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21. Kent, MI Marriages, The Dibean Collections, Parker - Reeves peter yonkers pell anna herrema abt 1894 william pell anna laninga 11 sep 1890 arllessa perkins abram cole 02 feb 1862 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/kent/marriages/kentparker-reeves.htm |
22. Members Caitlynn Pell Anna Komar Amelia Haigh Ariel T. Heather Bahr Amy O. Quinton Barrott Edward J. Taylor Egbert Kate Boelkova Sarah Bock Katie Lohman Mackenzie Pell http://www.be.wednet.edu/OurSchools/Hs/clubs/photo/page1.html |
23. Who's Who Listing scholarship fasa star trek pell grant taxable pell street pell lake afsa org pell v procunier www fasa org federal pell grant eligibility pell equation barney pell paula pell anna http://www.whoswho.bz/links/fafsa.html |
24. Prince George's County Association Of REALTORS Ann Pell Anna PersonThomas Gloria Peterson Howard M. Phoebus Robin L. Powell LaVaun Pitts Proctor Susan Pruden Rina Quigley Pete C. Reynard Rita D. Reynolds http://pgcar.com/newsroom/eventhighlights/awardrecipients2002.htm |
25. Old Fort Herkimer Church, Patentees On The North Side Henry Heger, Elisabeth Hellmer (wife of Lendert Hellmer), Hendrick Spoon, Jr., Johan Adam Staring, Lodwick Pares, Johannis Beerman, Philip Helmer, Frederick Pell, Anna http://www.fortklock.com/oldfortherkimer2.htm |
26. RCSL - Meet Results / Records Listing Finals Time Point 1 SHARON JOHNSTON A NT 302.94 7 1) Bell, Sam M10 2) Cooper, Anna W10 3) Pell, Anna http://www.swimrcsl.org/resultsmaster.lasso?FilePath=/results/2010/S10-CHAP-SJST |
27. Techtele Communications Llc, Berlin, CT Spoke Techtele Communications Llc, Berlin, CT Annual Sales, industry, address, phone, website, company overview, executives, and employee information listed in Spoke''s business http://www.spoke.com/info/cVEEgU/TechteleCommunicationsLlc |
28. Real Estate Agents In Maryland (MD) Ann Pell Anna Ganev and Ed Chu Anne Morrison Anngellic Dinkins Arnold J. Gasper Art Lane B Barbara Bellgrau Bekie Valenzuela Bette Joe Buffington http://www.greatrealtyusa.com/realtors/MD/ |
29. RCSL - Meet Results / Records Listing Age Team Seed Time Finals Time Point 1 Shepherd, Lindsey 9 VALLEY HILL COUNTRY CLU 38.75 36.16 5 2 Pell, Anna Grace http://www.swimrcsl.org/resultsmaster.lasso?FilePath=/results/2010/S10-VHCC-SJST |
30. Brazil Times Community News First Presbyterian Church over $10,000 was awarded to 37 students from the following funds Rev. C. Daniel Biggs Alyssa Clarke; Mary E. Lenhart - Carlee Bell; Elizabeth 'Betty' Lynch - Carly Pell; Anna http://www.thebraziltimes.com/story/1658405.html |
31. Burnetsfield Patentees Pell, Anna Mary 16 100 N Same 52. Pellinger, Johannes 20 30 N same 20 70 N 53. Pellinger, Peter 23 30 N same 23 70 N 54. Pellinger, Margaret, wife of Peter Pellinger http://www.fortklock.com/bp.htm |
32. Margherita Zangaro's Profile - Windows Live You may be able to view more information about margherita. To find out, please sign in with your Windows Live ID (a Microsoft account like Hotmail, Messenger, or MSN). http://cid-e24b70e81858c2c4.profile.live.com/ |
33. Fred Pell, Techtele Communications Llc Spoke1 Day AgoFred Pell, Techtele Communi Brandon Mikesell, Hayley Miller, Trent Montague, Jacqueline Moore, Robert Muncie, Jacob Musgrave, Clayton Neff, Zachary Ninesling, Tiffany Owen, Shera Pasko, Chelsea Pell, Anna http://www.spoke.com/info/pZFjUNQ/FredPell |
34. Pelham, Pell Family Members Hon. Thomas Pell Anna P1111111136112-Mary PellP111111114-Sir Bartholemew PellP111111115-Thomas Pell http://bellsouthpwp.net/p/a/patyaskn/pell.html |
35. Biography-center - Letter P Charles S. • Peirce Thomas Wentworth • Pekkanen Toivo • Pel Pieter Klaases • Pel • Pelagius I • Pel • Pele Pele • Pelham John • Pelich Joseph Roman • Pell Anna http://www.biography-center.com/p-2.html |
36. 1890NYMARRIAGES dec 11 1890 duncan clarkson pell anna ogden pendleton ny herald. dec 11 1890 eric dahlgreen http://nyvagenealogy.homestead.com/1890NYMARRIAGES.html |
37. Nic Crowe FacebookPrivate ProfileNic Crowe Is On Facebook. Join Facebook To Conn Abigail Taylor who married Edward Pell; Anna Taylor who married William Roby; Sarah Taylor who married Christopher Jacob; Mercy Taylor ; Mary Taylor who married Samuel Phipps http://www.facebook.com/nic.crowe |
38. Kymmer Maria Persdotter, B 1861 - Br Tj Rna, Sweden Father G rdshags (Stor) Eric Larsson Born 1825, Sweden Marr 1853 Died 1868, Sweden Mother Pell Anna P hrsdotter http://gmanell.tripod.com/tripod/ghtout/gp1294.htm |
39. Marytaylor sons, James, Samuel, and William, and seven daughters Rebecca (wife of John Kelsey), Elizabeth (wife of David Craig and Edward Lutwyche), Abigail (wife of Edward Pell), Anna http://robertsewell.tripod.com/marytaylor.html |
40. West Virginia National Cemetery - Surnames N-R - Taylor County Pell, Anna, b. 07/04/1925, d. 08/19/1997, Res Masontown, WV, Plot 1 0 697, bur. 08/25/1997 Pelley, Robert R Sr, b. 01/29/1945, d. 11/09/1999, US Air Force http://interment.net/data/us/wv/taylor/westvnat/westv_nr.htm |
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