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Lighthill Sir James: more detail | ||||||
1. Sir James Lighthill (British Mathematician) Britannica Online Sir James Lighthill (British mathematician), British mathematician who was considered one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century; his innovative contributions to such http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/340719/Sir-James-Lighthill |
2. Www.mth.uea.ac.uk 1819 1 Abbott M.B. Computational Hydraulics 7/2/79 848 1 Adler B., Fernbach S. Rotenberg M. (Editors) Methods in Computational Physics No 4 1965 http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/mthonly/Section.html |
3. Ligand-field Splitting Energy Lighthill, Sir James ligandfield splitting energy (from the article chemical bonding ) in character. The remaining n electrons are to be accommodated in the e g and t 2g sets of orbitals. http://www.britannica.com.au/britannica_browse/l/l79.html |
4. DGLR E.V. Bisherige Preistr GerTranslate This PageLighthill, Sir James, FRS, Pro List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://www.dglr.de/ehrungen/bisherige_preistraeger/index.html?type=98 |
5. James Lighthill - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Lighthill, Sir James, Mathematical Biofluiddynamics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975, ISBN 089871-014-6; Lighthill, M. J., Waves in Fluids. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Lighthill |
6. Www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de 'Lighthill, Sir James' 'Lindel f, Ernst' 'Lindemann, Ferdinand von' 'Linnik, Yuri' 'Lions, JacquesLouis' 'Lions, Pierre-Louis' 'Liouville, Joseph' 'Lipschitz, Rudolf' http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/studium/infomat/Numerik-Hollig-SS07/Liste |
7. Science Fair Projects - James Lighthill Lighthill, Sir James, Mathematical Biofluiddynamics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975, ISBN 0898710146. Lighthill, M. J., Waves in Fluids. http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/science_fair_projects_encyclopedia/Jame |
8. Historical Social Science As A Science Of Culture Lee Cultural Lighthill, Sir James. 1986. The Recently Recognized Failure of Predictability in Newtonian Dynamics, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 407, 1832, Sept. 8, 35–48. http://cultural-science.org/journal/index.php/culturalscience/article/viewArticl |
9. Haralambos Marmanis Obituary To Sir James Lighthill (1924-1998) COMMENT ON SIR JAMES LIGHTHILL Sir James Lighthill F.R.S., founder President of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, was one of the scientists who were interviewed http://www.cfm.brown.edu/people/marmanis/lighthill2.html |
10. Elm.eeng.dcu.ie AUTHOR = Lighthill, Sir James , TITLE = Artificial Intelligence A General Survey , CROSSREF = SRCAI , CHAPTER = , PAGES = , http://elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~alife/bmcm9401/apw_tr.bib |
11. James Lighthill - Definition Lighthill, Sir James, Mathematical Biofluiddynamics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975, ISBN 0898710146. Lighthill, M. J., Waves in Fluids. http://www.wordiq.com/definition/James_Lighthill |
12. ブリタニカ・ジャパン - Encyclop Dia Britannica A-Z…Translate This Pa ENTRY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Authors Oliver Knill March 2000. Literature Peter Norvig, Paradigns of Artificial Intelligence Programming. Daniel Juravsky and James Martin, Speech and http://www.britannica.co.jp/azbrowse/l/l.html |
13. The Alvey Programme History. Some important events leading up to the Alvey Programme are listed. 1973 Lighthill Sir James Lighthill's damning review of Artificial Intelligence led to a major cutback in AI http://www.chilton-computing.org.uk/inf/alvey/p001.htm |
14. Times Obituary James Lighthill. Sir James Lighthill, mathematician and Provost of University College London, 197989, died while attempting to swim around Sark on July 17 aged 74. http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Obits/Lighthill.html |
15. NA Digest, V. 98, 27 Subject Sir James Lighthill Sir James Lighthill who was a leading applied mathematician and contributed greatly to theoretical and applied aerodynamics as well as http://www.netlib.org/netlib/na-digest-html/98/v98n27.html |
16. M. J. Lighthill LibraryThing Also known as James Lighthill, Sir M. J. Lighthill, Sir James Lighthill, Sir James Lighthill, Sir. M. J. Lighthill, Michael James Lighthill (see complete list) http://www.librarything.com/author/lighthilljames |
17. James Lighthill Ask.com Encyclopedia Lighthill, Sir James, Mathematical Biofluiddynamics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975, ISBN 089871-014-6; Lighthill, M. J., Waves in Fluids. http://www.ask.com/wiki/James_Lighthill?qsrc=3044 |
18. Ligand-field Splitting Energy …Translate This Pageブリタニカ・ジャパã During his time as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Lighthill Sir James Lighthill (The Independent, 22 July 1998).',2) 2 . as Lucasian Professor, he was fully seized both of http://www.britannica.co.jp/azbrowse/l/l79.html |
19. TECHNICAL NOTE 4) Lighthill, Sir James 1978 Waves in Fluids Cambridge University Press. 5) Rainey, R.C.T. 2001 The Pelamis wave energy converter it may be jolly good in practice, but will it work in http://www.rspb.org.uk/Images/Atkins_technical_note_tcm9-216761.pdf |
20. Waves In Fluids (Cambridge Mathematical Library) By Sir James Lighthill, Sir James Author Lighthill, M. J. Author Lighthill, James Publisher Cambridge University Press Location Cambridge, UK Subject General Subject http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780521010450 |
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