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21. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive Ortega, Juan de; Oughtred, William; Ozanam, Jacques; Papin, Denis; Pascal, Blaise; Pascal, Etienne; Pell, John; Picard, Jean; Pitiscus, Bartholomeo; Moli res, Privat de http://www.gap-system.org/~history/External/Westfall_list.html |
22. (Juan De Jesus Benigno ORTEGA - Juan Miguel ORTEGA ) UP (Candelaria ORONA Maria Amada ORTEGA ) BACK (Juan ORTEGA - Juan de Jesus (twin) ORTEGA ) NEXT (Juan Nepomeceno ORTEGA - Juana Maria ORTEGA ) http://www.hgrc-nm.org/surnames/GNMPD.html/index/ind4148.html |
23. 1565 Ortega, Juan De P Padilla, Juan De Palao, Francisco Pardo, Juan Perez, Ana Perez, Rodrigo Perez, Sebastiana Perez De Escorza, Juan Q none R Ramirez, Alonso wife children http://www.melungeons.com/voyagers/1565toamerica.htm |
24. LATIN AMERICAN MSS.MEXICO Maria Nunez; Alonso Nunez de Haro y Peralto; Manuel Obeso; Francisco Antonio Olea; Mariano Onzuela; Juan Maria de Ortega; Juan de Ortega y http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/latinammex.html |
25. RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project Sander/Cooper Genealogy ORTEGA, Juan de Dios b 1913 ORTEGA, Maria Felicita Lugarda b 21 FEB 1915 in Montoya, New Mexico d 23 NOV 1996 in Riverside,California OSKEY, Living http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=:1436047&recn |
26. ORTEGA, JUAN DE MAIRENA Y LA RET RICA ORTEGA, JUAN DE MAIRENA Y LA RET RICA Carlos Moreno Hern ndez (Facultad de Traducci n (Soria). Universidad de Valladolid) Resumen Se propone este trabajo tratar el http://www.tonosdigital.com/ojs/index.php/tonos/article/viewFile/252/193 |
27. Brendis Lindero's Profile - Windows Live You may be able to view more information about brendis. To find out, please sign in with your Windows Live ID (a Microsoft account like Hotmail, Messenger, or MSN). http://cid-82e7b66cced5ed82.profile.live.com/ |
28. San Diego California 1928 Ortega Juan de Mater Pala 1277 Ortega Jacinta Paipa Pala 1274 ORTEGA LOUISA QUERO WARNER SPRINGS 4580 ORTEGA JULIO J AND SIX CHILDREN WARNER SPRINGS 4583 OSUNA http://www.indiancanyon.org/pics/census1928names/SanDiego.html |
29. Moises Dominguez Sosa's Profile - Windows Live You may be able to view more information about moises. To find out, please sign in with your Windows Live ID (a Microsoft account like Hotmail, Messenger, or MSN). http://cid-fefcefa99a241937.profile.live.com/ |
30. Quepasa Kleber Parrales Public Profile Pictures Videos Comments kleber parrales quepasa Public Profile! Enjoy all the great benefits thatquepasaoffers. Create photogalleries, upload videos, upload music, post comments, create and join http://www.quepasa.com/qp/29801033.html |
31. Ana S Nchez FacebookPrivate ProfileIt's Free And Anyone Can Join. Already A Memb Ortega, Juan de (157) Osgood, William (186*) Osipovsky, Timofei (187) Ostrogradski, Mikhail (528*) Ostrowski, Alexander (1419*) Oughtred, William (654*) http://www.facebook.com/people/Ana-Sanchez/759770362 |
32. The Genealogy Of Mexico Ortega, Juan de Was given the town of Tepotzotlan to administer after the conquest. He left no heirs. Ortiz, Cristoval - There were 2 with this name. http://garyfelix.tripod.com/index3.htm |
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