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1. ProofWikiMathematicians/Oenopides Of Chios - ProofWiki Mathematician, geometer and astronomer. Little is known about him except that he came from the island of Chios, and is generally believed to have lived and worked in Athens in http://www.proofwiki.org/wiki/ProofWiki:Mathematicians/Oenopides_of_Chios |
2. Oenopides - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Oenopides of Chios was an ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer, who lived around 450 BCE. He was born shortly after 500 BCE on the island of Chios, but mostly worked in Athens. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oenopides |
3. Proclus Was Born Around 410AD In Byzantium (Constantinople, Now Menelaus of Alexandria, Philolaus, Philon, Theodorus of Asine, Nicomedes, Oenopides of Chios, Perseus, Zeno of Sidon, etc. Chronology for 500BC to 1AD http://www.southernct.edu/~pinciuv/mat530pr2.html |
4. Oenopides Of Chios (Greek Philosopher) Britannica Online Oenopides of Chios (Greek philosopher), Email is the email address you used when you registered. Password is case sensitive. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/425497/Oenopides-of-Chios |
5. Science Timeline Oenopides of Chios, 440 bce Oersted, Hans Christian, 1819, 1825 Ohm, E. A., 1961 Ohm, Georg Simon, 1827 Ohno, Hideo, 2000 Ohno, Susumu, 1970 Okazaki, Reiji, 1967 http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_n-o.htm |
6. Oenopides Of Chios Biography of Oenopides (BB^Yabout 420 BC) Very little is known about the life of Oenopides of Chios except that his place of birth was the island of Chios. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Oenopides.html |
7. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Oenopides of Chios Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olufsen, Christian Friis Rottb ll Oppenheim, Samuel Oppolzer, Theodor Ritter von Orlov, Aleksandr Yakovlevich http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/astor.html |
8. Oenopides Of Chios Definition Of Oenopides Of Chios HighBeam Find out what Oenopides of Chios means Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography has the definition of Oenopides of Chios. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-2830903214.html?key=01-42160D527E1A1C6A1303021C0 |
9. Oenopides - Wikipedia@pedia Ivor BulmerThomas, 'Oenopides of Chios', in Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Charles Coulston Gillispie, ed. (18 volumes; New York 1970-1990) volume 10 pp. 179-182. http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/o/e/n/Oenopides.html |
10. Oenopides Of Chios Oenopides (about 490 BCabout 420 BC) Oenopides was a Greek who made important contributions to astronomy and may have been the first to fix a value for the obliqity of the ecliptic. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Oenopides.html |
11. Outline Of Cosmology And Astronomy To Aristarchus Oenopides of Chios (c. 450? BC) Discovered obliquity of ecliptic. Gave a great year as 59 years. Leucippus of Elea (fl. 450 BC) and Democritus of Abdera (b. c. 460 BC), atomists. http://babbage.clarku.edu/~djoyce/ma105/astrocos.html |
12. Oenopides Of Chios Born about 490 BC in Chios (now Khios), Greece Died about 420 BC http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Printonly/Oenopides.html |
13. Eudemus Of Rhodes Definition From Answers.com From them we know that the book treated the work by, among others, Thales of Miletus, the Pythagoreans, Oenopides of Chios, and Hippocrates of Chios. http://www.answers.com/topic/eudemus-of-rhodes |
14. Oenopides Of Chios Oenopides of Chios was an ancient Greek mathematician (geometer) and astronomer, who lived around 450 BC. He was born shortly after 500 BC on the island of Chios, but mostly worked http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Bios/OenopidesOfChios.html |
15. Lunation Encyclopedia Topics Reference.com Jan 01, 2008; OENOPIDES OF CHIOS(b. Chios ft. fifth century B.C.)astronomy, mathematics.The notice of Pythagoras in Proclus’ summary of the http://www.reference.com/browse/lunation |
16. Brian's Timelines Oenopides Of Chios, Biography Brian's Biographies of Famous Astronomers Oenopides of Chios (Circa 490 BC Circa 420 BC) Another philosopher/astronomer about whom very little is known except that his http://www.brianstimelines.co.uk/Biographies/Astronomy/Oenopides.html |
17. Ancient/Classical History Naming Conventions Of Ancient Greeks oenopides of chios pappus of alexandria parmenio of macedonia philippus of opus philolaus philonides of laodicea proclus of lycia (diadochus) pythagoras http://en.allexperts.com/q/Ancient-Classical-History-2715/naming-conventions-anc |
18. Noesis Οι φοιτητές του προγράμματος μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών στο Τμήμα Βιολογίας του ΑΠΘ, πραγματοποιούν http://www.noesis.edu.gr/ |
19. Hippocrates Of Chios Ask.com Encyclopedia On Chios Hippocrates may have been a pupil of the mathematician and astronomer Oenopides of Chios. In his mathematical work there probably was some Pythagorean influence too http://www.ask.com/wiki/Hippocrates_of_Chios?qsrc=3044 |
20. Oenopides Of Chios (b. Ca. 480 BC) From Eric Weisstein's World Greek natural philosopher who determined the inclination of the ecliptic to be 24 (actually 23.5 ). He also determined the year to have 365 1/5 days (actually 365.2422). http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Oenopides.html |
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