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21. Piero Della Francesca - Definition Of Piero Della Francesca By The Pie ro del la Fran ce sca (py r d l fr nch s k, fr n-) 1420?-1492. Italian painter of the quattrocento whose works, including the fresco cycle Legend of the True Cross http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Piero della Francesca |
22. CGFA Piero Della Francesca Biography and collection of images. http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/cjackson/francesc/ |
23. Piero Della Francesca - Home Page Public Relation Office http://www.pierodellafrancesca.it/piero_gb/index.html |
24. C.C.I.C. Piero Della Francesca Provides Italian and culture courses. Offers various form of accommodation and presents a calendar, prices and contacts. http://www.parlital.it/ |
25. Piero Della Francesca Biography From Answers.com (born c. 1420, Sansepolcro?, Republic of Florence — died Oct. 12, 1492, Sansepolcro) Italian painter. Son of a prosperous tanner and wool merchant, he became known for his http://www.answers.com/topic/piero-della-francesca |
26. Piero Della Francesca Trail In Tuscany From Your Friend In Tuscany An exclusive newsletter about the Piero della Francesca trail in Tuscany From your friend in Tuscany. http://www.florencevillas.com/newsletter/newsletter_1.htm |
27. Piero Della Francesca Biographie, personnes en relation, tableaux au Louvre et aux Offices de Florence. http://www.insecula.com/contact/A000296.html |
28. Piero Della Francesca One Of The Greatest Italian Renaissance Piero della Francesca famous Italian Renaissance Painter Piero della Francesca was http://www.historyofpainters.com/francesca.htm |
29. Cultural Tours - Piero Della Francesca PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA (Sansepolcro, 1416/17 approx. 1492) Piero della Francesca is certainly one of the most important Italian painters of the XV century. http://www.ilpozzeto.it/dellafrancesca/emain.html |
30. Piero Della Francesca Piero della Francesca, his life and art Piero della Francesca, known in his day as Piero di Benedetto de’ Franceschi, was born in about 1412 in Borgo San Sepolcro, as http://www.sansepolcro-info.com/piero_della_francesco.htm |
31. Piero Della Francesca (Italian Painter) Britannica Online Piero della Francesca (Italian painter), c. 1416/17Sansepolcro, Republic of Florence ItalyOct. 12, 1492Sansepolcropainter whose serene, disciplined exploration of perspective http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/459853/Piero-della-Francesca |
32. Web Gallery Of Art Piero Della Francesca Biography and image archive, altarpieces, fresco cycle, paintings of the Madonna, and portraits. http://www.wga.hu/html/p/piero/francesc/ |
33. Piero Della Francesca E Le Corti Italiane - Provincia Di Arezzo Exhibition on Piero della Francesca, Piero della Francesca’s works,Piero's Courts, Urbino and the Montefeltro’s Court, Piero in Sansepolcro, Piero, Loreto and the Marche http://www.mostrapierodellafrancesca.it/default_eng.asp |
34. Hotel Piero Della Francesca Presents three star structure, restaurant and services. History, photographs, map and booking form. http://www.hotelpierodellafrancesca.it/english/home.html |
35. Piero Della Francesca Piero della Francesca. Born c. 1420 Birthplace Sansepolcro, Italy Died 12Oct-1492 Location of death Sansepolcro, Italy Cause of death unspecified. Gender Male http://www.nndb.com/people/888/000084636/ |
36. Hotel Piero Della Francesca Presentazione della struttura a 2 stelle. Offre il listino prezzi, gli itinerari, un modulo prenotazioni e uno per i contatti. http://www.hotelpierodellafrancesca.net/ |
37. Piero Della Francesca Piero della Francesca (14201492) Piero della Francesca was an Italian artist who pioneered the use of perspective in Renaissance art and went on to write several http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Francesca.html |
38. Progetto Piero Della Francesca Presentazione del progetto, interventi ed equipe, database degli studi e del sistema informatico conoscitivo predisposto per gli affreschi Leggenda della Vera Croce ad Arezzo, Madonna del Parto a Monterchi e San Ludovico a San Sepolcro. http://www.pierodellafrancesca.it/ |
39. Piero Della Francesca — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia Piero della Francesca. Piero della Francesca (pye'rō del'l fr nchās'k ) , c.1420–1492, major Italian Renaissance painter, b. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0838989.html |
40. Painting, Mathematics, And The Work Of Piero Della Francesca - The Jun 29, 2007 Painting, mathematics, and the work of Piero della Francesca By Roderick Conway Morris Published Friday, June 29, 2007 http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/29/arts/29iht-Conway.1.6405822.html |
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