/06/rushi-ledermann-obituary |
28. Reporte De Cuatro Casos Clinicos De Bacteriemia Por Hafnia Alvei Moreno, Claudia; Troncoso, Mercedes; Coria De La, Paulina; Ledermann, Walter; Del Valle, Gladys; Nunez, Cecilia; Araya, Pamela; Fernandez, Jorge; Fernandez, Alda; http://www.infodoctor.org:8080/uid=20140313 |
29. Studentin Helene Willf Er (1956) - IMDb Directed by Rudolf Jugert. With Ruth Niehaus, Hans S hnker, Elma Karlowa, Erik Schumann. 1 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048670/ |
30. MathDL Algebra Ledermann, Walter and Vajda, Steven, eds. Algebra New York, NY John Wiley, 1980. Handbook of Applicable Mathematics, Volume I. *** Mac Lane, Saunders and Birkhoff, Garrett. http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=3233 |
31. Capsular Types Of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Causing Disease I Capsular Types of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Causing Disease in Children From Mexico City Roine, Irmeli M.D.; Foncea, Luz Maria M.D.; Ledermann, Walter M.D.; Peltola, Heikki M.D http://journals.lww.com/pidj/Citation/1995/10000/Capsular_Types_of_Streptococcus |
32. British Society For The History Of Mathematics Ledermann, Walter, Cayley and matrices, Feb 11 1995; Ledermann, Walter, Alexander Aitken his life and work, Dec 19 1996; Ledermann, Walter, Burnside and representation theory, http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/archive/talks.html |
33. SSRN-Exact Moment Simulation Using Random Orthogonal Matrices By Alexander, Carol, Ledermann, Walter and Ledermann, Dan, Exact Moment Simulation Using Random Orthogonal Matrices (August 31, 2009). ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance DP 2009 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID1468513_code249448.pdf?abstracti |
34. Plaxo Directory Lederman, M - Ledesma, B Artur Lederm ller. ErgoAlm Praxis f r Ergotherapie Entspannung dipl Legasthenietraining und Schmerztherapie. Veitsbronn, bei F rth http://www.plaxo.com/directory/L/29/23/index.html |
35. A Chronicle Of Mathematical People Contents Ledermann, Walter. Lefschetz, Solomon. Legendre, AdrienMarie. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von. Liouville, Joseph. Littlewood, John. Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich http://www.robertnowlan.com/contents.html |
36. Randomized Trial Of Four Vs. Seven Days Of Ceftriaxone Treat Randomized trial of four vs. seven days of ceftriaxone treatment for bacterial meningitis in children with rapid initial recovery ROINE, IRMELI MD, PhD; LEDERMANN, WALTER MD; FONCEA http://journals.lww.com/pidj/Abstract/2000/03000/Randomized_trial_of_four_vs__se |
37. Studentin Helene Willf Er (1956) - IMDb Directed by Rudolf Jugert. With Ruth Niehaus, Hans S hnker, Elma Karlowa, Erik Schumann. Helene Willfuer is an ambitious student of medicine. She comes to the University of http://www.imdb.com/rg/tt-recs/link/title/tt0048670/ |
38. Dr Peter M. Neumann Mathematical Institute - University Of Oxford MR1985189 Ledermann, Walter; Neumann, Peter M. The life of Issai Schur through letters and other documents. Studies in memory of Issai Schur (Chevaleret/Rehovot, 2000), xlvxc, Progr http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/node/7979 |
39. 20090607 [OCLC] Old 100 1 Ledermann, Walter, ‡d 1911New 100 1 Ledermann, Walter, ‡d 1911-2009. n 93111550 Old 100 1 Leman, A. ‡q (Alʹbert), ‡d 1915- http://www.oclc.org/rss/feeds/authorityrecords/20090607.htm |
40. L Index Ledermann, Walter (1901*) Leech, John (582*) Leffler, Magnus Mittag (829*) Lefschetz, Solomon (494*) Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1953*) L ger, Emile (186) |
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