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Maccullagh James: more detail | ||||||
1. Biographies Of James MacCullagh Biographies of MacCullagh James and more MacCullagh James biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/2042-MacCullagh_James.html |
2. MacCullagh, James (1809-1847) From Eric Weisstein's World Of Irish physicist who sought to link optics and mechanics using Lagrangian dynamics. He developed the mathematical theory of elasticity and applied this a theory of rotationally http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/MacCullagh.html |
3. M Macmahon Encyclopedia Topics Reference.com MacCullagh, James (Ireland/Britain, 1809 1847) Macdonald, Hector Munro (Scotland, 1865 - 1935) Macdonald, Ian G. (England, 1928 - ) Macfarlane, Alexander (Scotland/USA/Canada, 1851 http://www.reference.com/browse/m macmahon |
4. Collected Works MacCullagh, James, 1809-1847 Free Download Pt. 1. Physical optics. Pt. 2. Geometry.- Pt. 3. Rotation.- Pt. 4. Attraction; Supplement - Egyptian chronology http://www.archive.org/details/collectedworks00maccuoft |
5. Loci Convergence Portrait Gallery MacCullagh, James (1809 1847) Macfarlane, Alexander (1851 – 1913) Mac Lane, Saunders (1907 - 2005) MacLaurin, Colin (1698 - 1746)* Maestlin, Michael (1550 - 1631)* http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/46/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=2437 |
6. James MacCullagh - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia James MacCullagh (1809 – 24 October 1847) was an Irish mathematician. Born in Landahaussy, near Plumbridge, County Tyrone, Ireland, but the family moved to Curly Hill, Strabane when http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_MacCullagh |
7. Authors Start With J - Download And Read Ebooks For Free James MacCullagh James MacDonald James Macdonald Oxley James MacDougall James Macfadyen James Macfarlane James Mack Henry Frederick James MacKaye James Mackenzie http://www.ebooksread.com/abc/j-82.shtml |
8. Collected Works By Maccullagh James Flipkart Books Flipkart.com Collected Works by Maccullagh James. Rs.1511, Save 5%. Buy Collected Works, All India Free Home Delivery. 1113145552, 9781113145550 http://www.flipkart.com/collected-works-maccullagh-james-book-1113145552 |
9. MathDL Portrait Gallery MacCullagh, James (1809 1847) MacLaurin, Colin (1698 - 1746)* Maestlin, Michael (1550 - 1631)* Mandelbrot, Benoit (1924 - ) Markov, Andrei (1856 - 1922) http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/46/?pa=content&sa=viewDocument&nodeId=1371& |
10. James MacCullagh – WikipediaTranslate This PageLeben Werk Literatur WeblinksMa MacCullagh, James (Ireland/Britain, 1809 1847) Macdonald, Hector Munro (Scotland, 1865 - 1935) Macdonald, Ian G. (England, 1928 - ) Macdonald, Ranald Roderick (Britain, 1945 - 2007) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_MacCullagh |
11. Index To Names Luce, R. D. 717 Ludgate, Percy E. 52, 295 Lyapunov, A. A. 737 M MacCullagh, James 284, 285, 289 MacCulloch, Warren S. 335 MacKay, Donald 717 Madow, Dr. 471 Marcel 177 Marchal, M. 179 http://www.historyofscience.com/pdf/G2I-index.pdf |
12. Isis Current Bibliography Bibliographic Resources MacCullagh, James (18091847) MacCulloch, John (1773-1835) Macdonald, Hector Munro (1865-1935) MacDougal, Daniel Trembly (1865-1958) Macfarlane, Robert Gwyn (1907-1987) http://www.ou.edu/cas/hsci/isis/website/thesaurus/IsisCB.Personalnames.K-M.html |
13. Biografia-z.com MacCullagh, James / Irlanda / In 177 . MacCurdy, George Grant / Missouri / In 178 . Macchi, Egisto / Italia / Es 179 . Macchiavelli, Loriano / Italia / It http://www.biografia-z.com/response.asp?st=3&exact=1&cadena=m |
14. MCD-MEC - LoveToKnow 1911 (There is currently no text in this page) Articles in category MCDMEC There are 0 articles in this category. http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Category:MCD-MEC |
15. MacCullagh Biography Biography of James MacCullagh (BB^Y1847) Born 1809 in Landahaussy (near Strabane), Ireland Died 24 Oct 1847 in Dublin, Ireland http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/MacCullagh.html |
16. List Of Scientists By FieldTranslate This PageMacCullagh, James. MacCulloch, Joh James G. O'Hara, ‘ MacCullagh , James (1809–1847) ’, first published 2004; online edn, May 2006, 1732 words http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/m.html |
17. Mcculloughgenealogy The Co. Donegal name MacColla (see Coll) has no connection with MacCullough or MacCullagh. James Macullagh 180947, a brilliant mathematician and physicist, was born in Upper http://www.fred.net/slowup/mcculloughgenealogy.html |
18. Mathematician Profiles 數學家小傳[M] - Windows Live July 01. Mathematician Profiles 數學家小傳M Mathematician Profiles 數學家小傳Names beginning with M Macaulay, Francis (836*) MacCullagh, James (922*) http://clarkhuangmath.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!85F12BEBE1A6A5A0!179.entry |
19. List Of Mathematicians Encyclopedia II - List Of Mathematicians - M MacCullagh, James (Ireland, 1809 – 1847) Macdonald, Ian G. (England, 1928 – ) MacFarlane, Alexander (?, 1851 – 1913) Machin, John (Britain, 1680 – 1752) http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/List_of_mathematicians_-_M/id/1582195 |
20. Aodh Mac Aingil (1571 To 1626) Scholar, Poet Bishop MacCULLAGH, JAMES (1809 1847) Mathematician and Physicist . James MacCullagh, the eldest of twelve children, was born in the townland of Landahussy in the parish of Upper http://www.ulsterhistory.co.uk/maccullagh.rtf |
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