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1. List Of Mathematicians (P) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pastor, Julio Rey (Spain, 1888 1962) Pata jali (India, ? - ) Paternain, Gabriel (Uruguay, ? - ) Patodi, Vijay Kumar (India, 1945 - 1976) Paulos, John Allen (USA, 1945 - ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematicians_(P) |
2. List Of Scientists By Field Rey Pastor, Julio. Rey, Abel. Rey, Jean. Reye, Theodor. Reyna, Francisco de la. Reyneau, Charles Ren . Reynolds, Osborne. Reynolds, Osborne. Rheita, Anton Maria Schyrlaeus de http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/r.html |
3. Mathematicians P Pastor Julio Rey. Biography. Petr Karel (18681950) PETR, Karel (1868-1950) Czech mathematician, educator, author - Czechoslovakia 1100. Petrovic. Petrovsky Georgievich Ivan http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/Mathematician/P.htm |
4. Kenneth Rey - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com ndice alfab tico R Rexroth, Kenneth Rey Ardid, Ram n Rey de Artieda, Andr s Rey Pastor, Julio Rey, Fernando Rey, Flori n Rey, Jean Reyer, Ernest Reyes Cat licos, Los http://www.123people.com/s/kenneth rey |
5. PQ Index Pastor, Julio Rey (404*) Patodi, Vijay (445*) Pauli, Wolfgang (384*) Peacock, George (594*) Peano, Giuseppe (2385*) Pearson, Egon (1507*) Pearson, Karl (257*) http://info.math.nankai.edu.cn/navigate/math/history/Indexes/PQ.html |
6. Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Indexes/Full_Alph.html |
7. Julio Rey - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia…Translate This PagePara El Matem Tico, Patterns * Pastor, Julio Rey. Pataecidae. Patellina. Paterinata. Patodi, Vijay * Paton, James. Patoptoformis. Patoptoformis ganesha Patoptoformis hanuman. Patriofelis ferox http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio_Rey |
8. Cultura Y Temas De Actualidad Ndice De…Translate This Page Revolucion Urss Rey Le cronologie di Psicopolis. Indice alfabetico dei matematici . Indice alfabetico dei matematici Cronologia dei matematici http://www.eurosur.org/DOCE/indices/cultu/I4PER_PR.html |
9. Actas - Gobierno De La RiojaTranslate This Pageactas I Simposio Sobre Julio Rey 'Pastor, Julio Rey' 'Patodi, Vijay' 'Pauli, Wolfgang' 'Peacock, George' 'Peano, Giuseppe' 'Pearson, Egon' 'Pearson, Karl' 'Peirce, Benjamin' 'Peirce, Benjamin O' http://www.larioja.org/npRioja/default/defaultpage.jsp?idtab=481302 |
10. Clark's Mathematics Space - Windows Live Want to give some good suggestion to Clark? You are always welcome! Please come here. 要給我這個布拉格一些建議嗎? 歡迎之至!請至此. http://clarkhuangmath.spaces.live.com/default.aspx |
11. Full Alphabetical Index List of mathematical biographies indexed alphabetically. Full Alphabetical Index http://freecomputerbooks.com/boat/mathematicians.html |
12. SOBRE ALGUNOS RESULTADOS TOPOLOGICOS DE JULIO REY PASTOR Palabras clave Historia de las Matem ticas, Topolog a, Julio Rey Pastor. Julio Rey Pastor, o Don Julio como sol an Ilamarle caririosamente sus alumnos, nos ha legado un material http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/fichero_articulo?codigo=62036&orden=0 |
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